Michael Suggs for Abbott Bergmann

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Abbott Bergmann
Deferred: Profit Share



Warm and jovial, regulars at Eden Sanctuary describe running into Abbott while in the gardens like meeting a friendly bear straight out of a fairy tale forest. Strong yet gentle, he treats visitors with the same joy and care as he does the plants of the Sanctuary, wanting nothing more than to see others thrive. He can always be counted on to lend an ear or a few words of wisdom to those seeking peace or refuge in the gardens. It’s not unusual to hear a friendly greeting or his booming laugh from across the Sanctuary, but regulars may also occasionally see him gazing quietly across the gardens, as if reminiscing something long past that is now beyond his reach.


Abbott Bergmann has been working in Eden Sanctuary for as long as most people can remember, ever since that day in his youth when he met a young astrobotanist named Wren studying there. Abbott had been enchanted by them as they knelt amidst the ferns, their lithe body swaying with the fronds and their bright eyes gleaming with curiosity behind their round glasses. They ended up talking for hours, the two of them, Abbott listening intently as Wren excitedly shared their dream of making the Sanctuary a place of healing for the mind, body, and soul. That dream became his dream, too, and together they worked among the trees and plants, Abbott cultivating and pruning them while Wren studied them and their medicinal properties.

The two of them were wed under those trees, and for years they lived happily, watching as their efforts bore fruit and Eden Sanctuary grew into a haven for those seeking healing. But all flowers must eventually wither. Wren was killed in an accident, leaving Abbott to continue their shared dream alone. Eden Sanctuary became a little less vibrant after that, a bittersweet reminder of what he had lost, but he continued to work amidst the foliage, determined to not let their dream falter.

The Sanctuary’s artificial seasons came and went, and a new generation entered the gardens. In particular, three gentle voices emerged, floating out from separate areas of the Sanctuary. Touched by the serenity their music brought, Abbott got to know each youth and soon found himself watching over them with the same care he gave to the plants. Subtly nudging them out of their respective corners of the Sanctuary, Abbott was pleased when the three youths found each other and began to sing together. What he didn’t expect, however, was the emotional power their combined voices created, touching his own heart and reminding him of what Wren had wanted the Sanctuary to be. Others were similarly moved, and soon dozens of visitors would gather for the special concerts the trio held. Their impact eventually drew the interest of a talent manager from Galaxii Entertainment, who offered them a position in his latest idol group. Concerned about the change in scene from the gardens to the galactic stage, Abbott nonetheless gave the trio what advice he could, and his congratulations when they accepted the offer. However, he resolved to keep an eye on them, determined to not lose another inspiration in his life to the perils of the city.

Image credit:

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • deep
  • warm
  • Hearty
  • Hey, are you kids trampling my flowers?! Haha, nah I know you’re not, I was just messin’ with ya. Name’s Abbott, I’m the groundskeeper here. Good to see you enjoying the gardens, I’m sure the plants enjoy your company. Just holler if you need anything!

  • This place is meant to be a refuge for those seeking peace and renewal. Wren always said that humans can’t thrive without a bit o’ greenery in their life, human psychology and all that. Sure, the Sanctuary’s also here for research and preservation and the Parks & Recreation Act and whatnot, but the reason we’re here is to make sure these gardens provide the environment people need to heal. And the way I see it, your singing does exactly that. Heck, it sure gave me some much needed hope.

  • Now, if anyone gives you trouble just let me know, and I’ll stick nettles in their trousers! Haha I’m kidding, they banned me from that area of the gardens after the incident…

Michael Suggs
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