CHECK THE REUPLOAD! Wordgirl: Rewired

Mistonsa dg for Eileen / The Birthday Girl

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Eileen / The Birthday Girl
cast offsite

Eileen / The Birthday Girl

I’m absolutely hoping for some differences and creative spins on her voice, seeing as Eileen is decently older now! She’s kind of the semi-adopted child of Leslie and Mr Big and is more of a minor character! I couldn’t find many good clips of her but seeing as I especially want creativity with this one it’s not as big of a deal

Voice description:
  • female child
  • child
  • animation/character
  • It’s my birthday! Mine!

  • Pleeeeeease?

  • But my daddy says EVERY DAY is my birthday!

Mistonsa dg
CHECK THE REUPLOAD! Wordgirl: Rewired
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