253 Mathilde Season 3 Part 1
JDCantu for Mayor Hu
This is a big part in the first episode. Mayor Hu has been mayor for 20 years, a likable guy who does his job well and with humility. Convey a relatable and caring leader who's comfortable in his own skin. Age ~45.
- english
- male adult
- american
- radio drama
Ladies and gentlemen and other honored guests, the most incredible era humankind has ever known is about to draw to a close. For a hundred and thirty four years, our little world has been accelerating through our galaxy -- incredibly slowly at first, incredibly fast lately. It's been quite a journey. We've documented many new worlds, we've sent our people to live on a dozen of them. And now, at long last, we're about to turn off our world's engines for the final time.
It can wait for tomorrow. Everything can wait for tomorrow. I need some shuteye.
[gasping for breath throughout] No! That's an order Eva! Last impact widened the hole, air's escaping faster, prolly hit the armstrong limit any second now. Get yourself further down, you can't trust level 7 to hold in the next impact!