253 Mathilde Season 3 Part 1

Project Overview

Preliminary casting is done, I'm leaving this open for the empty parts until I repost for a secondary casting round later.

253 Mathilde is an audio drama about humanity's first interstellar mission. Two seasons are complete, the third and final is about to begin.

Note all recording will be remote and at your leisure, so no timezone issues. No special equipment needed, just a consistent-sounding quiet space. You record and email me the lines, then I give specific feedback for what to change for retake lines. 

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  • Sucess!

    Thanks for all the great auditions! I've cast most of you in roles other than the ones you auditioned for, because some roles had tons of auditions and many others had none. Hopefully you'll all want to do the assigned parts, if not go ahead and decline. I know some of you deserve bigger parts than I can offer this time, but every little part deserves to be done well.

    That wraps up this round of casting. Most of the remaining parts need particular accents and I'll try posting them again once the kickstarter (which launches December 2nd) has attached some value to them.

    If you haven't heard from me about your part yet, I'll be messaging you over the coming week or so since there's so many to get to and I have to re-check your auditions for guidance and check your lines for character and pronunciation advice.

  • How casting will work

    I'll be assigning roles on the 23rd (if time permits since that's thanksgiving here) and probably also the following few days since there are so many to sort through. If you don't get a role you auditioned for, I may message you to ask if you'll take another role. Most of you will be offered some role, even if it may be smaller than the one you auditioned for.

    Those of you with parts in episodes that I've finalized the scripts for will be given the option to start recording not long after, but with no rush at all since production on the first episode of season 3 doesn't formally start until December 2nd and it won't air until January 1st. I'll try to give everyone long lead times throughout the season so we can work around times when you're busy, on vacation, etc. I'll be accepting lines far in advance of when I start proper production on the applicable episodes, just be aware that may mean your retakes will come months after your original takes (depending how much time I have to evaluate for retakes at the time I receive the lines -- I might also still ask for retakes immediately, we'll see).

    Thanks for all the auditions so far.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mayor Hu
Deferred: Profit Share
Role assigned to: Patrick McCook

This is a big part in the first episode. Mayor Hu has been mayor for 20 years, a likable guy who does his job well and with humility. Convey a relatable and caring leader who's comfortable in his own skin. Age ~45.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • american
  • radio drama
  • Ladies and gentlemen and other honored guests, the most incredible era humankind has ever known is about to draw to a close. For a hundred and thirty four years, our little world has been accelerating through our galaxy -- incredibly slowly at first, incredibly fast lately. It's been quite a journey. We've documented many new worlds, we've sent our people to live on a dozen of them. And now, at long last, we're about to turn off our world's engines for the final time.

  • It can wait for tomorrow. Everything can wait for tomorrow. I need some shuteye.

  • [gasping for breath throughout] No! That's an order Eva! Last impact widened the hole, air's escaping faster, prolly hit the armstrong limit any second now. Get yourself further down, you can't trust level 7 to hold in the next impact!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Doctor Yen Singh
Deferred: Profit Share
Role assigned to: heizhima

This is a major role with at least 75 lines throughout the season. Doctor Singh is a competent, composed medic who cares about her patients with solid bedside manner. Professional. She's not nearly as interested in theoretical stuff and research as her predecessor Doctor Stone was, it's more about the people for her. Age 30-40.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • american
  • radio drama
  • I'm hoping the new exercise routine will work, if it doesn't we may have to do injections. There's not much data on this level of gravity, it's a lot less than we had for the first century of our mission when this was a much more massive asteroid.

  • [alarmed] Chief! Farah! Farah, can you hear me!?

  • [disbelief and confusion] No... I'm at the surface, I took a 360 degree look around me. I see the spot she was talking about where there's no debris, which she said was the center of the anomaly. But there's nobody in sight!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deferred: Profit Share
Role assigned to: Remilixeer

Mission controller relaying Earth's decisions. A little bit of a villainous role at times. Gender and accent undetermined, but preferably not American. Age range 30-70. Substantial role in two episodes.

