CHECK THE REUPLOAD! Wordgirl: Rewired

CHECK THE REUPLOAD! Wordgirl: Rewired

Project Overview

“Wordgirl: Rewired“ is a spinoff of the cartoon “Wordgirl!” aimed at a slightly older audience (while still staying true to the original material :) i.e. still cheesily defining words). It will be done in a storyboard / animatic style by me, and is intended to be a longer-running project with multiple episodes. By the time this casting call is made public, the animatic for at least one episode will be done.

If all goes well, this project will be more than just a one-off- *but* if something comes up or you want to move on from the project during its duration, that’s a-okay! 
You will be credited for your voice talents both in the video itself and the video’s description! 


-you don’t have to have professional setup! I record stuff from under a blanket, as long as there’s no background noise and you’re able to be heard clearly, I don’t care what you’re using!

-please send your audio IN ORDER- it can be in one recording or multiple, but it’s extremely helpful if your lines are in the same order as on the script! Multiple takes are nice, but not necessary!

-I’m very lenient, and if you need to leave the project for any reason that’s okay! As well as this, there’s a very low chance I’ll need you to redo any lines, especially if there are 2-3 takes given!

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Wordgirl / Becky Botsford
Role assigned to: Raven

As our titular character, the actor for Wordgirl must be able to play a large range of emotions, and be okay with a lil bit of Tobecky shipping 👀 

You’ll also be in every episode, but as said in the project description, you’re able to drop the role if you need to or want to.

I’m more focused on mannerisms than matching the show’s voice- she is older, after all.

  • english
Voice description:
  • animation
  • female teen
  • female child
  • child
  • american
  • Word up!

  • Stop right there, Two-Brains!

  • Oh, for the love of Lexicon, why does this keep happening?!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Gabe!

I would recommend looking into how the narrator delivers his lines for the intro and outro, but this clip is a good general example! The narrator, while being in every episode, usually only has a few lines. He usually introduces and closes the episode, but aside from that he often only announces transitions and banters a bit with the characters! 

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • american
  • narration
  • animation
  • It’s a beautiful day in Fair City…for now.

  • Meanwhile, in the evil lair of Doctor Two-Brains….

  • Stay tuned for another exciting episode ooooof: WORDGIRL!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Theodore “Tobey” McCallister III
cast offsite

This is an episode that I think captures a good wide range of Tobey’s emotions, if you need a refresher of his voice / mannerisms!

A boy genius with a very obvious crush on Wordgirl and an obsession with robots. He’s a very major character, with his role switching between antagonist and protagonist! Whoever voices him needs to be able to have a high range of emotion, and can hopefully perform both an American and British accent- either can be fake, as long as it’s vaguely convincing :) And yes, I’m a Tobecky shipper

Also please pronounce “robot” as “robut”

  • english
Voice description:
  • american
  • child
  • male child
  • male teen
  • aristocratic british
  • Wordgirl :D I mean- Wordgirl >:(

  • *scoff*- Why is this my fault?! This was YOUR idea!

  • Robots, ATTACK!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Dr. Two-Brains
Role assigned to: Concerned Bear

Here are his voice examples!

A major secondary character, Dr. Two Brains is in charge of Tobey while Mrs. McCallister is out working. Due to his voice being much more unique I’ll be EXTRA lenient for his role- although I still, ofc, want it to sound somewhat like Dr. Two-Brains! His actor as well will need to have good range, as…come on, we all love ourselves some Doctor Two-Brains angst. Or fluff.

  • Alright, I’m leaving you in the car next time.

  • Well, well, well, WORDGIRL.

  • *give me a good maniacal laugh :3*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Todd “Scoops” Ming
Role assigned to: Miguel Marrero (big_g_ )

Unfortunately the best thing I could find, Scoops is Violet’s boyfriend and kind of just a chill dude. A cinnamon roll and comedic relief.

A lil stupid but we love him for it <3 I’ll be pretty lenient with him

  • english
Voice description:
  • male teen
  • child
  • male child
  • Hey Becky!

  • Ace reporter Scoops, on the case!

  • Calm down, you two! It isn’t that big of a deal!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Violet Heaslip
Role assigned to: Froggy_VO

all my homies HATE Violet

Becky’s (current) “best friend”, with Violet I’m definitely most focused on her mannerisms! Her weird way of speaking is iconic

Warning, in this show Violet is not painted in…the best light. I’d argue the show already doesn’t (I have so many issues with Violet as a friend) but she’s kind of a toxic friend in this, so you’re forewarned!

  • english
Voice description:
  • female child
  • female teen
  • Hi Becky!

