Let's Dub Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies (Finishing Case 3!)

vene-section for Trucy Wright

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Trucy Wright
Deferred: Agreed Amount

Line Count: Light. She's mostly an extra but she does appear in the other Dual Destinies cases. If we ever redo Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney or do Spirit of Justice she'll be in those too.

Trucy Wright (born Trucy Enigmar) is a professional stage magician at the Wright Anything Agency who has also served as an investigative partner for the lawyers in the agency. She was born into the Gramarye family of magicians, her biological father being Zak Gramarye and her grandfather being Magnifi Gramarye. Phoenix Wright adopted her shortly after her father's disappearance. Her famous magic trick involves giant bloomers. She calls it her "magic panties" trick.

Voice: High pitched, bubbly. American teenager.

Personality: She’s a young magician and showman and her lines contain a lot of energy.

Old voice reference: https://youtu.be/Fx-QKiod-GU?si=yQW9eV691Btsrs3k&t=41

  • english
Voice description:
  • american
  • female teen
  • animation/character
  • "Everyone's got an opinion, and they just talk and talk and nothing gets decided."

  • "Oh hey! An attorney badge? My Daddy has one of those too. Here, give that to me a second. Now if I do this... and this... ta da!"

  • "A lot of people come just to see my panties, you know!"

Let's Dub Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies (Finishing Case 3!)

This is really good! Nice work. My only nitpick is that the audio quality sounds a bit compressed.

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