Project Overview


Hello, hello! This casting call is for a visual novel + cover song project that my friends and I have been planning for around a year now. It's an ensemble story, focusing primarily on twelve young singers and those in their lives. Auditions for the singers are open on our Discord server, which you can join using this link: Singer auditions aren't posted here due to higher need for these non-singer voices. However, you are more than welcome to join the server to audition for a singing character!

All non-VA roles on this casting call have their responsibilities explained on the specific role. We are looking for multiple people for each of these roles.

Character postings for VAs include biographical and personality information for each character. Voice lines for each character are also included. These are required for your audition. Any audition without these lines will not be considered.

All roles will be performed in English.

Payment for any role is contingent on any profits made by this project. All of the project runners are 20-somethings with limited bank accounts. However, being able to compensate our team is a top priority! As soon as any kind of payment can be made, it will be.

Story Synopsis

Thousands of light-years away, there is a space station hosting the metropolitan city of Hypatia. It would be Hypatia where twelve singers from vastly different backgrounds would call home. Despite its sparkling exterior and reputation as the place to be, a dark underbelly runs beneath the city. Great economic divide benefits the rich and disadvantages the poor, all while those in power pretend that nothing is wrong. In the turbulent world of Hypatia, those twelve singers would come together from across the stars, ready to make music and spark change.


  1. This is an 18+ only project

    1. While it's not NSFW, mature themes may come up from time to time. Overall, the age limit is in place for the comfort for all members of the project.

  2. Joining the project's Discord server is required

    1. We are willing to make exceptions if absolutely needed, but the Discord makes it much easier for us to stay organized.

In Conclusion

Thank you all so much for your interest in this project! This has been a HUGE labor of love for almost a year now, and we're just so excited to see it start to come to life. Please let me know if there is any more information you need!

I hope we can work together :)

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When you are logged in, you can comment, add submissions, create projects, upvote, search open roles, and way more. Login here.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Millie Mulligan
Deferred: Profit Share



Head of Security at Galaxii Entertainment and personally in charge of the protection of its idol personnel, Millie “Mimu” Mulligan looks much the part. Tall, muscular, stern, and imposing, she makes it clear that you don’t want to mess with her or her protégés. However, this is mostly a front put on when facing the public. As soon as the doors close behind them and they’re away from the fans and media, Mimu becomes the sweetest, most caring bodyguard in Hypatia. She remains confident and protective, but loses any intimidating aura and is actually quite relaxed. Idols at Galaxii often find her to be reassuring, sympathetic, and a great source of advice, making her like a big sister or second mom. She also quite likes cute things, but is embarrassed to admit it. She sometimes can’t read the room or misjudges her strength when giving you a hug, but whether in public or private, you can count on her to keep you safe.


Mimu has a long history with Yoshi Huang, the CEO of Galaxii Entertainment, having been friends with him since they were young. Protective even when she was little, she was always defending other kids who were getting bullied, including Yoshi. Despite being two years younger than him, Mimu staunchly stood up against his bullies, fearlessly facing kids bigger than her. With a strong sense of justice, she believed in people getting along despite differences, but also wasn’t afraid of throwing a few punches if a bully wouldn’t listen to words. Despite this, she was a sweet and outgoing girl, albeit labeled a bit of a troublemaker for getting into scuffles so often.

Mimu and Yoshi remained friends as they grew up, bonding over their shared Japanese heritage and interest in the entertainment industry. When Yoshi founded Galaxii Entertainment, he could think of no one he trusted more with the safety of his employees than Mimu, who had protected him and others all those years ago. Now, she expertly handles the company’s security department and has taken to watching over its young idol division, particularly concerned for the care of the newest batch of troubled youths Carl seems to have dragged in.

Image credit:

  • english
Voice description:
  • Low-Range
  • Mature
  • Commanding
  • Playful
  • female adult
  • Hey, you must be one of the new idols for Satell!ite. Nice to meet you! I’m Millie, Head of Security here at Galaxii, but you can call me Mimu. Now, I know becoming an idol can be a bit intimidating, especially once the cameras and fans get all in your face, but don’t worry, I’ll be here to make sure you’re 100% safe. You have any issues, just come to me, ok? Now let’s go show the galaxy what you’re made of!

