Doki Doki Literature Club Horror Anime - Looking For VAs & Singers!

Nex for Sayori

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

The glue that holds the four girls together, Sayori is a peppy and energetic young woman with enough enthusiasm to take on the universe. As a constant source of entertainment for the club, Sayori has never once failed to cheer the girls up with her kiddy behavior and endless optimism. With Sayori, we are looking for a voice capable of matching this kind of energy and enthusiasm. A high pitched, lively, almost childlike voice, akin to Mako Mankanshoku from Kill La Kill. It is important to note that later in the series there may be more emotional scenes where Sayori’s spirit breaks, and she is much more quiet, or even downright sorrowful, so we’d appreciate that kind of range for her role as well. When you audition, please introduce yourself, and perform two of the given lines. Line 3 is required, but between 1 and 2, pick whichever suits you best. You can also perform all three if you'd like. Best of luck!

  • english
  • Sayori is greeting a new member, they ask about her peculiar nickname for Monika.

    Friendly, Enthusiastic, Peppy, Juvenile

    “Nice to meetcha, My name’s Sayori! This is Natsuki, Yuri, and Miss Monika! What? Oh no, she’s a student like us, I just think since she works so hard all the time, she deserves the respect of a teacher!”

  • Upbeat, Playful, Charming, Juvenile

    “Hi Miss Monika! You’ve got something super duper fun planned for us today, right? A-ha! Trick question! Everything we do is always fun! Minus that time you and me copied flyers the whole day. That was reaallly boring.”

  • Sayori is breaking down as she realizes she's trapped in a never ending cycle of the same day.

    Exasperated, Hopeless

    “This… isn’t right… It can't be! I’ve been here before, I know I have! Every day, it’s the same thing over and over, and no matter how hard I try, I just— …I won’t be stuck doing this forever… right…?”

Doki Doki Literature Club Horror Anime - Looking For VAs & Singers!
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