Let's Dub Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies (Finishing Case 3!)
Ebak for Aristotle Means

Line count: Light for a few episodes but heavier once his testimony comes around. Does not return for future entries.
Aristotle Means was a teacher at Themis Legal Academy known for his belief that "the end justifies the means". As well as teaching the school's attorney course, Means was a formidable defense attorney in his own right.
Means is the main antagonist of this case and has 2 personalities.
Personality 1: The knowledgeable professor. He speaks like he’s doing a lecture - slowly and with enunciation. There's a point made about how boring his lectures are. Lower pitch, American or British male.
Old voice reference: https://youtu.be/XJ3GRUIxkT4?si=WDQ3xPjoo5TapEVG&t=239
Personality 2: A mix of a drill instructor and a professional wrestler (see “Sergeant Slaughter” and “Ultimate Warrior”).Still lower pitch.
Voice reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cF4ZTcuhixc
(Personality 1) " Ah yes. You must be the young lady Mr. Wright was telling me about."
(Personality 1) " I am Aristotle Means - a professor at this hallowed hall of learning. My philosophy is that the ends justify the means.""
(Personality 2) "Staff?! This is the spear of a great legal warrior! You have earned yourself lavatory cleaning duties until you graduate!""
As promised, a reupload based on feedback...and a few extras thrown in.

Much better! I also love how snarky it is.