The Stain of Golden Ichor
Rainbow for Captain Kiera Garley Praile (She/Her)
Captain Praile is a stern, sharp-witted woman in her 30s. She has been on and off boats her whole life and it is where she finds most comfort. Her will is indomitable, but nature does not care who it may find in its path.
For the captain, I am looking for someone who's voice can be commanding, yet can also hold a banter with these crewmates and friends she has. In my mind she has some sort of welsh/scottish/irish type accent, but I'm happy to hear any of your interpretations.
Pronunciation - KEER-ah Gar-lay PRAY-ill
- female adult
- female young adult
- generic scottish
- irish
- welsh
(Fearful amazement) By the Goddess, that ain't like no storm I've ever seen before.
(Barking Orders) James, man the wheel while I take a closer look! Victor! Cherry! With me!
(Methodically) This art, my father showed me something like it when I was a wee lass. That's supposed to represent the Goddess, the way her apostle's originally saw her. But here she's bleedin'...