253 Mathilde Season 3 Part 1
omnidapt for Dmitri Korolev
Somebody who used to live on 253 Mathilde and worked in astronomy section, but is now back on Earth. Has some important information to relate. 10 lines in one episode. Age 30-50. Gender flexible.
- english
- male adult
- american
- radio drama
[excited] We actually saw it landing! Big saucer-shaped craft, hundred meters maybe. We held our position on a ridge in El Dorado Hills where we had a good view, got out our scopes to watch. It set down in the old city cemetery at Broadway and Riverside. And then it opened up and they started pouring out!
Looked like settlers to me. There were a few who were armed and took the lead, scouting for them as they spread out downtown, but most appeared to be family units.
Okay then, I'm for giving them a fight, but how do the eight of us take down a whole invasion fleet?