  • ID, please. Alright, you can enter. Hey, stay behind the barrier, please! We have important personnel coming through. Is that everyone? Understood. … Man, the crowds sure were wild today! You guys are killing it, though! How about we order hotpot ingredients for dinner tonight? I’m sure Carl and Yoshi won’t mind!

  • Alright Carl, what kind of traumatized kids with tragic backstories have you dragged into your idol group this time? Because I’m already in Mom Mode.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Yoshi Huang
Deferred: Profit Share



No matter the situation, Yoshi Huang means business. Calm, collected, and no-nonsense, he has a very particular idea as to how his company should be run and rarely accepts criticism from others. Despite his cool exterior and firm decisiveness, Yoshi is willing to see potential in the most unlikely of places and will give second chances if he feels they’re deserved (which might stand to explain why Carl has been able to hold down a job for so long). However, their decisions and consequences are final, and once they’ve come to a conclusion, they rarely change their mind. Yoshi takes the careers of his idols very seriously, and should one of his group managers request something, he will spare no expense if it means ensuring the success of the groups under these managers. On sparse occasions, Yoshi’s cold shell will crack, and expose a layer of tenderness and vulnerability few get to experience. Deep beneath the surface, this cutthroat CEO only wants the best for their idols and employees, wishing they could better connect and understand them on a personal level.


A longtime friend of Millie Mulligan’s, Yoshi was a quiet kid. An only child with few friends and fewer acquaintances, they struggled to form relationships with other children, and their shy, unobtrusive nature made them out to be an easy target for the bigger, meaner kids at school and in the area. Not knowing how to defend themselves, Yoshi put up with the torment, silently enduring it all without a word of protest. It wasn’t until Mimu stepped in to stick up for and defend him that Yoshi found a friend, someone he could trust and depend on. With her help, Yoshi was able to become more self-assured and confident, in both himself and his choices in what he set out to do.

The two bonded closely as they grew up, with Yoshi becoming more sure of himself day by day and year by year, eventually deciding he wanted to do something big. Sharing numerous interests with Mimu (most notably, an interest in the entertainment industry) and after hearing so many rumours and horror stories from poorly managed idol groups from other big companies, Yoshi, making the biggest and most certain decision of their life, took out a loan to start their own company, hiring Millie as head of security. Decades later, Galaxii Entertainment stands as one of Hypatia’s biggest and brightest beacons of talent, and despite an unfortunate string of failures from one particular manager, Yoshi plans on keeping it that way, all with his close friend by his side.

Image credit: @/Nase_Nikyuu 

  • english
Voice description:
  • mid-range
  • Cold
  • male adult
  • Low-Range
  • professional
  • Ah, welcome. Do have a seat. My name is Yoshi Huang, and I am the Chief Executive Officer and Founder of Galaxii Entertainment. I assume Carl’s gone over all the contractual paperwork with you? …He has managed that much, hasn’t he? Good. Now, I’m sure the scouting process was perhaps a little overwhelming, but I have faith that you and your group will do great things for this company. Now, go get some rest, you’ll be meeting everyone else bright and early tomorrow morning. Go speak with Millie, she’ll lead you to your rooms. If you have any questions, do take those up with your manager.

  • Mr. Galilei, how many times must I remind you: deadlines are final. Any requests for extensions must be submitted via email before 5PM on Friday, no exceptions unless it’s an emergency. I did not build this company from the ground up by sitting around idling. I take my work seriously, and I expect you to do the same.

