253 Mathilde Season 3 Part 1
omnidapt for Newsreader
Voice Actor
Deferred: Profit Share
Role assigned to:
Curt Caster
A news anchor. Small role in one episode. Age and gender and accent flexible. Non-American accent of some sort preferred.
- english
Voice description:
- female adult
- androgynous
- nonbinary
- male adult
- radio drama
It's Thursday March 3rd 2107. The American blockade of California was broken today when the Chinese navy escorted cargo ships to port. The world remains on knife's edge as the United States formally severed diplomatic ties with China over the crisis. We go now to our correspondent in Sacramento.
Wednesday March 16th 2107, and here's the headlines. With war averted in California, the world's attention turns to the recall of Commander Peters from 253 Mathilde. He's expected to land later today, and rumor has it he's being replaced.

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