  • english
Voice description:
  • radio drama
  • female adult
  • nonbinary
  • androgynous
  • male adult
  • We're very concerned about what this spy may mean. Commander, I don't think you understand how fragile the situation is back here. Have you been following the international situation?

  • [manipulatively] You're free to go, but you'd find life on the streets of Kulasekarapattinam a bit rough with no identification and not a single rupee in your pocket. We'd like to help by offering you a job.

  • Tell Peters he damn well better get used to it and if he doesn't show up to the conference the coverage is going to take a decidedly unpleasant turn against him. I'm with someone right now, please don't interrupt again.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mateo Juma
Deferred: Profit Share
Role assigned to: It's Rick

Mission candidate. Makes a lot of usually-subtle jokes, likes to lighten the mood when stressed. Substantial role in 4 episodes.

  • english
Voice description:
  • radio drama
  • male adult
  • american
  • [serious] Earth is our responsibility. It birthed the people who set our world in motion, now we're coming full circle to find out what we can do for Earth.

  • [joking] If we were normal, well-adjusted people we'd be throwing a wild party right now.

  • [kidding] Even on the verge of learning the ultimate fate of humanity, you always lead with your stomach.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Sakura Juma
Deferred: Profit Share
Role assigned to: Roo Ryder

Mission candidate. Substantial role in 4 episodes.

  • english
Voice description:
  • american
  • radio drama
  • female adult
  • You know, Mateo... it's kinda absurd that we've circled the galaxy and now we're orbiting the Earth trying to determine if the human race still exists...

  • [excited] Hey, we're picking up a signal!

  • [lightly] Tough luck dear, it's a wild and primitive world where anything may kill us at any time.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Ravi Davis
Deferred: Profit Share
Role assigned to: AizentheDevil

Assistant mechanic Ravi Davis. About 30 lines spread across 3 episodes so far, perhaps a bit more to be written later. Age range 20-40.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • radio drama
  • american
  • Although I've got a theory that it is indirectly responsible -- I think this phenomenon may have been what temporarily drained the shield. I think we collided with this thing, maybe a sort of wormhole, and it got caught in some interaction with our shields that slowed it down and brought it to rest on the surface while doing the fatal damage to the shields.

  • [irked] That's the problem. How long do we have to go on with this farce of reporting to a mayor whose mind is half gone?!

  • [talking fast with urgency] I think it may be a bomb! Anton, call everybody and tell them to get off this level, I'm going to try to disarm it...

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Doomer Priest
Deferred: Profit Share
Role assigned to: Kiersten Greenfield

An end of the world cult leader, but one who's wavering on whether the cult should drink the kool-aid and die or propel him to political power. Age and gender undecided. A certain level of creepiness is desirable.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • male adult
  • american
  • radio drama
  • androgynous
  • nonbinary
  • We have a purpose here, we must fulfill it to achieve absolution! Our world must end!

  • Brothers and sisters, our time is at hand. This world is coming to an end. This isn't just faith, it's now fact. Ore extraction has ended. Acceleration has ended. The engines are off forever. The blessed disaster that took out 6 levels was destiny showing us how quickly the end can come, showing us that it should come now. And now Mayor Peters -- a perfect symbol for our society in his twilight years -- Mayor Peters has given us a great gift by deciding to use most of the remaining ore on a trip to Earth.

  • Open action before we have the majority on side is risky. But there's going to be an election soon, and we'll definitely be involved. And every day that passes, hungry and frustrated people will come over to us.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Dr. Devi Ramachandran
Deferred: Profit Share
cast offsite

She's a physics professor and researcher from the University of Tirunelveli. Indian accent, preferably Tamil. Age range 35-70. Substantial role in one episode.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • tamil
  • indian english
  • radio drama
  • Maybe a model I've built on the shoulders of such giants can help, we'll see. I've published several papers on wormhole theory, so I'm pretty excited to meet the only person ever to discover one and walk through it. Which is perplexing since I thought your body would be spaghettified by the intense forces at work.

