Doki Doki Literature Club Horror Anime - Looking For VAs & Singers!

Zee for Yuri

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Yuri may come off as a bit strange at first, but under her cryptic outer core, you’ll find that she’s still just as peculiar. A woman of few words and a master of monotone, showing little to no reaction in the face of most scenarios, she often remains at the calmest composure, even in the most bizarre situations. Being the most level headed of the club’s members doesn’t stop her from being something of a social anomaly to most people, who are typically repelled by her unusual behavior. All things considered, the literature club is the one place where she isn’t a misfit, though sometimes even the girls are left baffled at Yuri’s pure and unadulterated oddball energy. With Yuri, we are looking for a deep, calm voice, with little change in tone. She should sound completely flat, not happy, nor mad. Her voice should also gain a certain mysterious undertone to it when saying some phrases. Overall, something similar to Rei Ayanami from Evangelion. When you audition, please introduce yourself, and perform at least one of the given lines. If you'd like you can also do both, but only one is required. Best of luck!

  • english
  • Yuri is meeting the new arrival when she recognizes him as a certain person she's been searching for.

    Monotone, Impassive, Chatty

    “Hey, I’m Yuri. Oh, wait a minute, I know you. Yeah, you’re the guy who got the lowest score on exams last semester. 37.26%. The whole school’s been talking about you, honestly I thought you were some kind of myth. Like, a conspiracy created by the school board to persuade us to earn better scores on our tests. I couldn’t catch you on any of the cameras I hid around the building, when I snuck into a staff meeting they all insisted you were a real student. I was pretty certain that you didn’t exist, but… here you are, and you do. Neat. What’s wrong? You’re going? Oh, okay, nice meeting you.”

  • Yuri is returning a not so great book when she decides to destroy it instead.

    Deadpan, Polite

    “I wanna return this book, please. I’ve read better novels, I didn’t really like it. All the characters were cliche and the worldbuilding wasn’t immersive at all. Y’know... a book as awful as this shouldn’t be allowed on shelves. Maybe it’d be best if somebody just- Hold on a minute… There, now nobody else will have to lay eyes on this travesty. Oh… I have to pay a destruction fee for that? Alright.”

Doki Doki Literature Club Horror Anime - Looking For VAs & Singers!
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