  • Call me stupid all you like, but rest assured, were I any smarter, you’d be out of a job.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Hippolyta Scarlett
Deferred: Profit Share



Flirtatious and whimsical, Hippolyta loves to live her life to the fullest, even at almost fifty years of age and after three divorces. Never seen without a string of pearls and red lipstick, she values glitz, glamour, and glee above all else. A passionate business owner, Hippolyta strives to keep the ambiance of her ritzy jazz bar absolutely perfect to ensure the clientele who frequent the locale are satisfied, sparing no expense on the quality of her product and only hiring a select few who meet her astronomical standards. Behind her fussy business practices lies a sugar-sweet heart of gold and a deep caring for the young people under her employment.


Born Priyanka Kumar to a single yet wealthy mother, Hippolyta never found herself fitting in with the norms, and she liked it that way. From a very young age, she knew she was meant to do something exciting. She just didn’t know what. A horrible student, Hippolyta flunked out of highschool twice, eventually graduating by the skin of her teeth and deciding to forgo college altogether, after coming to realise that academics were clearly not her forte. Her mother, despite not really approving of her daughter’s life choices, supported her nonetheless, leaving Hippolyta with a sizeable inheritance after her passing.

Young, dumb, and free, Hippolyta found herself in whirlwind romance after whirlwind romance, passionate relationships that started beautifully and ended catastrophically. Her first marriage, a rushed wedding after only dating for eight months, ended almost as quickly as it had begun after a dispute over the prenuptial agreement Hippolyta had insisted her (now ex) husband sign. Her second marriage was just as unpredictable, and ended even worse than the first, after her second ex-husband had insisted she settle and become a housewife, wanting her to put her excitable lifestyle to rest. Eventually, after her third and messiest divorce (one she staunchly refuses to speak of under any and all circumstances), she realised she needed to turn over a new leaf.

Legally changing her name from Priyanka Kumar to Hippolyta Scarlett, she swore off dating (at least for awhile) and opened the Summer Court Social Club, a classy and extravagant jazz bar with live music and high quality cocktails meant for those of high society to relax and leave their worries at the door. Known to be overly selective with her employees, Hippolyta deliberately sought bartending skill, musical talent, and dazzling good looks as priorities among her staff. Over time, the bar became a hotspot for the rich and powerful, all the while three of her most unassuming lounge singers were gathering quite a cult following among the clientele. Seeing this as a wonderful opportunity to allow them to shine and live wildly and freely like she did, Hippolyta gathered the rose-haired alcohol expert, the raven-haired socialite, and the snowy-haired older sibling – her three most popular singers and bartenders – and formally instated them as Oberon, the Summer Court Social Club’s official vocalist trio. She’d grown fond of them, eventually coming to view them as her own children. It hurt her to see them go onto the big stage of idolhood, but she, like her mother had with her, made the decision to support her precious baby birds in whatever endeavours they wanted (provided they came back every so often to mix some drinks and sing a song or two at the bar, of course).

Image credit:

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • Mid-Toned
  • sultry
  • energetic
  • amused
  • Helloooooo, my loves!! Welcome to the Summer Court Social Club! So nice to have you here to bask in our little lounge of luxury. I’m the one, the only, Hippolyta Scarlett, owner and operator and stunningly beautiful woman. Feel free to have a seat at the bar, my wonderful cocktail artistes at the counter would be delighted to serve you. And do feel free to stick around for some music!

  • Tsk tsk… did nobody ever tell you it’s rude to ask a woman her age? You’re here to inquire about my three crown jewels, yet you come in here and insult me? How horribly impolite. I don’t see how my age has anything to do with my employees or my ability to run a business! Now, would you like to try that again? From the top?

  • My pastimes? Well, good music. And drinking. And... Umm... Mostly drinking.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Idris Kaneko
Deferred: Profit Share



Despite his intimidating exterior, Idris is a friendly, relaxed person with a passion for punk rock and humanitarian movements. Believing every person has some good inside and that everyone deserves a chance to live comfortably, he donates his money to those in need of aid. When he isn’t indulging in his smoking habit or visiting his mother at her nursing home, Idris enjoys seeking out new, smaller rock groups and helping them establish a name for themselves in the scene. Never one to judge a book by its cover, Idris has friends in all sorts of places, and is always willing to lend a hand or give some honest advice (though perhaps sometimes he’s a little too honest).


