@endchapterI'm a Voice Actor/Streamer/Youtuber | 27 | White | I audition for Anime/manga/Cartoon/comic dubs, animations, video games/mods, and original-type content. I hope to work with you.
Hello, I'm Endchapter, I'm 27 years old and I am a Voice Actor/Artist/Writer
Microphone: Audiotechnica 2035
Mixer: Focusrite Scarlet 2i2
Vocal Booth
Back-up: Microphone Audiotechnica 2020
Unpaid Work
Skyrim Mods
Skyrim quest mod: Shezarrine 2021 last wave: Cultist
Fallout New Vegas Mods
Ganymede - A Canine Compatriot: Solomon
Faction Reloaded - Legion: Marcus Tiberius
Abridged Series
Attack on Titan abridged: Drunk Guy 1
Tokyo Revengers Abridged: A-Kun
Link Click: Taxi Driver
Avatar The Last Airbender: Zuko
DC Comics Original/fandub
Batman: Holiday Murders Thug 1
Batman Blood Knight Jason Todd "Red Hood"
Lego Red Hood: Driver/Old mod Boss
Young Justice Comic Dub Robin "Dick Grayson"
Batman Wayne Family Adventures Robin "Damian Wayne"
Batman Tiktok Short: Robin
Justice League Action Fan Dub: Grundy
Batman Beyond Fandub Terry McGinnis "Batman"
Injustice 2 fandub clip Jason Todd "Red Hood"
Marvel original/fandub
Pokemon fandub/original
Pokémon Rising Shadow: Ghidorah/Alex
Pokemon Adventures Manga Dub Red and Blue Chapter: Team Rocke Grunt
Pokémon Insurgence comic dub Series: Cult member/Baltoy
Pokemon Dawn and Dusk Axel
Summoners: Daniel Owens
Fallout Afterworld: Jacob Geils
TPGW: The People's Global Wrestling Deku
UCWL Universal Championship Wrestling League Kyo Kusanagi
The Crown And Flame: Dominic Hunter
It Lives Beneath Connor Green
We Will Meet Again: Jeff the killer
Dawn Of Whispers The Awakening: Sebastian
Summoners: Daniel Owens
My Hero Academia
Mha_dubs Kaminari Denki
Mortal Kombat
Roblox Mortal Kombat Movie Raiden/Subzero
Power Rangers
Roblox Power Rangers Rescue Force Viper/Commander
Paid work
1 recommendation here
Personally, the voices he has done for me are amazing, this person here deserves an award, very underrated actor who deserves more attention.
They are quite good at doing deep voices. They can improve of course but they are very devoted to the project ahd getting lines done on time even before deadlines.
Endchapter is a very responsible and friendly voice actor. He does what needs to be done and does so with fantastic and outstanding performance. I highly recommend him!
They're Voice Acting for the characters they play and they are just a major help within the comic dub project. Couldn't have gotten anyone better
He's a good guy and a very easy person to work with. He knows what's up and gives the roles he plays his all. Highly recommend
Endchapter has been a tremendous talent on my show, and is constantly improving as a voice actor. The work he has done has been incredible and I highly recommend his talents if you're in a need of a reliable VA.
They are one of my favorite VA's to work with! They are hardworking and always get things in on time!
Endchapter has been a blast to work with and I’m excited to work with them in a upcoming episode because he is an amazing VA and happy birthday to him. - Asia
Endchapter voices Kyo Kusanagi in my Project UCWL, he has been nailing it as the character, I highly recommened him, if you want him for any of your projects.
Endchapter voiced a significant character in my project. He has a great voice and is capable of voicing lines with a vast range of tones.
Nice voice, timely delivery, and friendly member
I have had the pleasure of working with End chapter on multiple projects, and I have to say he is one of the most professional and good natured va I have come across. He is quick to deliver lines and eager to get the tone of the character down to a tee. I highly recommend him.
Endchapter, is an amazing talent the have in your projects. I work with him a lot when it comes to doing animation voiceovers or comic dubs.