Doki Doki Literature Club Horror Anime - Looking For VAs & Singers!

Doki Doki Literature Club Horror Anime - Looking For VAs & Singers!

Project Overview

Hi, my name is Corby, and thanks for clicking on this page! Me and a friend of mine, Endy, have been in the works of a Doki Doki Literature Club fan project for some time now, it’s planned to be a psychological horror anime with ARG elements, and it’s title is Doki Doki: Redux. In terms of structure, it will be about 10 episodes, each 6-8 minutes. We can’t explain all of the story details in hopes of not spoiling those not involved, but what we can say is that Redux has a much bigger focus on the day to day adventures of the four girls, as well as a large focus on the fictional studio in charge of 'making' the show. The world this series takes place in is altered, different but familiar, as are the girls’ personalities, so bear with us as you read the descriptions for the four of them. They have all been made much more cartoonish and exaggerated, in order to create a more Studio Trigger-esque tone/atmosphere for the series. If you find yourself incapable of voicing the four girls, there will of course be other unnamed characters that show up throughout, so we will be not only looking for voices for the girls, but extras as well. We’ll also be making an opening to the show with original music, and for that we will need a vocalist to perform it, preferably Monika's VA, but regardless, if you can sing feel free to give it a shot. For all auditions, a clear microphone is required, and we recommend that you have at least seen a playthrough of Doki Doki Literature Club. Auditions will close on January 5th, so you have until then to submit your lines/audio. If you’ve read this far, thanks again, and we would be super grateful if you shared this page with a friend! We’re really trying to make this as good as it can possibly be, so the more people we can get involved, the better. Great luck out there!

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Latest Updates

  • Voices have been decided!

    We're glad to announce that we have finally picked our voices for the Dokis and singer. Once again, we'd like to thank you all for doing such a spectacular job and spending time participating in our auditions.

    If you're reading this, you should've already gotten a message from somebody if you've been chosen for a role. If you haven't, then don't feel bad, because you just might be able to get a role on this show in the future...

    Extras will be contacted at a later date when we need them, and we will be having as many of them as we need. We're pretty early into the writing process, so the certain amount of extras needed is unclear. Thanks!

  • Voices have been decided!

    We're glad to announce that we have finally picked our voices for the Dokis and singer. Once again, we'd like to thank you all for doing such a spectacular job and spending time participating in our auditions.

    If you're reading this, you should've already gotten a message from somebody if you've been chosen for a role. If you haven't, then don't feel bad, because you just might be able to get a role on this show in the future...

    Extras will be contacted at a later date when we need them, and we will be having as many of them as we need. We're pretty early into the writing process, so the certain amount of extras needed is unclear. Thanks!

  • Update regarding the cast list results

    Heyo, just here to make a quick update about the posting of the cast list results.

    Many of the team members personally haven't had enough time, and we've decided that the previous date of this Friday is simply not enough time for us to give our opinions on our favorite performances and then discuss these opinions before coming to a consensus.

    We're very sorry for the inconvenience, especially given the previously pushed back audition submission deadline that was admittedly poorly communicated on our part.

    That being said, you all will not be waiting much longer as we've decided the 24th is the absolute limit! We very well may finish before then, but yeah.

    Thanks again for understanding. We've been doing our best behind the scenes, and are extremely excited to work with you talented peeps!

  • That's a Wrap!

    Wow, I mean just, wow. On behalf of every member on the Doki Doki Redux team, we just want to say: thank you all for making this casting call an absolute success! Each and every one of you did downright incredible, and we are so happy to have had such a wide selection of talented individuals willing to be in our project. With that being said, the casting call's deadline has finally passed by--It having been pushed back a bit due to majority opinion among the team--and now it's officially time for us to run through the process of deciding the final cast. This of course means that we won't be accepting any submissions after tonight. Terribly sorry to anyone who happened to stumble across this page too late. We'll be sending out the final cast list soon, sometime before Friday next week. Until then, we wish you all the best of luck!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

The glue that holds the four girls together, Sayori is a peppy and energetic young woman with enough enthusiasm to take on the universe. As a constant source of entertainment for the club, Sayori has never once failed to cheer the girls up with her kiddy behavior and endless optimism. With Sayori, we are looking for a voice capable of matching this kind of energy and enthusiasm. A high pitched, lively, almost childlike voice, akin to Mako Mankanshoku from Kill La Kill. It is important to note that later in the series there may be more emotional scenes where Sayori’s spirit breaks, and she is much more quiet, or even downright sorrowful, so we’d appreciate that kind of range for her role as well. When you audition, please introduce yourself, and perform two of the given lines. Line 3 is required, but between 1 and 2, pick whichever suits you best. You can also perform all three if you'd like. Best of luck!

