CHECK THE REUPLOAD! Wordgirl: Rewired

Greg McTiernan for Narrator

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Gabe!

I would recommend looking into how the narrator delivers his lines for the intro and outro, but this clip is a good general example! The narrator, while being in every episode, usually only has a few lines. He usually introduces and closes the episode, but aside from that he often only announces transitions and banters a bit with the characters! 

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • american
  • narration
  • animation
  • It’s a beautiful day in Fair City…for now.

  • Meanwhile, in the evil lair of Doctor Two-Brains….

  • Stay tuned for another exciting episode ooooof: WORDGIRL!

Greg McTiernan
CHECK THE REUPLOAD! Wordgirl: Rewired
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