The Stain of Golden Ichor
Jessica for Deckhand Cherry Meriplen (She/Her)
Once a pair of traveling swindlers, the Meriplen sisters found themselves stowaways upon the Harpoon. Their charm and aid in a time of crisis led to them gaining the captain’s respect and a position upon her ship. Cherry, the younger sister near her early twenties, is the more performance inclined of the two sisters, her lyre playing often being used to distract foes and to inspire allies. She too has some magical capabilities however.
For the more musical of our sister deckhands, I'm looking for someone with a bit of youthful confidence and naivety, but also someone who can show the underlying anxiety that she has.
Pronunciation - CHAIR-ee MARRY-plen
- female young adult
- female teen
(Smug) I would never mess it up! I've always got- *A trip* Gah!
(Excessively Extravagant) Behold, the most elegant of melodies played by the most charming of bards this side of western seas!
(Worried, trying to convince herself) You don't have to comfort me, I know everything going to be okay. It has to be. (A beat.) It...It has to be.