The Stain of Golden Ichor

TOAI25 for Gunner Victor Intrania (He/Him)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Gunner Victor Intrania (He/Him)
Paid: Flat Rate 5 USD

A rugged looking man in his late 40s. He's a bit of a stick in the mud, but is never too mean or rude about it. He's been with the captain ever since she set sail on the S.S. Harpoon and is a master of weaponry. 

For the Gunner, I'm looking for a more grizzled warrior type who still holds a kindness in his heart. He is a man of battle, but fight for the safety of others, rather than glory or riches. 

Pronunciation - Vic-tor in-TRA-nee-uh

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • (Unamused) Hmmph. If you spent half the time you do playing that thing on studying, you'd be the best sailor of all of us.

  • (Bluntly) Golden rain. I wouldn't call that a treasure, I'd call it an omen.

  • (Disturbed) This storm, it's more than unnatural. It was created by something Kiera.

The Stain of Golden Ichor
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