KARMA | A Fallout 4 Mod

KARMA | A Fallout 4 Mod

Project Overview

!!! --- 3/25/24 NOTICE: Thank you for your submissions! We're wrapping up the writing and will be in contact with the selected VA's shortly! --- !!!!


KARMA is a Fallout 4 mod that restores the Karma system as it was in previous fallout games.


KARMA features a fully-fledged and extremely lightweight karma system for the player. You now gain and lose karma based on your character’s actions, visible in a new Pip-Boy tab. You can also turn in fingers or ears to the Regulators and to Littlehorn & Associates, and choose which faction you want to sign up with. Featuring custom weapons, armors, and assets.


KARMA is not just a karma system in Fallout 4, it's the story of how two very different men have been haunted by the same horror for most of their lives, the Blackwell incident.

Jacob and Damien have been grappling with this event since it happened, and respond in their own ways. Through your allegiance to either faction (or both factions!) you'll be able to unravel the mystery of the Blackwell incident, and explore how these leaders have been affected by the morality of what happened.


KARMA is a story about what's good, what's bad, and what's right.


This project features a few main roles. You can read the summary for each character in the actors tab.


The mod is almost complete, and will likely be released in the next month or two.


You must have a half-decent mic, something at least as good as a Blue Yeti, and you must have a discord account for project communication.

Please export your audio files as 32bit, 44k MHz WAV file, and I would prefer multiple takes for each line, as certain lines may be repeated.




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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Jacob Wallace

Jacob is the overworked patriarch of the Regulators, a group of traveling gunslingers aiming to clean up the wasteland with frontier justice.

He is an older, almost fatherly figure, with strong sense of morality. However, he is also aware of the realities of the world – the moral greys and easy temptations. Jacob speaks in a deep voice, with a warm, slightly southern hospitality similar to Jed Masterson from the Fallout New Vegas DLC Honest Hearts.

He is haunted by the previous actions of both him and his band of do-gooders and has placed himself into a self-imposed desk job to make sure such horrors never happen again.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • male senior
  • all english accents
  • videogame
  • animation/character
  • video game
  • (Jacob warmly greets the player) What we got here, another stray coming in from the rain? Ain’t nothing wrong with that, friend, just happy to have more people helping out around here. Let’s take a look at yer.

  • (Jacob’s warning sounds like nothing but experience talking) Hmm...well, you seem pretty fit enough. Sure you wanna join the Regulators? I won’t lie to you, it’s gonna take a lotta leg work ...and a lotta drink just to help you sleep at night when you’re done.

  • (With a sigh, Jacob tries to steer the conversation elsewhere) Although… That was a long time ago, all that matters now is that we’re here and helpin’ folk. There ain’t such a thing as found paradise, so often times you gotta get busy. Know what I mean?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Damien Littlehorn

Damien is the charismatic leader of Littlehorn & Associates. While the company is past its prime in the Capital Wasteland, Damien is fulled by a sense of duty, grief and egotism to avenge his father’s death, destroy the Regulators and restore Littlehorn as a leading power in the wasteland.

Due to his lust for vengeance, he refuses to leave Boston despite the fact that the Regulators are no longer chasing him and would allow him to settle further North. With their lack of turf and lack of business, his quest for vengeance will ultimately lead to his downfall.

He is highly cultured, with a love of art and classical music. He is also sociopathic, be it literal or through emotions expressed through music. The Devil’s Trill by Tartini is his favorite piece of music. Damien speaks similarly to Pickman or Bateman, in a cool, confident, manipulative tone.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • animation/character
  • video game
  • videogame
  • all english accents
  • “It makes one wonder, what kind of torture must a man go through in order to produce such beautiful pain. What tragedies must the composer have endured? The feelings are... extraordinary”

  • Here's the money for your services. ...Why do you look sad? It's only human to sin on occasion, Wanderer. Life is far too harsh to allow us constant virtues.

  • Why do you still come here, Little Samaritan? Do you do it for the financial gain -the caps and the ammo- or maybe do you enjoy the occasional vice? Don't worry about it too much; If you have a taste for it, well, who are we to judge?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Caleb is a young man with experience far past his age. Caleb is a former minuteman who left the group after the Quincy massacre, He is the current quartermaster for the Regulators, and Jacob’s second in command.

His main responsibilities include keeping an eye on supplies, keeping the mess hall stocked, and also being the settlement’s doctor. When asked about this, he’ll state that he used to guard caravans for a while before finally joining the Regulators. As such, he’s learned a few tricks of the trade including basic first aid and bartering, from watching the traders work their magic.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • all english accents
  • video game
  • videogame
  • • (With slight optimism) “Folks are struggling out here. Sometimes you gotta swallow your pride and get perspective.”

  • • (With a slight sigh, worried) “Jacob? Well… He’s a good man, don’t get me wrong but he never leaves his office. Hell, I doubt he’d even eat if I didn’t send up one of the new guys with a bowl of soup twice a day.”

  • • (With pride) “Me? Oh, I guess you could say I’m the ground floor for this whole operation. I cook the food, mend the wounds and deliver Jacob the good news.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Charon is an elderly member of the Talon company. His role is to guide the player to Damien, much like the ferryman who he is based on. He has doubts about Damien’s reasoning for staying in Boston when they can just walk away and set-up shop elsewhere, however, he is too prideful in the former glory of Littlehorn & Associates. An old man who's stuck in his ways.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male senior
  • male adult
  • all english accents
  • video game
  • videogame
  • • (Tired, yet with concern) “Listen, friend, I don’t think you realize what you’re about to fall into. Go get work on a farmstead or something, I don’t know. If you wanna leave now, I’ll make up some shit to Eve and we’ll be done here.”

  • • (aggressive and intimidating) “I don’t know you are, friend, but you’ve got about five seconds to haul your ass out of here before I toss you into the river myself.”

  • • (begrudgingly) “Little Eve sent you over? Sounds like something she’d do, I suppose – drop a man on us without so much as a heads up.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Eve is the leader of Talon-Company. Despite running jobs and coordinating with Damien, she doesn’t care for being in charge. Her main tactic is subterfuge - blending in with the local scavvers in a green traveling coat to hire unsuspecting wastelanders to do the dirty work when ‘her boys’ aren’t available. As wastelander with a harsh and storied past, she's learned what's necessary to stay alive and protect your own.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • video game
  • videogame
  • female adult
  • all english accents
  • • (With a scoff) “What? You gonna get all uppity when a starving man shoots a Scav for a tin of cram? Life is hard out here, Wanderer. Best not to think on it too much.”

  • • With slight sadistic glee) “You’ve got good eyes, brother. Still, if it weren’t for that note, I could have popped you about 5 minutes ago. Gotta work on that, especially in this life of work…”

  • • (Held-back rage) “The Regulators? Raiders with fancy hats. Tying an old man down, leaving him in a hole filled with radiation to die slowly and leaving his Grandson alive to suffer. That sound like Raiders to you?”


Public Submissions

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