Born on Hypatia Station and adopted in his infancy by two loving moms, Idris grew up in wealth and high society. His mothers were old money, and though they raised their son with what they thought was plenty of love, they also raised him by way of throwing money at the situation, investing in nannies and au pairs to keep Idris entertained and taken care of. When he hit the age of twelve, in order to give his constant stream of babysitters a break, Idris was enrolled in a prestigious private school. 

Through school, Idris befriended the crew of punks. He became involved in protests and various humanitarian causes, with him and his friends being seen as outcasts by most of the student body and as nuisances by most of the school faculty. Despite never studying, Idris kept up good grades, which mostly prevented school administration from enacting consequences upon him. His mothers never approved of his behaviour, calling him “reckless”. Idris ignored this as he moved into college, and this caused him to be estranged from his mothers. 

After graduating from college, Idris and his friends found the rock music scene, forming a band and performing in small clubs, gaining a devoted fanbase quite quickly. However, though Idris himself experienced fame, all around him in the flourishing city of Hypatia, he saw poverty and a desperate need for change. Using what money he had on his own, Idris gained attention for helping the impoverished and those in need of support. His moms noticed what their son did, and extended an olive branch. Slowly, the Kaneko family began to build a stronger connection than ever before, and were able to help many people. 

In his 30s, one of Idris’s mothers passed away, and his other mom retired to a nursing facility, leaving the majority of the family’s wealth to Idris. Using the money, he opened a small underground rock club called The Nightingale, where all money Idris earned from hosting gigs and serving refreshments would go to families or people who needed it. He visited his surviving parent regularly, something he still does to this day, and frequently provides large donations to organizations set to help those in need. Over the years, many bands performed at The Nightingale, but Idris became particularly fond of one three-member unit called Phobos. Over time, he formed a connection with the band, supporting them whenever necessary but mostly allowing them to do their own thing.

 When a struggling talent agent came to The Nightingale to inquire about taking Phobos and turning them into idols onstage, Idris didn’t have much to say about it. As long as the members of Phobos were paid well, treated kindly, and allowed to do as they pleased within reason, he saw no problem with letting the apples of his eye go up onto the big stage of pop stardom… he wasn’t entirely sure what to think of the manager though.

Image credit:

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • adult
  • Low
  • Rough
  • masculine
  • Hey, I’m Idris Kaneko. Owner-operator of The Nightingale. We only got three rules here. 1. Respect the talent. 2. Respect the rockers around you. And 3. Please rock responsibly. I don’t wanna hear anything about any cracked skulls because someone got too rowdy at a mosh pit and the whole thing got outta control, alright? Let’s be civil here, we’re not animals.

  • Settle down! I know you’re frustrated, and wanting to take that out on something is valid, but there are safe and healthy ways to vent that frustration, and that’s not it. Now, take a sip of water, sit for a minute and chill, and then we can find a better way for you to get your rage out that isn’t gonna result in a broken hand.

  • Remember kiddos, ACAB — All Chickens Are Beautiful.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Abbott Bergmann
Deferred: Profit Share



Warm and jovial, regulars at Eden Sanctuary describe running into Abbott while in the gardens like meeting a friendly bear straight out of a fairy tale forest. Strong yet gentle, he treats visitors with the same joy and care as he does the plants of the Sanctuary, wanting nothing more than to see others thrive. He can always be counted on to lend an ear or a few words of wisdom to those seeking peace or refuge in the gardens. It’s not unusual to hear a friendly greeting or his booming laugh from across the Sanctuary, but regulars may also occasionally see him gazing quietly across the gardens, as if reminiscing something long past that is now beyond his reach.


