YUUKIRA!? for Yoshi Huang

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Yoshi Huang
Deferred: Profit Share



No matter the situation, Yoshi Huang means business. Calm, collected, and no-nonsense, he has a very particular idea as to how his company should be run and rarely accepts criticism from others. Despite his cool exterior and firm decisiveness, Yoshi is willing to see potential in the most unlikely of places and will give second chances if he feels they’re deserved (which might stand to explain why Carl has been able to hold down a job for so long). However, their decisions and consequences are final, and once they’ve come to a conclusion, they rarely change their mind. Yoshi takes the careers of his idols very seriously, and should one of his group managers request something, he will spare no expense if it means ensuring the success of the groups under these managers. On sparse occasions, Yoshi’s cold shell will crack, and expose a layer of tenderness and vulnerability few get to experience. Deep beneath the surface, this cutthroat CEO only wants the best for their idols and employees, wishing they could better connect and understand them on a personal level.


A longtime friend of Millie Mulligan’s, Yoshi was a quiet kid. An only child with few friends and fewer acquaintances, they struggled to form relationships with other children, and their shy, unobtrusive nature made them out to be an easy target for the bigger, meaner kids at school and in the area. Not knowing how to defend themselves, Yoshi put up with the torment, silently enduring it all without a word of protest. It wasn’t until Mimu stepped in to stick up for and defend him that Yoshi found a friend, someone he could trust and depend on. With her help, Yoshi was able to become more self-assured and confident, in both himself and his choices in what he set out to do.

The two bonded closely as they grew up, with Yoshi becoming more sure of himself day by day and year by year, eventually deciding he wanted to do something big. Sharing numerous interests with Mimu (most notably, an interest in the entertainment industry) and after hearing so many rumours and horror stories from poorly managed idol groups from other big companies, Yoshi, making the biggest and most certain decision of their life, took out a loan to start their own company, hiring Millie as head of security. Decades later, Galaxii Entertainment stands as one of Hypatia’s biggest and brightest beacons of talent, and despite an unfortunate string of failures from one particular manager, Yoshi plans on keeping it that way, all with his close friend by his side.

Image credit: @/Nase_Nikyuu 

  • english
Voice description:
  • mid-range
  • Cold
  • male adult
  • Low-Range
  • professional
  • Ah, welcome. Do have a seat. My name is Yoshi Huang, and I am the Chief Executive Officer and Founder of Galaxii Entertainment. I assume Carl’s gone over all the contractual paperwork with you? …He has managed that much, hasn’t he? Good. Now, I’m sure the scouting process was perhaps a little overwhelming, but I have faith that you and your group will do great things for this company. Now, go get some rest, you’ll be meeting everyone else bright and early tomorrow morning. Go speak with Millie, she’ll lead you to your rooms. If you have any questions, do take those up with your manager.

  • Mr. Galilei, how many times must I remind you: deadlines are final. Any requests for extensions must be submitted via email before 5PM on Friday, no exceptions unless it’s an emergency. I did not build this company from the ground up by sitting around idling. I take my work seriously, and I expect you to do the same.

  • Call me stupid all you like, but rest assured, were I any smarter, you’d be out of a job.

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