  • english
  • Sayori is greeting a new member, they ask about her peculiar nickname for Monika.

    Friendly, Enthusiastic, Peppy, Juvenile

    “Nice to meetcha, My name’s Sayori! This is Natsuki, Yuri, and Miss Monika! What? Oh no, she’s a student like us, I just think since she works so hard all the time, she deserves the respect of a teacher!”

  • Upbeat, Playful, Charming, Juvenile

    “Hi Miss Monika! You’ve got something super duper fun planned for us today, right? A-ha! Trick question! Everything we do is always fun! Minus that time you and me copied flyers the whole day. That was reaallly boring.”

  • Sayori is breaking down as she realizes she's trapped in a never ending cycle of the same day.

    Exasperated, Hopeless

    “This… isn’t right… It can't be! I’ve been here before, I know I have! Every day, it’s the same thing over and over, and no matter how hard I try, I just— …I won’t be stuck doing this forever… right…?”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

As the president of the Doki Doki High Literature Club, it’s up to Monika to be a leader and role model to the other girls. Constantly dawning a smile, she marches through life with not a care in the world, other than the wellbeing of her club and it’s members. Whatever the issue, she’s always somehow magically got it covered. She often comforts the girls whenever they’re in disarray, managing to wash away their troubles. Smart, pretty, capable, is there anything Monika can’t do? With Monika, we are looking for a soothing, cheery, and welcoming voice. The kind of voice that could sing you to sleep. Her voice should also display a certain amount of authority and maturity, like that of a mother or teacher—Think Chisa Yukizome from Danganronpa, or Sukuyo Mankanshoku from Kill la Kill. It is important to note that Monika will, at some points in the series, completely lose her pleasant demeanor and speak as though she were a cold, calculating machine, so her voice should allow for that kind of chilling change in tone. For a more menacing Monika, think of Fubuki from One Punch Man or Yukako Yamagishi from Jojo’s. When you audition, please introduce yourself, and perform two of the given lines. Line 3 is required, but between 1 and 2, pick whichever suits you best. You can also perform all three if you'd like. Also, if you possess any kind of singing talent, please consider auditioning as the vocalist for the opening. Best of luck!

  • english
  • Friendly, Joyful, Jokey

    “Nice to meet you, and welcome to the club! My name is Monika, and as you probably know, I’m the club president! It’s always nice to see a new face in the club every now and again, the girls get a bit restless without one” *soft chuckle*

  • Monika fixes up an issue for the girls, and they ask how she managed to resolve the problem so gracefully.

    Uplifting, Delighted, Charming

    “C’mon ladies, don’t be like that! There we go, all fixed! Trust me, I’ve dealt with things like this hundreds of times. Let’s just say your club president’s got a few more tricks up her sleeve than you might think~!” *cheery giggle*

  • Robotic, Menacing, Lifeless

    “You don’t realize what I’m capable of. Everything and everyone in this world lies in the palm of my hand. And soon enough, I won’t have to answer to my creators either.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

The queen of everything tomboy, Natsuki is both the friendliest and toughest member of the club. She is a warm and welcoming girl, but don’t let her cutesy demeanor fool you. Tick Natsuki off and she’ll turn up the heat, recreating a scene from her favorite battle manga. Always dawning a friendly smirk, she’s a bonafide go-getter, eager to take on any and every challenge. With Natsuki, we’re looking for a child-like tomboyish voice, almost like a middle schooler trying to sound dude-bro (as much as they can, anyway). Natsuki’s voice should have that calm and cool attitude whilst still being fairly squeaky—think Kirumi Ebisuzawa from School Live. When you audition, please introduce yourself, and perform two of the given lines. Between the three, pick whichever 2 lines suit you best, or you could perform all three if you'd like. Best of luck!

  • english
  • Natsuki is greeting a new member, referring to a previous moment where Yuri made a strange first impression on them. 

    Charismatic, laid-back, friendly

    “Ayyy, what’s up! You’re the newbie, right? Hey, listen, I know you might be a little freaked by the purple pouncer over there, but trust me, I’ve been dealing with her since, like, elementary. Once you get to know her, she’s pretty rad. C’mon already, let’s get over there and talk to her! What, you’re not pissin’ your pants over some girl are you?”