  • [thoughtfully] Something that influences the local spacetime quantum field. Actually that can save you the trouble of finding the wormhole too, because it could attract any in the area.

  • Einstein and Rosen proposed wormholes in 1935, but Gravitation was the seminal 20th century book on the subject.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deferred: Profit Share
Role assigned to: SteffK

An interrogator working for some sort of security agency/division attached to the United Nations Space Agency. Modestly-sized but important 30 line role in one episode. A bit villainous. Age and gender flexible. Accent flexible.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • male adult
  • radio drama
  • androgynous
  • nonbinary
  • [sizing up] So you're the famous space-faring spy. Somehow I expected more. But I suppose a good spy never looks like what we'd imagine a spy looks like.

  • [hypnotistesque] Listen to my voice. You can hear only my voice. [slowly] Your mind is at peace, floating in a void. There's nothing in the world except for you and me.

  • [manipulating a drugged subject] You do know me, Farah. I'm a friend. Remember. I'm your best friend. Repeat that to me.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deferred: Profit Share
Role assigned to: JDCantu

A brief but important role, Dusty has been living alone for 15 years after the apocalypse so he's gone a little crazy. Should have a grizzled old prospector vibe.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male senior
  • radio drama
  • male adult
  • american
  • Where you people from? Haven't seen a group in years, awful dangerous.

  • Well yer prolly not infected, think it usually took direct contact or long exposure, but who knows. Persistent little bugger, goes dormant without a host but can come back to life long after you'd think it couldn't.

  • [hysterical laughter]

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Security Chief
Deferred: Profit Share
Role assigned to: Kat Leroy

The asteroid's security chief, a hard nosed cop type. Woman aged 30-40, non-American accent wanted (doesn't matter which accent as long as it's distinctively not American). Significant role in one episode.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • radio drama
  • You just heard we captured your robot. We'll figure out the country of origin, the programming and so on soon enough. You might as well tell us now.

  • We'd better inform Earth control right away, especially now there's advanced tech involved. This plot could be bigger than we imagine.

  • Drop it! Hands in the air!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deferred: Profit Share
Role assigned to: Znarftarf

Small background part. Carson is one of two explorers on an alien planet, sending a report home. Age and gender are flexible.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • male adult
  • american
  • radio drama
  • androgynous
  • nonbinary
  • Anyway, today we decided to use the drone for a more relaxing exploration of the sunny side. The part near the terminator, and for hundreds of kilometers further in, is nothing like the empty desert the whole sunny side appeared to be from orbit. Near here, it's more of a semi-tropical jungle.

  • Personally, my sweet spot has the sun halfway set on the horizon. Lee likes it hotter.

  • Well, the auto-generated report has the species scan details and I'm feeling sleepy, so I think we'll sign off here. I hope you've figured out a way to capture and assemble these transmissions of ours because I don't think we can boost power or narrow the transmission beam any further. Anyway, good night and sweet dreams to you people up there in our future.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deferred: Profit Share
Role assigned to: ShiroSakuraVA

A doctor specializing in decontamination exams, working for the United Nations Space Agency at a spaceport in Tamil Nadu, India. Tamil or Indian accent preferred but not required. A bit jaded and uncaring, going through the motions. Age and gender flexible. 14 lines in one episode.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • male adult
  • indian english
  • tamil
  • radio drama
  • nonbinary
  • androgynous
  • You've made unbelievable claims. A complete battery of tests allows us to prove you wrong in more ways.

  • I suppose someone from the future would have a distinct microbiota with bacteria immune to some of our current antibiotics. Some viral DNA that's a more advanced mutation of a known virus.

