CHECK THE REUPLOAD! Wordgirl: Rewired

Concerned Bear for Dr. Two-Brains

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Dr. Two-Brains
Role assigned to: Concerned Bear

Here are his voice examples!

A major secondary character, Dr. Two Brains is in charge of Tobey while Mrs. McCallister is out working. Due to his voice being much more unique I’ll be EXTRA lenient for his role- although I still, ofc, want it to sound somewhat like Dr. Two-Brains! His actor as well will need to have good range, as…come on, we all love ourselves some Doctor Two-Brains angst. Or fluff.

  • Alright, I’m leaving you in the car next time.

  • Well, well, well, WORDGIRL.

  • *give me a good maniacal laugh :3*

Concerned Bear
CHECK THE REUPLOAD! Wordgirl: Rewired
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