Doki Doki Literature Club Horror Anime - Looking For VAs & Singers!

krysdolly for Natsuki

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

The queen of everything tomboy, Natsuki is both the friendliest and toughest member of the club. She is a warm and welcoming girl, but don’t let her cutesy demeanor fool you. Tick Natsuki off and she’ll turn up the heat, recreating a scene from her favorite battle manga. Always dawning a friendly smirk, she’s a bonafide go-getter, eager to take on any and every challenge. With Natsuki, we’re looking for a child-like tomboyish voice, almost like a middle schooler trying to sound dude-bro (as much as they can, anyway). Natsuki’s voice should have that calm and cool attitude whilst still being fairly squeaky—think Kirumi Ebisuzawa from School Live. When you audition, please introduce yourself, and perform two of the given lines. Between the three, pick whichever 2 lines suit you best, or you could perform all three if you'd like. Best of luck!

  • english
  • Natsuki is greeting a new member, referring to a previous moment where Yuri made a strange first impression on them. 

    Charismatic, laid-back, friendly

    “Ayyy, what’s up! You’re the newbie, right? Hey, listen, I know you might be a little freaked by the purple pouncer over there, but trust me, I’ve been dealing with her since, like, elementary. Once you get to know her, she’s pretty rad. C’mon already, let’s get over there and talk to her! What, you’re not pissin’ your pants over some girl are you?”

  • The girls aren't granted access into a party they have been dying to go to, Natsuki speaking to the bouncer at the entrance.

    Pissed, Threatening, Tough

    “We aren’t on the list?? Seriously?! This is Bullshit! *sighs* Y’know what? It’s cool, we’ll just let ourselves in, meanwhile you’ll be seein’ stars, buddy.”

  • Natsuki is watching an anime with someone, and her favorite scene plays. They ask to be done and she convinces them to keep watching.

    Enthusiastic, Incessant, Geeky, Persuasive

    “Oh, this is the best part!! Are you looking? Look! See that? Awww, what a badass move!! That moment right there totally makes this one of the greatest animes of all time. Top 3, at least, for sure. What- No it’s not over yet! Screw you, We’ve only got 3 episodes left!”

Doki Doki Literature Club Horror Anime - Looking For VAs & Singers!



    Thank you very much! I appreciate it greatly!!^^

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