Abbott Bergmann has been working in Eden Sanctuary for as long as most people can remember, ever since that day in his youth when he met a young astrobotanist named Wren studying there. Abbott had been enchanted by them as they knelt amidst the ferns, their lithe body swaying with the fronds and their bright eyes gleaming with curiosity behind their round glasses. They ended up talking for hours, the two of them, Abbott listening intently as Wren excitedly shared their dream of making the Sanctuary a place of healing for the mind, body, and soul. That dream became his dream, too, and together they worked among the trees and plants, Abbott cultivating and pruning them while Wren studied them and their medicinal properties.

The two of them were wed under those trees, and for years they lived happily, watching as their efforts bore fruit and Eden Sanctuary grew into a haven for those seeking healing. But all flowers must eventually wither. Wren was killed in an accident, leaving Abbott to continue their shared dream alone. Eden Sanctuary became a little less vibrant after that, a bittersweet reminder of what he had lost, but he continued to work amidst the foliage, determined to not let their dream falter.

The Sanctuary’s artificial seasons came and went, and a new generation entered the gardens. In particular, three gentle voices emerged, floating out from separate areas of the Sanctuary. Touched by the serenity their music brought, Abbott got to know each youth and soon found himself watching over them with the same care he gave to the plants. Subtly nudging them out of their respective corners of the Sanctuary, Abbott was pleased when the three youths found each other and began to sing together. What he didn’t expect, however, was the emotional power their combined voices created, touching his own heart and reminding him of what Wren had wanted the Sanctuary to be. Others were similarly moved, and soon dozens of visitors would gather for the special concerts the trio held. Their impact eventually drew the interest of a talent manager from Galaxii Entertainment, who offered them a position in his latest idol group. Concerned about the change in scene from the gardens to the galactic stage, Abbott nonetheless gave the trio what advice he could, and his congratulations when they accepted the offer. However, he resolved to keep an eye on them, determined to not lose another inspiration in his life to the perils of the city.

Image credit:

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • deep
  • warm
  • Hearty
  • Hey, are you kids trampling my flowers?! Haha, nah I know you’re not, I was just messin’ with ya. Name’s Abbott, I’m the groundskeeper here. Good to see you enjoying the gardens, I’m sure the plants enjoy your company. Just holler if you need anything!

  • This place is meant to be a refuge for those seeking peace and renewal. Wren always said that humans can’t thrive without a bit o’ greenery in their life, human psychology and all that. Sure, the Sanctuary’s also here for research and preservation and the Parks & Recreation Act and whatnot, but the reason we’re here is to make sure these gardens provide the environment people need to heal. And the way I see it, your singing does exactly that. Heck, it sure gave me some much needed hope.

  • Now, if anyone gives you trouble just let me know, and I’ll stick nettles in their trousers! Haha I’m kidding, they banned me from that area of the gardens after the incident…

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Odina Morgan
Deferred: Profit Share



Mature, intelligent, but with a fun-loving edge to her, Odina is someone anybody would be lucky to have on their side. She’s extremely hardworking, having practically built Aurora Light from the group up. She takes her job as the owner very seriously, so some employees have been known to tread lightly around her if they made a mistake. However, those who knew her outside of work knew her to be a loyal and caring woman with so much love in her heart, she doesn’t know what to do with it. Odina loves to relax when off-duty, but she’s all charisma and flirting once the doors of the rink open for business.


Odina Morgan opened Aurora Lights Roller Rink at the young age of 26-years-old. It was somewhat of a rash decision that she made with her wife (well, ex-wife now), but she’s grateful that it ended up working out for her. (Not really for the ex, but she deserved that bit of failure if Odina’s being honest.) Aurora Lights is her baby, and she would do anything to protect it. 

Someone new came into her life, though, and completely redefined what “protect” meant to Odina. Rowan was only 18-years-old when they practically showed up at Aurora Lights’ doorstep, like a puppy that had been caught in the rain. Odina took Rowan in on a whim. Hell, she’d be pretty much a monster to turn away a kid that was abandoned by their parents. She gave the teenager a warm place to sleep, which they could stay at for free in exchange for bartending and performing on Friday nights. Turns out the kid had a knack for singing, so when Rowan approached Odina asking to sing with two other artists, it was pretty much a no-brainer. Soon, Friday performances turned into every night ones.