  • I'm sorry, but I have important information from the medical tests on your... subject... that should change how you view her.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Dmitri Korolev
Deferred: Profit Share
Role assigned to: SkyBearial

Somebody who used to live on 253 Mathilde and worked in astronomy section, but is now back on Earth. Has some important information to relate. 10 lines in one episode. Age 30-50. Gender flexible.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • american
  • radio drama
  • [excited] We actually saw it landing! Big saucer-shaped craft, hundred meters maybe. We held our position on a ridge in El Dorado Hills where we had a good view, got out our scopes to watch. It set down in the old city cemetery at Broadway and Riverside. And then it opened up and they started pouring out!

  • Looked like settlers to me. There were a few who were armed and took the lead, scouting for them as they spread out downtown, but most appeared to be family units.

  • Okay then, I'm for giving them a fight, but how do the eight of us take down a whole invasion fleet?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deferred: Profit Share
cast offsite

Son of Salish and Tam Peters. Age 40. 17 lines across 2 episodes.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • american
  • radio drama
  • The other half of our group is doing a much wider recon on AeroGlides... Jenkins, Singh, Korolev and Zhang.

  • [moderately excited] And it might only take them 30 years with the time dilation!

  • [emotional] Dads, if you ever hear this somehow -- I mean, if either of you are alive by the time two fifty-three Mathilde can hear me. I love you both, dads.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deferred: Profit Share
cast offsite

One of two explorers on an alien planet sending a report home. Small background part. Age 30-50. Gender flexible.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • female adult
  • androgynous
  • american
  • radio drama
  • nonbinary
  • Because ONE of us doesn't seem to be able to hike in heat, Carson... *I* was fine.

  • Around the terminator, it's always so windy. No doubt you've noticed. Glad we don't have allergies.

  • It's remarkable how the plant life adapts, so we're expecting to see some unique variations of life in such areas, maybe something more Earth-like in terms of being adapted to a concept of seasons that have differing light levels.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deferred: Profit Share
Role assigned to: Curt Caster

A news anchor. Small role in one episode. Age and gender and accent flexible. Non-American accent of some sort preferred.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • androgynous
  • nonbinary
  • male adult
  • radio drama
  • It's Thursday March 3rd 2107. The American blockade of California was broken today when the Chinese navy escorted cargo ships to port. The world remains on knife's edge as the United States formally severed diplomatic ties with China over the crisis. We go now to our correspondent in Sacramento.

  • Wednesday March 16th 2107, and here's the headlines. With war averted in California, the world's attention turns to the recall of Commander Peters from 253 Mathilde. He's expected to land later today, and rumor has it he's being replaced.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deferred: Profit Share
Role assigned to: Tadhg O'Callaghan

A news reporter on the scene. Age and gender flexible. Accent also flexible, with preference to some sort of non-American accent.

  • english
Voice description:
  • radio drama
  • androgynous
  • female adult
  • male adult
  • nonbinary
  • Thank you, Sam. Everyone here is on edge, some have left the capital city fearing it'll be the first target for a nuclear strike when war breaks out. Those who remain are split on their expectations.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Anton Tojo
Deferred: Profit Share
Role assigned to: Thorn Voices

Son grieving for missing mother, mission candidate, and repair crew worker.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • radio drama
  • american
  • I don't want to give up. And until the day I die, I'm going to believe she lived a long and happy life somewhere in our past. But we have to draw a line under it, move it to the background, find ways to get on with our lives without her somehow. It's the most challenging thing, to carry on, but it has to be done.

  • [anxious] Everybody, we've got a possible bomb situation. We need the whole work detail to evacuate the level immediately.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Akio Tojo
Deferred: Profit Share
Role assigned to: Omnidapt

Lieutenant Akio Tojo is an officer on 253 Mathilde. Japanese accent desired. 9 lines in one episode.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • japanese
  • radio drama
  • Commander, Lieutenant Tojo here. We were investigating outside the airlock when *this* suddenly appeared.

  • What did you expect, a magic portal? Maybe you really are crazy.

  • Now two of us have our weapons trained on you. You can only shoot one of us before the other kills you.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deserter One
Deferred: Profit Share
cast offsite

A small part for a proud Californian. Age and gender flexible. California accent required.

