Let's Dub Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies (Finishing Case 3!)

Traveling Arrow/Domino Reo for Simon Blackquill

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Simon Blackquill
Deferred: Agreed Amount

Line Count: High. Returns for trials throughout the other 2 Dual Destinies cases as well as a case in Spirit of Justice we might do in the far future.

Simon Blackquill is a prosecutor who was convicted in the aftermath of the UR-1 Incident. Seven years later, he was called to serve as a prosecutor despite serving his murder sentence. Blackquill is known for his use of psychological manipulation in court, as well as his pet hawk Taka, to intimidate others and bend them to his will. His conviction and tactics in court earned him the nickname of the "Twisted Samurai".

Voice: Deep and slower-paced. American Male.

Personality: Comically dark and gloomy. Threatens others in court with violence on a regular basis.

Old voice reference: https://youtu.be/evvZoE6jbrk?si=aoEQ6QJrQ23dhcOP&t=436

  • english
Voice description:
  • american
  • male adult
  • animation/character
  • Give me incidentals: "OBJECTION!" "HOLD IT!" "SILENCE!"

  • "......Hmph. ......Enough jabbering. Get on with it, already."

  • “Never in the history of this planet has their been a finer specimen of the masculine spirit.”

Traveling Arrow/Domino Reo
Let's Dub Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies (Finishing Case 3!)

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