KARMA | A Fallout 4 Mod

LilypadNebula for Eve

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Eve is the leader of Talon-Company. Despite running jobs and coordinating with Damien, she doesn’t care for being in charge. Her main tactic is subterfuge - blending in with the local scavvers in a green traveling coat to hire unsuspecting wastelanders to do the dirty work when ‘her boys’ aren’t available. As wastelander with a harsh and storied past, she's learned what's necessary to stay alive and protect your own.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • video game
  • videogame
  • female adult
  • all english accents
  • • (With a scoff) “What? You gonna get all uppity when a starving man shoots a Scav for a tin of cram? Life is hard out here, Wanderer. Best not to think on it too much.”

  • • With slight sadistic glee) “You’ve got good eyes, brother. Still, if it weren’t for that note, I could have popped you about 5 minutes ago. Gotta work on that, especially in this life of work…”

  • • (Held-back rage) “The Regulators? Raiders with fancy hats. Tying an old man down, leaving him in a hole filled with radiation to die slowly and leaving his Grandson alive to suffer. That sound like Raiders to you?”

KARMA | A Fallout 4 Mod
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