  • english
Voice description:
  • androgynous
  • nonbinary
  • female adult
  • male adult
  • californian
  • radio drama
  • It's the autocratic structure I don't like, this mission should've been a democracy.

  • The United States is structurally undemocratic and unjust! We tried to help them fix it, but the overrepresented states wouldn't budge and left us no choice!

  • [exasperated but not wanting to admit defeat] Well, who said conflict is always bad?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Doomer One
Deferred: Profit Share
cast offsite

A fervent believer in the righteousness of the coming end of days. About 10 lines so far, may expand a bit. Age and gender flexible.

  • english
Voice description:
  • androgynous
  • nonbinary
  • female adult
  • male adult
  • american
  • radio drama
  • [shouting happily from crowd] Blessed be the day that brings the beginning of our end!

  • Accelerating god's plans can't be cheating, sister.

  • Master, you've always taught that to absolve ourselves from the sin of desecrating God's cosmos we have to experience the final moments ourselves.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deferred: Profit Share
Role assigned to: Steve E

Mission candidate and mayoral debate moderator. Small part, 5 lines.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • american
  • radio drama
  • They say space is the final frontier, but I disagree. Coming back home again from space is the final frontier. It's our last mission, our last glory.

  • [muttering in distance] What was the point of that?

  • Our next candidate statement will be from Astronomy Chief Lawrence.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Nurse Okonkwo
Deferred: Profit Share
Role assigned to: ikirutsu

A nurse who works with Doctor Singh, and a wife concerned for her husband. 8 lines.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • american
  • radio drama
  • Excuse me Doctor Singh, wanted to let you know I've discharged Mutumbo.

  • Mayor, my husband is still on level six! He was looking for our cat, the evacuation alarm scared her!

  • He could still be alive! You can't just abandon him!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deserter Two
Deferred: Profit Share
Role assigned to: Jae-in Hwan

Requires a non-American accent of some sort. Age and gender flexible. Small part, 5 lines.

  • english
Voice description:
  • androgynous
  • female adult
  • male adult
  • nonbinary
  • radio drama
  • We had to beg for these seats, we're tired of wasting our lives inching through the asteroid belt and want to go back to our families before it's too late.

  • [rolling eyes] Spoken like a typical American.

  • So you guys start a civil war at home and expect to be able to bring democracy peacefully to the stars.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Doomer Three
Deferred: Profit Share
Role assigned to: Tarbox

A fervent believer in the righteousness of the coming end of days. Age and gender flexible.

  • english
Voice description:
  • american
  • male adult
  • female adult
  • radio drama
  • androgynous
  • nonbinary
  • The book of revelations, the kali yuga, the hadiths, most of the holy works of Earth told their followers that the end was neigh. So why didn't the end come for them? Because they took it as mere prophesy and failed to understand the call to action. We all agree god wants this world to die, so we should be the ones to kill it.

  • So let's atone! Let's end this world now!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deferred: Profit Share
Role assigned to: Ella

A former space traveler now returned to Earth. Small part, ~6 lines. Age 30-60. Gender flexible.

  • english
Voice description:
  • nonbinary
  • male adult
  • american
  • radio drama
  • female adult
  • androgynous
  • We saw them split up and go into houses, but only the houses with the more modern sealants that are probably still in good shape without any wildlife intrusion after 15 years. Looks like they're moving in.

  • Are we absolutely certain they're hostile?

  • Wait, how do you know humanity didn't destroy itself, or something natural?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Pat Singh
Deferred: Profit Share
Role assigned to: Mercy

Former 253 Mathilde resident now living on Earth. Age and gender flexible. One line part that or may  not expand slightly in future editing.

  • english
Voice description:
  • androgynous
  • nonbinary
  • male adult
  • female adult
  • american
  • radio drama
  • You haven't heard from me before either, but I'm not quite so content to leave it that way. I'm Pat Singh, I worked in botany section on 253 Mathilde before being captured in 2220 and brought here. My job now is to keep our group fed by reviving agriculture on planet Earth, so that should keep me busy.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deferred: Profit Share
Role assigned to: Cloudi_wave

Pro birth permit protester. 5 line part, all during a protest, so all lines should be a bit shouty.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • american
  • radio drama
  • Well, mayor? Are you going to give us our future back or are you joining the doomers?