That was, however, until some manager from a mildly-successful talent company approached the three singers with a signing offer. Frankly, Odina was offended on their behalf at the offer, but the mean one (Genevieve, her name is Genevieve…) convinced the other two to take it. Odina didn’t want to let them go. But she understood how the entertainment industry worked. There wasn’t much upward growth in the roller rink singer market. So, she gave her blessing. This would not be the last that the green-haired manager saw of her, though.

Image credit:

Voice description:
  • Elegant
  • Mature
  • female adult
  • Welcome to Aurora Lights, darling! It’s so lovely to have you here. I’m Odina Morgan, and I opened this little joint around, oh, ten, eleven years ago? Haha, I suppose that means I’m getting old… Oh, please, enough with the compliments! I have to run off now, but I’d love to see you again later tonight, okay?

  • Hey… hey… I’ve got you, kid. Just take a deep breath… I have a room upstairs I can set you up with, if you’d like. It’s small, but it’ll work until you get back on your feet. Oh, please stop crying! You’re safe now. You’re okay…

  • Frankie! What did I say last time?! No bringing your beer onto the rink! You’re going to get yourself killed, and I cannot afford that!

Character Artist
Deferred: Profit Share

Character Artists will be responsible for drawing sprites of each character. In order to maintain consistency in style, steps will be broken up by artist. For example, one artist will always do the sketch, another the lineart, another colors, and another shading and rendering.

Every character already has a visual, and you will be provided with unofficial art to take inspiration for the official designs. Furthermore, a style guide will be provided. Because this is a visual novel, each character will need multiple sprites. The different sprites will represent different emotions for the characters. We will start out with one outfit version for each character, but sprites may need alternative outfits if the need arises.

If we need multiple people per step, then we will make sure the styles match each other as much as possible using the style guide as reference.

  • *Say something you think would fit*

Background Artist
Deferred: Profit Share

Background Artists will be responsible for drawing backgrounds for different locations in the world of GALAXII idols. Due to the nature of the world, backgrounds will be mainly interiors. Most outside shots would look like a major city. Reference images and detailed descriptions of locations will be provided.

  • *Say something you think would fit*

Video Editor
Video Editor
Music Video Editor
Deferred: Profit Share

Music Video Editors will be responsible for editing the supplemental music videos that accompany the visual novel parts of GALAXII idols. The editing style and content will depend on the specific song. Generally speaking, it would involve animations/transitions with character sprites and lyrics to the song. MV Editors will be given specific direction for the MV, both written direction and available music videos to take inspiration from. 

  • *Say something you think would fit*

Video Editor
Video Editor
Visual Novel Video Editor
Deferred: Profit Share

Visual Novel Video Editors will be responsible for editing together the "visual" of visual novel. This involves putting the backgrounds, character sprites, and dialogue boxes with the dialogue text together. Think along the lines of Doki Doki Literature Club or Project Sekai.

  • *Say something you think would fit*

Audio Engineer
Audio Engineer
Music -- Audio Engineer
Deferred: Profit Share

Audio Engineers working on music will be responsible for tuning, timing, mixing, and mastering the song covers that accompany the main visual novel storytelling. If someone has a preference for one/multiple steps of the process over the others, then they will be assigned to that step.

Most covers will involve 3 singers, however some may have 12 singers.

  • *Say something you think would fit*

Audio Engineer
Audio Engineer
Visual Novel -- Audio Engineer
Deferred: Profit Share

Audio Engineers working on the visual novel aspect of this project will be responsible for mixing the lines of dialogue and making sure any background music is at an appropriate volume.

  • *Say something you think would fit*

Deferred: Profit Share

Scriptwriters will be responsible for helping to develop the story and writing/editing scripts for the episodes of the visual novel.

  • *Say something you think would fit*

BGM Composer
Deferred: Profit Share

BGM Composers will be responsible for creating background music to accompany scenes of the visual novel.

  • *Say something you think would fit*


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