KARMA | A Fallout 4 Mod

ItsDomo for Caleb

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Caleb is a young man with experience far past his age. Caleb is a former minuteman who left the group after the Quincy massacre, He is the current quartermaster for the Regulators, and Jacob’s second in command.

His main responsibilities include keeping an eye on supplies, keeping the mess hall stocked, and also being the settlement’s doctor. When asked about this, he’ll state that he used to guard caravans for a while before finally joining the Regulators. As such, he’s learned a few tricks of the trade including basic first aid and bartering, from watching the traders work their magic.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • all english accents
  • video game
  • videogame
  • • (With slight optimism) “Folks are struggling out here. Sometimes you gotta swallow your pride and get perspective.”

  • • (With a slight sigh, worried) “Jacob? Well… He’s a good man, don’t get me wrong but he never leaves his office. Hell, I doubt he’d even eat if I didn’t send up one of the new guys with a bowl of soup twice a day.”

  • • (With pride) “Me? Oh, I guess you could say I’m the ground floor for this whole operation. I cook the food, mend the wounds and deliver Jacob the good news.”

KARMA | A Fallout 4 Mod
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