Michael Suggs for Idris Kaneko

Despite his intimidating exterior, Idris is a friendly, relaxed person with a passion for punk rock and humanitarian movements. Believing every person has some good inside and that everyone deserves a chance to live comfortably, he donates his money to those in need of aid. When he isn’t indulging in his smoking habit or visiting his mother at her nursing home, Idris enjoys seeking out new, smaller rock groups and helping them establish a name for themselves in the scene. Never one to judge a book by its cover, Idris has friends in all sorts of places, and is always willing to lend a hand or give some honest advice (though perhaps sometimes he’s a little too honest).
Born on Hypatia Station and adopted in his infancy by two loving moms, Idris grew up in wealth and high society. His mothers were old money, and though they raised their son with what they thought was plenty of love, they also raised him by way of throwing money at the situation, investing in nannies and au pairs to keep Idris entertained and taken care of. When he hit the age of twelve, in order to give his constant stream of babysitters a break, Idris was enrolled in a prestigious private school.
Through school, Idris befriended the crew of punks. He became involved in protests and various humanitarian causes, with him and his friends being seen as outcasts by most of the student body and as nuisances by most of the school faculty. Despite never studying, Idris kept up good grades, which mostly prevented school administration from enacting consequences upon him. His mothers never approved of his behaviour, calling him “reckless”. Idris ignored this as he moved into college, and this caused him to be estranged from his mothers.
After graduating from college, Idris and his friends found the rock music scene, forming a band and performing in small clubs, gaining a devoted fanbase quite quickly. However, though Idris himself experienced fame, all around him in the flourishing city of Hypatia, he saw poverty and a desperate need for change. Using what money he had on his own, Idris gained attention for helping the impoverished and those in need of support. His moms noticed what their son did, and extended an olive branch. Slowly, the Kaneko family began to build a stronger connection than ever before, and were able to help many people.
In his 30s, one of Idris’s mothers passed away, and his other mom retired to a nursing facility, leaving the majority of the family’s wealth to Idris. Using the money, he opened a small underground rock club called The Nightingale, where all money Idris earned from hosting gigs and serving refreshments would go to families or people who needed it. He visited his surviving parent regularly, something he still does to this day, and frequently provides large donations to organizations set to help those in need. Over the years, many bands performed at The Nightingale, but Idris became particularly fond of one three-member unit called Phobos. Over time, he formed a connection with the band, supporting them whenever necessary but mostly allowing them to do their own thing.
When a struggling talent agent came to The Nightingale to inquire about taking Phobos and turning them into idols onstage, Idris didn’t have much to say about it. As long as the members of Phobos were paid well, treated kindly, and allowed to do as they pleased within reason, he saw no problem with letting the apples of his eye go up onto the big stage of pop stardom… he wasn’t entirely sure what to think of the manager though.
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- english
- male adult
- adult
- Low
- Rough
- masculine
Hey, I’m Idris Kaneko. Owner-operator of The Nightingale. We only got three rules here. 1. Respect the talent. 2. Respect the rockers around you. And 3. Please rock responsibly. I don’t wanna hear anything about any cracked skulls because someone got too rowdy at a mosh pit and the whole thing got outta control, alright? Let’s be civil here, we’re not animals.
Settle down! I know you’re frustrated, and wanting to take that out on something is valid, but there are safe and healthy ways to vent that frustration, and that’s not it. Now, take a sip of water, sit for a minute and chill, and then we can find a better way for you to get your rage out that isn’t gonna result in a broken hand.
Remember kiddos, ACAB — All Chickens Are Beautiful.