The Stain of Golden Ichor

The Stain of Golden Ichor

Project Overview

The Stain of Golden Ichor is a short audio story based on a DND world I've DM'd for before. Unfortunately due to conflicts with players, the campaign and the stories I can tell in this world have run short.

...At least in game I can't. I would like to make a short set of Audio Dramas to flesh out certain events and people in this world, and that is where you all come in! I'm asking you to help me bring this story to life! So first, let me tell you what this story is about:

Upon the S.S. Harpoon, Captain Praile and her crew set off to see if a rumor is true. It is said in the West Sea of Frelic, the water has become gold. As the crew sets sail, they find not only the gold sea, but also an odd tower, made of a material unknown to any of them. It ascends to the heavens, with portraits and ancient art, and at the top a gentle shimmer glows. As the crew enters deeper however, a great rain of that very same gold starts to descend, and a storm quickly descends upon them.

I unfortunately don't have too much money to offer as I am a broke college student, but I still want you all going away with at least something. 

Now, a very important warning is that due to mental illness I find myself wanting to perfect my art and while the script is nearly done and plans are finalized, things may change and there is a small chance the project does not go through at all. In the event that things prove too stressful for me and the project collapses, You will still be paid for your work. 

Please submit up to three takes in an AABBCC format. I want to thank everyone in advance for their submissions and work. This is my first casting call so things might be a little messy but I look forward to seeing all of your auditions. If you have any questions please contact me on Discord, my tag is Koala#4559

EDIT: I've been blown away by all the amazing submissions we've gotten so far! I'm very excited to get to work on this project, but due to personal reasons I've extended the deadline til the end of the month as I'll have much more time to review submissions and go through everything. The script is complete so I'm excited to begin recording when everyone is chosen! Thank you again!

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Captain Kiera Garley Praile (She/Her)
Paid: Flat Rate 5 USD

Captain Praile is a stern, sharp-witted woman in her 30s. She has been on and off boats her whole life and it is where she finds most comfort. Her will is indomitable, but nature does not care who it may find in its path.

For the captain, I am looking for someone who's voice can be commanding, yet can also hold a banter with these crewmates and friends she has. In my mind she has some sort of welsh/scottish/irish type accent, but I'm happy to hear any of your interpretations.

Pronunciation - KEER-ah Gar-lay PRAY-ill

Voice description:
  • female adult
  • female young adult
  • generic scottish
  • irish
  • welsh
  • (Fearful amazement) By the Goddess, that ain't like no storm I've ever seen before.

  • (Barking Orders) James, man the wheel while I take a closer look! Victor! Cherry! With me!

  • (Methodically) This art, my father showed me something like it when I was a wee lass. That's supposed to represent the Goddess, the way her apostle's originally saw her. But here she's bleedin'...

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Quartermaster James McTelem (He/Him)
Paid: Flat Rate 5 USD

A gentle man in his mid-20s, who serves as the captain’s right hand. She once saved his life and now he has sworn his life to repay that debt. Though he is youthful, James is a determined, resourceful quartermaster and has many a time allowed the crew to avoid danger.

For the Quartermaster, I'm looking for someone who can play both the more soft and gentle side of a humble man turned sailor, but also the commanding side which leads the ship to safety in times of chaos. 

Pronunciation - 
JAY-mz Mc-Tell-M

Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • male adult
  • (Recollecting) Rumors of golden seas, it reminds me of the storybooks my mom used to read me as a kid.

  • (Intruiged) I've never seen anything like it! Even the material is...well it's not any normal stone, that's for sure.

  • (Panicked but Commanding) Velvet! Get Saria and seal that leak port side! Cherry, Man the sails! I'll try and get us out of here!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deckhand Velvet Meriplen (She/They)
Paid: Flat Rate 5 USD

Once a pair of traveling swindlers, the Meriplen sisters found themselves stowaways upon the Harpoon. Their charm and aid in a time of crisis led to them gaining the captain’s respect and a position upon her ship. Velvet, the older of the sisters in her late 20s, is the more magically inclined of the two sisters, thanks to study of plenty of stolen tomes in her youth. 

For the more arcane of our sister deckhands, I'm looking for someone with a bit of mischief in their heart and voice, but also someone who can portray the motherly nature Velvet has in protecting her younger sister.

I specifically encourage those who are gender non-conforming to audition for Velvet.

Pronunciation - Vel-vet MARRY-plen

Voice description:
  • nonbinary
  • female adult
  • female young adult
  • (Excited) Already got it done, Cap!

  • (Playful) You can't handle us having fun for even a second, can you Vic? *Giggle*

  • (Sincere) Hey, look at me. I promise you we're going to be okay. When have I ever lied to you, Red?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deckhand Cherry Meriplen (She/Her)
Paid: Flat Rate 5 USD

Once a pair of traveling swindlers, the Meriplen sisters found themselves stowaways upon the Harpoon. Their charm and aid in a time of crisis led to them gaining the captain’s respect and a position upon her ship. Cherry, the younger sister near her early twenties, is the more performance inclined of the two sisters, her lyre playing often being used to distract foes and to inspire allies. She too has some magical capabilities however.

For the more musical of our sister deckhands, I'm looking for someone with a bit of youthful confidence and naivety, but also someone who can show the underlying anxiety that she has.

Pronunciation - CHAIR-ee MARRY-plen

Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • female teen
  • (Smug) I would never mess it up! I've always got- *A trip* Gah!

  • (Excessively Extravagant) Behold, the most elegant of melodies played by the most charming of bards this side of western seas!

  • (Worried, trying to convince herself) You don't have to comfort me, I know everything going to be okay. It has to be. (A beat.) It...It has to be.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Alchemist Saria Rellande (They/Them)
Paid: Flat Rate 5 USD

A mysterious young person, only about 16, who has come onto the ship per the king's orders, Young Saria is a master of the alchemical arts. They are smug and arrogant, disavowing the Goddess whenever they can. Something dark lurks within them...and they don't wish to let it out. 

For the young alchemist, I'm looking for someone who can play both the smug and arrogant prodigy while also balancing the seriousness demeanor they can take, as well as one who can bring the gravitas to their burden.

I specifically encourage those who are gender non-conforming to audition for Saria.

Pronunciation - SAR-ee-uh rell-ON-day

Voice description:
  • nonbinary
  • (Condescending) Would you like me to turn lead into gold while I'm at it?

  • (Mocking) 'By the Goddess! I seem to have stubbed my toe! What could it mean?!' If you're going to take everything as a divine signal, you might as well just stare at your cabin walls.

  • (Growing dread, speaking to self) No...not here, not now. I am the master here! You will listen to me! I command you and you will submit!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Gunner Victor Intrania (He/Him)
Paid: Flat Rate 5 USD

A rugged looking man in his late 40s. He's a bit of a stick in the mud, but is never too mean or rude about it. He's been with the captain ever since she set sail on the S.S. Harpoon and is a master of weaponry. 

For the Gunner, I'm looking for a more grizzled warrior type who still holds a kindness in his heart. He is a man of battle, but fight for the safety of others, rather than glory or riches. 

Pronunciation - Vic-tor in-TRA-nee-uh

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • (Unamused) Hmmph. If you spent half the time you do playing that thing on studying, you'd be the best sailor of all of us.

  • (Bluntly) Golden rain. I wouldn't call that a treasure, I'd call it an omen.

  • (Disturbed) This storm, it's more than unnatural. It was created by something Kiera.


Public Submissions

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