253 Mathilde Season 3 Part 1
ShiroSakuraVA for Carson
Small background part. Carson is one of two explorers on an alien planet, sending a report home. Age and gender are flexible.
- english
- female adult
- male adult
- american
- radio drama
- androgynous
- nonbinary
Anyway, today we decided to use the drone for a more relaxing exploration of the sunny side. The part near the terminator, and for hundreds of kilometers further in, is nothing like the empty desert the whole sunny side appeared to be from orbit. Near here, it's more of a semi-tropical jungle.
Personally, my sweet spot has the sun halfway set on the horizon. Lee likes it hotter.
Well, the auto-generated report has the species scan details and I'm feeling sleepy, so I think we'll sign off here. I hope you've figured out a way to capture and assemble these transmissions of ours because I don't think we can boost power or narrow the transmission beam any further. Anyway, good night and sweet dreams to you people up there in our future.