KARMA | A Fallout 4 Mod

Patrick (Jaxxis) Conway for Jacob Wallace

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Jacob Wallace

Jacob is the overworked patriarch of the Regulators, a group of traveling gunslingers aiming to clean up the wasteland with frontier justice.

He is an older, almost fatherly figure, with strong sense of morality. However, he is also aware of the realities of the world – the moral greys and easy temptations. Jacob speaks in a deep voice, with a warm, slightly southern hospitality similar to Jed Masterson from the Fallout New Vegas DLC Honest Hearts.

He is haunted by the previous actions of both him and his band of do-gooders and has placed himself into a self-imposed desk job to make sure such horrors never happen again.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • male senior
  • all english accents
  • videogame
  • animation/character
  • video game
  • (Jacob warmly greets the player) What we got here, another stray coming in from the rain? Ain’t nothing wrong with that, friend, just happy to have more people helping out around here. Let’s take a look at yer.

  • (Jacob’s warning sounds like nothing but experience talking) Hmm...well, you seem pretty fit enough. Sure you wanna join the Regulators? I won’t lie to you, it’s gonna take a lotta leg work ...and a lotta drink just to help you sleep at night when you’re done.

  • (With a sigh, Jacob tries to steer the conversation elsewhere) Although… That was a long time ago, all that matters now is that we’re here and helpin’ folk. There ain’t such a thing as found paradise, so often times you gotta get busy. Know what I mean?

Patrick (Jaxxis) Conway
KARMA | A Fallout 4 Mod
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