CHECK THE REUPLOAD! Wordgirl: Rewired
Mistonsa dg for Mrs. Claire McCallister This episode is really the only time where we see Mrs. McCallister show more emotion than anger, and one of the few to view her in a positive light. As Tobey’s mother and a very no-nonsense woman, Mrs. McCallister is a character who will appear somewhat frequently in Tobey episodes but with usually small roles. In this spinoff, seeing as I find Mrs. McCallister somewhat inconsistent in the show, she’s a retired villain who is secretly trying to improve Tobey’s skills- her anger less directed at the chaos her son causes and more at his motives, lack of planning, and general rashness….as well as the fact that he could easily blow her cover.
- english
- american
- female adult
- british
- animation/character
You’re supposed to CAUSE trouble, not get into it!
(Nothing here :) )