TinyPie for Millie Mulligan

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Millie Mulligan
Deferred: Profit Share



Head of Security at Galaxii Entertainment and personally in charge of the protection of its idol personnel, Millie “Mimu” Mulligan looks much the part. Tall, muscular, stern, and imposing, she makes it clear that you don’t want to mess with her or her protégés. However, this is mostly a front put on when facing the public. As soon as the doors close behind them and they’re away from the fans and media, Mimu becomes the sweetest, most caring bodyguard in Hypatia. She remains confident and protective, but loses any intimidating aura and is actually quite relaxed. Idols at Galaxii often find her to be reassuring, sympathetic, and a great source of advice, making her like a big sister or second mom. She also quite likes cute things, but is embarrassed to admit it. She sometimes can’t read the room or misjudges her strength when giving you a hug, but whether in public or private, you can count on her to keep you safe.


Mimu has a long history with Yoshi Huang, the CEO of Galaxii Entertainment, having been friends with him since they were young. Protective even when she was little, she was always defending other kids who were getting bullied, including Yoshi. Despite being two years younger than him, Mimu staunchly stood up against his bullies, fearlessly facing kids bigger than her. With a strong sense of justice, she believed in people getting along despite differences, but also wasn’t afraid of throwing a few punches if a bully wouldn’t listen to words. Despite this, she was a sweet and outgoing girl, albeit labeled a bit of a troublemaker for getting into scuffles so often.

Mimu and Yoshi remained friends as they grew up, bonding over their shared Japanese heritage and interest in the entertainment industry. When Yoshi founded Galaxii Entertainment, he could think of no one he trusted more with the safety of his employees than Mimu, who had protected him and others all those years ago. Now, she expertly handles the company’s security department and has taken to watching over its young idol division, particularly concerned for the care of the newest batch of troubled youths Carl seems to have dragged in.

Image credit:

  • english
Voice description:
  • Low-Range
  • Mature
  • Commanding
  • Playful
  • female adult
  • Hey, you must be one of the new idols for Satell!ite. Nice to meet you! I’m Millie, Head of Security here at Galaxii, but you can call me Mimu. Now, I know becoming an idol can be a bit intimidating, especially once the cameras and fans get all in your face, but don’t worry, I’ll be here to make sure you’re 100% safe. You have any issues, just come to me, ok? Now let’s go show the galaxy what you’re made of!

  • ID, please. Alright, you can enter. Hey, stay behind the barrier, please! We have important personnel coming through. Is that everyone? Understood. … Man, the crowds sure were wild today! You guys are killing it, though! How about we order hotpot ingredients for dinner tonight? I’m sure Carl and Yoshi won’t mind!

  • Alright Carl, what kind of traumatized kids with tragic backstories have you dragged into your idol group this time? Because I’m already in Mom Mode.


discord is pietryhrd

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