Maeganne Bertone for Hippolyta Scarlett

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Hippolyta Scarlett
Deferred: Profit Share



Flirtatious and whimsical, Hippolyta loves to live her life to the fullest, even at almost fifty years of age and after three divorces. Never seen without a string of pearls and red lipstick, she values glitz, glamour, and glee above all else. A passionate business owner, Hippolyta strives to keep the ambiance of her ritzy jazz bar absolutely perfect to ensure the clientele who frequent the locale are satisfied, sparing no expense on the quality of her product and only hiring a select few who meet her astronomical standards. Behind her fussy business practices lies a sugar-sweet heart of gold and a deep caring for the young people under her employment.


Born Priyanka Kumar to a single yet wealthy mother, Hippolyta never found herself fitting in with the norms, and she liked it that way. From a very young age, she knew she was meant to do something exciting. She just didn’t know what. A horrible student, Hippolyta flunked out of highschool twice, eventually graduating by the skin of her teeth and deciding to forgo college altogether, after coming to realise that academics were clearly not her forte. Her mother, despite not really approving of her daughter’s life choices, supported her nonetheless, leaving Hippolyta with a sizeable inheritance after her passing.

Young, dumb, and free, Hippolyta found herself in whirlwind romance after whirlwind romance, passionate relationships that started beautifully and ended catastrophically. Her first marriage, a rushed wedding after only dating for eight months, ended almost as quickly as it had begun after a dispute over the prenuptial agreement Hippolyta had insisted her (now ex) husband sign. Her second marriage was just as unpredictable, and ended even worse than the first, after her second ex-husband had insisted she settle and become a housewife, wanting her to put her excitable lifestyle to rest. Eventually, after her third and messiest divorce (one she staunchly refuses to speak of under any and all circumstances), she realised she needed to turn over a new leaf.

Legally changing her name from Priyanka Kumar to Hippolyta Scarlett, she swore off dating (at least for awhile) and opened the Summer Court Social Club, a classy and extravagant jazz bar with live music and high quality cocktails meant for those of high society to relax and leave their worries at the door. Known to be overly selective with her employees, Hippolyta deliberately sought bartending skill, musical talent, and dazzling good looks as priorities among her staff. Over time, the bar became a hotspot for the rich and powerful, all the while three of her most unassuming lounge singers were gathering quite a cult following among the clientele. Seeing this as a wonderful opportunity to allow them to shine and live wildly and freely like she did, Hippolyta gathered the rose-haired alcohol expert, the raven-haired socialite, and the snowy-haired older sibling – her three most popular singers and bartenders – and formally instated them as Oberon, the Summer Court Social Club’s official vocalist trio. She’d grown fond of them, eventually coming to view them as her own children. It hurt her to see them go onto the big stage of idolhood, but she, like her mother had with her, made the decision to support her precious baby birds in whatever endeavours they wanted (provided they came back every so often to mix some drinks and sing a song or two at the bar, of course).

Image credit:

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • Mid-Toned
  • sultry
  • energetic
  • amused
  • Helloooooo, my loves!! Welcome to the Summer Court Social Club! So nice to have you here to bask in our little lounge of luxury. I’m the one, the only, Hippolyta Scarlett, owner and operator and stunningly beautiful woman. Feel free to have a seat at the bar, my wonderful cocktail artistes at the counter would be delighted to serve you. And do feel free to stick around for some music!

  • Tsk tsk… did nobody ever tell you it’s rude to ask a woman her age? You’re here to inquire about my three crown jewels, yet you come in here and insult me? How horribly impolite. I don’t see how my age has anything to do with my employees or my ability to run a business! Now, would you like to try that again? From the top?

  • My pastimes? Well, good music. And drinking. And... Umm... Mostly drinking.

Maeganne Bertone
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