  • Doomer creeps!

  • Earth is dead and gone. Our future is what matters, don't deprive us of one!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deferred: Profit Share
Role assigned to: KC

An assistant in astronomy section. 3 line part so far but may expand a little. Age and gender flexible.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • male adult
  • androgynous
  • nonbinary
  • american
  • radio drama
  • We finished the study of potential systems to explore, and this one here is everybody's favorite.

  • We haven't quite, but it'll take the ship a couple years to decelerate from this speed, so if we launch in a month or two it'll line up perfect.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Doomer Four
Deferred: Profit Share
Role assigned to: Calista Wong

A fervent believer in the righteousness of the coming end of days... but not so sure that killing everybody to speed it up is the right thing to do. Small 4 line part at the moment, might expand.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • american
  • radio drama
  • I don't think we should accelerate the end at all. It's cheating our way to the promised land.

  • [horrified] Mass murder?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deferred: Profit Share
Role assigned to: Questioner

One line part.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • american
  • radio drama
  • Hi future, it's Jenkins. I'm the guy who was standing or sitting in the background during a couple of the recordings but never got to say anything, so you have no idea who I am and don't care what I have to say. Singh?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mayor Emiko Silva
Deferred: Profit Share
cast offsite

This will be a significant role in one episode. Age: in her 80s.

  • english
Voice description:
  • radio drama
  • american
  • female senior
  • Nice voice clone, Roberts. But it's not funny... she was a real person, my grandmother was her friend, her disappearance was a tragedy.

  • This is Emiko Silva. I'm the final mayor of this little asteroid world we call 253 Mathilde. Final because there are only 3 of us left and we're old. I'm recording this because I want to leave a record for eternity, a record of who we were and what we did here.

  • 230 years ago from our point of view, our ancestors set out from a planet called Earth in the hope that their descendants would one day reach a star 4 light years away. As you can see, we've exceeded their expectations considerably.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Crew One
Deferred: Profit Share
Role assigned to: CoreyVA

Just a random crew member about to launch. Age and gender flexible. Non-American accent desired (doesn't matter what as long as it's not American).

  • english
Voice description:
  • androgynous
  • nonbinary
  • female adult
  • male adult
  • radio drama
  • Hey, what are you two doing here?!

  • Wait, aren't you Commander Peters and that time traveler?!

  • ... I suppose not. But I don't want to participate in a hijacking either.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Commander Patel
Deferred: Profit Share
cast offsite

Newly-appointed commander of 253 Mathilde, ready to launch. Indian accent desired. Gender flexible.

  • english
Voice description:
  • radio drama
  • male adult
  • female adult
  • indian english
  • [Nervously] Aren't you that time traveler?

  • Everything's nominal. First stage fuel load complete.

  • Vehicle is in startup.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deferred: Profit Share
cast offsite

A guard at a space agency facility in Tamil Nadu, India. Indian accent, preferably one prevalent in Tamil Nadu. Gender flexible. 4 line part.

  • english
Voice description:
  • androgynous
  • nonbinary
  • female adult
  • male adult
  • tamil
  • indian english
  • radio drama
  • Someone wants to talk to you.

  • Call us when you're done with her.

  • Ms. Tojo, I've been asked to escort you to the controller's office.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Crew Two
Deferred: Profit Share
cast offsite

3 line part. Random crew about to depart. Gender/age flexible. Non-American accent desired, doesn't matter what as long as it's not American.

  • english
Voice description:
  • androgynous
  • nonbinary
  • female adult
  • radio drama
  • male adult
  • You can't be coming up here during the fuel load, it's dangerous!

  • But... a hijacking?!

  • Can do. I'll be here taking a nap for plausible deniability.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deferred: Profit Share
Role assigned to: Than3y

One line part. Any age/gender.

