The Stain of Golden Ichor
Ricky K. for Quartermaster James McTelem (He/Him)
A gentle man in his mid-20s, who serves as the captain’s right hand. She once saved his life and now he has sworn his life to repay that debt. Though he is youthful, James is a determined, resourceful quartermaster and has many a time allowed the crew to avoid danger.
For the Quartermaster, I'm looking for someone who can play both the more soft and gentle side of a humble man turned sailor, but also the commanding side which leads the ship to safety in times of chaos.
Pronunciation - JAY-mz Mc-Tell-M
- male young adult
- male adult
(Recollecting) Rumors of golden seas, it reminds me of the storybooks my mom used to read me as a kid.
(Intruiged) I've never seen anything like it! Even the material is...well it's not any normal stone, that's for sure.
(Panicked but Commanding) Velvet! Get Saria and seal that leak port side! Cherry, Man the sails! I'll try and get us out of here!