  • The girls aren't granted access into a party they have been dying to go to, Natsuki speaking to the bouncer at the entrance.

    Pissed, Threatening, Tough

    “We aren’t on the list?? Seriously?! This is Bullshit! *sighs* Y’know what? It’s cool, we’ll just let ourselves in, meanwhile you’ll be seein’ stars, buddy.”

  • Natsuki is watching an anime with someone, and her favorite scene plays. They ask to be done and she convinces them to keep watching.

    Enthusiastic, Incessant, Geeky, Persuasive

    “Oh, this is the best part!! Are you looking? Look! See that? Awww, what a badass move!! That moment right there totally makes this one of the greatest animes of all time. Top 3, at least, for sure. What- No it’s not over yet! Screw you, We’ve only got 3 episodes left!”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Yuri may come off as a bit strange at first, but under her cryptic outer core, you’ll find that she’s still just as peculiar. A woman of few words and a master of monotone, showing little to no reaction in the face of most scenarios, she often remains at the calmest composure, even in the most bizarre situations. Being the most level headed of the club’s members doesn’t stop her from being something of a social anomaly to most people, who are typically repelled by her unusual behavior. All things considered, the literature club is the one place where she isn’t a misfit, though sometimes even the girls are left baffled at Yuri’s pure and unadulterated oddball energy. With Yuri, we are looking for a deep, calm voice, with little change in tone. She should sound completely flat, not happy, nor mad. Her voice should also gain a certain mysterious undertone to it when saying some phrases. Overall, something similar to Rei Ayanami from Evangelion. When you audition, please introduce yourself, and perform at least one of the given lines. If you'd like you can also do both, but only one is required. Best of luck!

  • english
  • Yuri is meeting the new arrival when she recognizes him as a certain person she's been searching for.

    Monotone, Impassive, Chatty

    “Hey, I’m Yuri. Oh, wait a minute, I know you. Yeah, you’re the guy who got the lowest score on exams last semester. 37.26%. The whole school’s been talking about you, honestly I thought you were some kind of myth. Like, a conspiracy created by the school board to persuade us to earn better scores on our tests. I couldn’t catch you on any of the cameras I hid around the building, when I snuck into a staff meeting they all insisted you were a real student. I was pretty certain that you didn’t exist, but… here you are, and you do. Neat. What’s wrong? You’re going? Oh, okay, nice meeting you.”

  • Yuri is returning a not so great book when she decides to destroy it instead.

    Deadpan, Polite

    “I wanna return this book, please. I’ve read better novels, I didn’t really like it. All the characters were cliche and the worldbuilding wasn’t immersive at all. Y’know... a book as awful as this shouldn’t be allowed on shelves. Maybe it’d be best if somebody just- Hold on a minute… There, now nobody else will have to lay eyes on this travesty. Oh… I have to pay a destruction fee for that? Alright.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

If you are looking to be a part of this project as an actor, but you don’t see yourself fit to voice any of the girls, we would still really appreciate if you auditioned to be an extra. This role includes both unnamed characters within the anime, as well as potentially named employees of the in-universe animation studio responsible for making DDR, Reboot Studios—which could include any worker that would be necessary in a hypothetical fictional animation studio. It’s important to note that you won’t be playing yourself as a worker of the studio, you’ll still be playing a fictional person, with the intention of making it seem as though they exist in our world. When you audition, please introduce yourself, and perform both of the given lines. Best of luck!

  • english
  • A math teacher is lecturing they're students.

    Friendly, easy-going

    "Alright class, now that I've showed you how this kind of thing works, why don't we try doing it together? Can anybody tell me what X equals? Ah, Sayori, always so eager to answer first. Well, what you did get from the equation, Sayori?"

  • An employee in charge of animation is witnessing a test screening slowly go terrifyingly wrong.

    Confused, frightened, frantic

    "Maybe there's something we can do to fix it? I know for a fact it's not supposed to be doing this. But why on earth is... Oh my god... Shut it down, shut down the screening!!"

Singer of OP (Preferred to be Monika VA)

We are of course looking for a vocalist to perform the opening theme to this series. It will be a 1 and a half minute song, a good amount of singing talent is required. We would prefer to have a female vocalist, but of course, don't let that stop you from trying for the part! When auditioning, please introduce yourself, and perform an anime opening that best shows off your voice (or is just your favorite!)

  • english
  • See Description


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