  • english
Voice description:
  • nonbinary
  • male adult
  • american
  • androgynous
  • female adult
  • radio drama
  • Do you want me and Pierre to go back to the electrical fault we were working on yesterday?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deferred: Profit Share
Role assigned to: Taylor Laine

Mission candidate. Three line part.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • american
  • radio drama
  • Her niece, mayor.

  • It's our ancestral home, our civilization, our heritage.

  • [muttering in distance] Shorest interview I've ever had.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Roommate One
Deferred: Profit Share
Role assigned to: Occee

~30 year old male refugee relocated from level 3 with his family, now temporary roommate of Salish and Tam Peters.  One line part.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • american
  • radio drama
  • [calling out from a distance] Salish, the wife and I want to borrow your holo projector. It calms the baby.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Protester Two
Deferred: Profit Share
cast offsite

A pro-birth-permit protester at a rally. 3 line part.

  • english
Voice description:
  • nonbinary
  • male adult
  • female adult
  • androgynous
  • american
  • radio drama
  • [shouting] Birth permits are our human rights!

  • [confused] What?

  • It's backwards, utterly backwards!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deferred: Profit Share
Role assigned to: waltermack

Two line part for somebody working in hydroponics.

  • english
Voice description:
  • androgynous
  • male adult
  • female adult
  • nonbinary
  • american
  • radio drama
  • He's in his office, over there.

  • I aim to please.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Darius Ahmadi
Deferred: Profit Share
cast offsite

Communications chief. 5 line part. Persian/Iranian accent desired.

  • english
Voice description:
  • persian
  • male adult
  • radio drama
  • You know you don't have to come in here for it, we could route it through your multicom.

  • [cautioning] Are you sure you want me to send that, Commander?

  • [alarmed and concerned] How *could* you?!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Protester Three
Deferred: Profit Share
cast offsite

Pro-birth-permit protester at a rally. One line part.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • female adult
  • androgynous
  • nonbinary
  • american
  • radio drama
  • [shouting] Don't cancel our future!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Roommate Two
Deferred: Profit Share
cast offsite

~30 year old female refugee relocated from level 3 with her family, now temporary roommate of Salish and Tam Peters. One line part.

  • english
Voice description:
  • radio drama
  • female adult
  • american
  • [calling from a distance] Sorry! We'll fix that!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Commander Peters
Deferred: Profit Share
cast offsite

This is a big role in two episodes. Commander Peters is a bigger than life personality, the face of the mission, the commander of the asteroid. He has a sense of humor and a temper. Age 33. Preference for one the following accents: English, Scottish, Welsh, Irish. Other accents will still be considered though.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • english (british)
  • welsh
  • scottish
  • irish
  • radio drama
  • [sarcastic] Of course... I'm 33, maybe I had a son at 11 years old and he had a son at 11 and he had a son at 11 who some city elected as their mayor while he was a baby. [serious] Now let's get serious. Who are you working for and what were you doing out there? Sabotage?

  • [incredulous disbelief] Excuse me?! I can't be away that long! Listen, we've been underway for over a year, it's time you stopped treating us like we're some sort of space station in Earth's orbit!

  • So far we've broken into a United Nations Space Agency facility, assaulted two guards, we're currently trespassing our way up the launch tower... you ready to add a hijacking to the charges?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Alien Two
Deferred: Profit Share
Role assigned to: rrrockio

An alien who has learned English. Could try to come up with an alien voice, or just do it straight.

  • Greetings, human. Several of us have learned your language, to facilitate communication with any remnant natives.

  • We feel no ill will toward you. It was necessary to remove your population before we could safely settle here, but we don't wish to hurt your remnant survivors unless you cause trouble.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Alien One
Deferred: Profit Share
cast offsite

A one line role for an alien. You don't need to pronounce this correctly, just make it sound like an alien language.

  • Napaykuy, Pachamamayuq. Imaynatan yanapaykuman?


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