  • When you’re here, you’re Becky, okay? Not Wordgirl.

  • Good job!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Beatrix Bixby / Lady Redundant Woman

I couldn’t find a good example for her aside from this! 

She’s grumpy, sarcastic, and very bitter copy shop worker. In this show she gets a little more of a spotlight, because my sister and I decided to run with the idea of Her, Dave, and the Royal Dandy being an extremely dysfunctional found family. 

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • female young adult
  • american
  • animation/character
  • Stupid DAVE. Why do people find him so PLEASANT? So NICE. So…NOT IRRITATING.

  • I’m NOT your MOM!

  • You can’t stop me, Wordgirl!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Dave / LRW’s Manager
Role assigned to: RandomWizKid
Voice description:
  • american
  • animation/character
  • male adult
  • male young adult
  • surfer dude
  • Hey, Beatrix! :D

  • See you when you get out of jail, Beatrix! :D

  • Aww, don’t be such a downer! It’ll be fine! :D

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
The Royal Dandy
cast offsite An annoying little fellow that should hopefully be made a little more likable in this show…don’t worry, he’s still an annoying little twerp, though. He’s a more secondary character!

Lowkey he kind of sounds like Stewie Griffin. 

  • english
Voice description:
  • child
  • male child
  • aristocratic british
  • Come on, mum!

  • But she’s my best mate, mum!

  • (Nothing here :) )

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Beau Handsome
cast offsite

I honestly don’t know how much Beau Handsome will be used but HE IS GOING TO BE USED AT LEAST ONCE IN THE FIRST EPISODE, I just need ya to mimic how he sounds and be able to sound annoyed :)

snazzy bow tie man

“Alright, Bill, I don’t know if this is going to work out.”

“Show him what he’s won!”

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • male adult
  • animation/character
  • live announcer / inshow narration
  • I’m Beau Handsome and this is….

  • Alright, Bill, I don’t know if this is going to work out.

  • Show him what he’s won!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite


He’s in the first part of this episode :)

the ADHD incarnate, half of what you’ll ever have to say is just


He’s Beau Handsome’s new assistant and while being a more minor character (currently, anyways), I love him very dearly 

  • english
Voice description:
  • animation/character
  • male adult
  • male young adult

  • HAHA!

  • THAT’S ME!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Leslie / Mrs. Big
cast offsite

Underrated??? I love her, this is the best YouTube clip I could find of her though! Mr Big’s w I f e and the new head of Big Enterprises. She has no range of verbal emotions, and that’s really important to keep!

Even if the line is very emotional, the voice should be devoid of emotion.

Voice description:
  • female adult
  • female young adult
  • I don’t think that’s a good idea, sir.

  • You’ll never stop me.

  • This is my lunch break. Can we pick this back up later?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mr. Big
cast offsite

Lowkey kind of the worst in this clip, but it’s a good example of his voice!

Basically a funky business man trying to brainwash everybody. Also, in this continuation, he’s suffering from some sort of strange illness (which is why Leslie has been in the forefront of his plans more often), so please be able to fake a coughing fit or somethin’ :P

“Oh, isn’t it wonderful?”

“It’s a brilliant plan, if I do say so myself!”


  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • american
  • Leslie!

  • It’s a brilliant plan!

  • Oh, isn’t it wonderful? What am I saying, of course it is! I made it!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Eileen / The Birthday Girl
cast offsite

Eileen / The Birthday Girl

I’m absolutely hoping for some differences and creative spins on her voice, seeing as Eileen is decently older now! She’s kind of the semi-adopted child of Leslie and Mr Big and is more of a minor character! I couldn’t find many good clips of her but seeing as I especially want creativity with this one it’s not as big of a deal

Voice description:
  • female child
  • child
  • animation/character
  • It’s my birthday! Mine!

  • Pleeeeeease?

  • But my daddy says EVERY DAY is my birthday!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mrs. Claire McCallister
cast offsite This episode is really the only time where we see Mrs. McCallister show more emotion than anger, and one of the few to view her in a positive light. As Tobey’s mother and a very no-nonsense woman, Mrs. McCallister is a character who will appear somewhat frequently in Tobey episodes but with usually small roles. In this spinoff, seeing as I find Mrs. McCallister somewhat inconsistent in the show, she’s a retired villain who is secretly trying to improve Tobey’s skills- her anger less directed at the chaos her son causes and more at his motives, lack of planning, and general rashness….as well as the fact that he could easily blow her cover.  

  • english
Voice description:
  • american
  • female adult
  • british
  • animation/character
  • TOBEY!

  • You’re supposed to CAUSE trouble, not get into it!

  • (Nothing here :) )


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