CHECK THE REUPLOAD! Wordgirl: Rewired

Mistonsa dg for Wordgirl / Becky Botsford

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Wordgirl / Becky Botsford
Role assigned to: Raven

As our titular character, the actor for Wordgirl must be able to play a large range of emotions, and be okay with a lil bit of Tobecky shipping ðŸ‘€ 

You’ll also be in every episode, but as said in the project description, you’re able to drop the role if you need to or want to.

I’m more focused on mannerisms than matching the show’s voice- she is older, after all.

  • english
Voice description:
  • animation
  • female teen
  • female child
  • child
  • american
  • Word up!

  • Stop right there, Two-Brains!

  • Oh, for the love of Lexicon, why does this keep happening?!

Mistonsa dg
CHECK THE REUPLOAD! Wordgirl: Rewired
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