Doki Doki Literature Club Horror Anime - Looking For VAs & Singers!

Agatha M. for Monika

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

As the president of the Doki Doki High Literature Club, it’s up to Monika to be a leader and role model to the other girls. Constantly dawning a smile, she marches through life with not a care in the world, other than the wellbeing of her club and it’s members. Whatever the issue, she’s always somehow magically got it covered. She often comforts the girls whenever they’re in disarray, managing to wash away their troubles. Smart, pretty, capable, is there anything Monika can’t do? With Monika, we are looking for a soothing, cheery, and welcoming voice. The kind of voice that could sing you to sleep. Her voice should also display a certain amount of authority and maturity, like that of a mother or teacher—Think Chisa Yukizome from Danganronpa, or Sukuyo Mankanshoku from Kill la Kill. It is important to note that Monika will, at some points in the series, completely lose her pleasant demeanor and speak as though she were a cold, calculating machine, so her voice should allow for that kind of chilling change in tone. For a more menacing Monika, think of Fubuki from One Punch Man or Yukako Yamagishi from Jojo’s. When you audition, please introduce yourself, and perform two of the given lines. Line 3 is required, but between 1 and 2, pick whichever suits you best. You can also perform all three if you'd like. Also, if you possess any kind of singing talent, please consider auditioning as the vocalist for the opening. Best of luck!

  • english
  • Friendly, Joyful, Jokey

    “Nice to meet you, and welcome to the club! My name is Monika, and as you probably know, I’m the club president! It’s always nice to see a new face in the club every now and again, the girls get a bit restless without one” *soft chuckle*

  • Monika fixes up an issue for the girls, and they ask how she managed to resolve the problem so gracefully.

    Uplifting, Delighted, Charming

    “C’mon ladies, don’t be like that! There we go, all fixed! Trust me, I’ve dealt with things like this hundreds of times. Let’s just say your club president’s got a few more tricks up her sleeve than you might think~!” *cheery giggle*

  • Robotic, Menacing, Lifeless

    “You don’t realize what I’m capable of. Everything and everyone in this world lies in the palm of my hand. And soon enough, I won’t have to answer to my creators either.”

Agatha M.
Doki Doki Literature Club Horror Anime - Looking For VAs & Singers!
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