Let's Dub Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies (Finishing Case 3!)

David Schwab for Klavier Gavin

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Klavier Gavin
Deferred: Agreed Amount

Line count: Relatively light. Will return if we end up re-dubbing Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney.

Klavier Gavin is a prosecutor and the younger brother of Apollo Justice's former mentor, Kristoph Gavin. He was also the lead vocalist and guitarist of his own rock band, the Gavinners, before they disbanded so he could continue practicing law full time.

Voice: Mid. Faux German accent. I don’t think he actually speaks German but he thinks the accent is cool so he uses it.

Personality: Big time, music loving German rocker prosecutor.

  • "I know what you're thinking: "You're out of your league, rock-boy." True, my debut single, "13 Years Hard Time For Love", went platinum overnight... ...but that's just a hobby to me compared to this, ja?"

  • "Your tactics are outdated. Trying to shake the witness by objecting to trifles? Surely you haven't forgotten the fatal wound your master suffered seven years ago? Phoenix Wright... was it?"

  • “Ach tung, baby! Let’s rock!”

David Schwab
Let's Dub Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies (Finishing Case 3!)

The voice and your delivery is pretty good! My issues are that the read could be a bit more suave and there were a few mispronounced words in here (which almost works for this character, but makes him come across more as a legitimate European than my faux-Euro headcanon lol)

    David Schwab

    Hello tyranee! I appreciate your feedback, thank you!

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