Chimera [Original Animated Series] (COMEDY/SLICE OF LIFE/FANTASY DRAMA)

Project Overview

NOTICE: Some of the images used below belong to me or the producers of Chimera. They are the best visual representations of the characters as of now. Please support the official artists and pieces!

Greetings, members of the "Casting Call Club"!

My name is Galindan Chimera, a student at an illustrious academy for children gifted with unique magics that believe themselves worthy to protect the creatures of this realm! I have been entrusted with explaining to you the manner in which myself and mine entourage are searching for your support and assistance. 

The story of Chimera, starring yours truly, elaborates on mine own experiences within this academy of magics, referred to by "NSA" (I believe people like you have a similar acronym in your own realm? How interesting). Mine entourage have become absolutely enraptured with mine tale, and have decided to dedicate an entire series to mine life, allowing such a tale to be broadcasted for all eyes to witness. However, it appears we shall need several voices to portray those of my good friends, friendly enemies, and arch rivals.


You MUST have Discord. This is just to make it easier to contact everyone at once.

You must be at least 16 years old or older

You must have a good microphone. No background noise or muffling please.

Please put emotion into your audition. 

Please be committed. This will most likely be a long term project so be ready for that.

Please be okay with swearing.

If you are cast, try to get your lines done on time.

Recommended but not required

Be down to play video games and other stuff for fun

When auditioning.

Make sure you speak clearly. I want to be able to understand what you are saying.

Feel free to adlib a bit. Read the full lines first but if you want to add something to them then go for it.

Put emotion into your lines. You're playing a character with feelings and personality, not reading a book.

Please say each line at least twice using a different way of saying it each time. Whether it be a different voice ore different form of emotion.

Extra Notes

Do not mind the deadline. It may be extended depending on how many people audition.

More characters might be added later.

Oh! There is one other tidbit of information I should mention!
I, Galindan Chimera, have joined "Twitter"! If you would please "follow" me on that application, I would be most grateful. I shall update on the situations of mine life and even possibly update regarding this wonderful project.  

Good luck to you all, and I bid you "adieu" for now~.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Galindan is pronounced "Gal-in-dan"

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Latest Updates


    I'm so bad with Discord, I made a bad link! I'm so sorry, everyone. This link should work!

    Hello! Director here! We have made a public discord server for anyone who wants to follow the happenings of the series. Thank you all so much for the support and the auditions!

    Director here! Thank you all so much for your auditions and your interest in the project. I'm here to inform you that March 31st will be our LAST DEADLINE! After this deadline, if you wish to audition for the project, you will have to wait until we open more voicing opportunities for characters who will appear in the next coming seasons. Tomorrow (March 2nd), we will be leaving tips and comments on your auditions to let you know how you did. If, by this deadline, we find multiple people we like for an audition, we will hold callbacks for that specific character. Fun fact: We've even added another character you can try out for! Again, thank you all so much for your interest in this series, and for many of you, your patience. This is the home stretch!
Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deborah "Dabria" Beth Ariyanno
Role assigned to: PenelopePindrop

Deborah, known more as "Dabria" throughout mine narrative, is mine roommate, and a fellow student.

Vocal range: high - medium

Dabria is the living embodiment of a high spirit. She almost always has an optimistic outlook on every situation and finds a way to make even the worst moments somehow into jokes. She has no problem staring into the face of danger to protect her friends. She can easily be described as outgoing, courageous, unexpectedly intelligent, and friendly. However, she doesn’t believe herself to be all that great- despite being ranked third in the freshman class.

When voicing Dabria, it is worth noting that her character almost always sounds bubbly and energetic. Even when trying to break bad news, she still manages to emit some level of positivity. High energy is a necessity for this character.

  • OH NO, I FORGOT YOU DON'T KNOW HOW TO USE A PHONE! WE'RE GONNA DIE-oh nevermind, I’ll just call them.

  • Umm… okay, but to be honest, she’s kinda out of your league, isn’t she Galindan? She’s the top student here, athletic, beautiful, and you’re… well… you’re pretty chill I guess, but you’re also ranked last out of everyone here. I guess it doesn’t help that you weren’t exactly accepted like any of the others.

  • Y-Your medicine?! You mean that weird grape juice stuff you drink every morning?! How could you forge- (she pauses and remembers this morning) Oh no… it’s all MY fault you forgot to take it this morning! And now you’re gonna die!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Diana Hope
Role assigned to: Lilee

Diana, my beloved, the girl of mine dreams! How I long to embrace her, to be hers and for her to be mine. She is… perfection. 

Vocal range: high - medium

Diana loves everything about bettering herself. Even at the top, she strides to improve at all times. She befriends almost everyone she meets- and can act rather civil, even when she doesn’t think very highly of someone. She believes credit belongs where credit is due, and as a result, can sometimes struggle to control her anger. She is super athletic and confident- and kind of a tomboy.

Voicing Diana entails possessing the ability to sound a bit tough, while simultaneously maintaining a friendly air to her voice. When she speaks gently- it’s almost like a different attitude comes upon her, since she is likely completely calm at that time.

  • Hey, Ryan. Even though your personality consists of a raging dumpster fire and zombie kittens, that was a great match out there.

  • Hey, Dab. Did you do the Magical History homework? I was kind of confused on a couple of questions, and was hoping I could take a picture of yours?

  • Don’t lie to me, Gali. I know something was up. I could… well, I could smell it. Something about you wasn’t… right.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Io Lazuli Salvatore
Role assigned to: Trevor Carter VO

Sir Io Salvatore… my arch-rival… ranked highly due to his magical skill and physical prowess, but for an unknown reason acts in completely unprecedented manners towards mine person.

Vocal range: medium


Io is a bit rough around the edges. He’s a loner, and he only slightly dislikes it. He can definitely be described as jealous- and if it were not for his attitude, he might be ranked higher than fifth, on account of his sheer power. When pushed too far, he almost becomes animalistic- growling and baring his strangely sharpened teeth. He is incapable of normal speech due to an injury.

Io’s voice is technically his- even though he never speaks. Instead, he writes on notes- and these notes will have a voice for the audience. This voice is Io’s voice. It needs to be able to capture his sheer anger and cruelty, but then also his tired and reserved monotonicity. It does not need to sound gruff since the voice will not be harmed by the injury. When he does speak verbally, however, it comes out as a snarl- and simply sounds painful. We would appreciate a showcase of your ability to rasp and snarl, although Io will not normally speak with a rasp and snarl- only on certain occasions.

  • Eyes up, Galindumbass. Stop focusing on women, and maybe do something fucking useful for once.

  • That’s your power, dumbass, not your element.


Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Nephilium Tueur
Role assigned to: nullifi3d_

Sir Nephilium is rather...confusing. They believe themself to be above the rest of those of us in the academy. Still, their violent behavior towards mineself has forced mine opinion of them into the metaphorical "deep end."

Vocal range: high - medium (can be male or female)

Nephilium is manipulative, to say the least. He can go from sounding innocent and sweet to cold and cruel- and when he is angered, and he is capable of imposing a menacing authority. He can very easily be described as having a god complex- seeing as he often refers to himself as a “god,” and those around him as “mortals.” He is also genderfluid.

For Nephilium, a voice that could pass as either a female or a male is preferred- so that it isn’t very simple to identify him as a singular gender. There should almost always be an undertone of an egotist in his voice- which the capabilities of becoming loud and furious when angered. There is almost no genuine compassion or kindness in his tone. If there ever is- it’s faked, and should be treated as such.


  • I used to ask myself the same thing, so I gave them a reason to hate me. Now, are you going to keep standing there like a thoughtless pawn? Other people are trying to get to class. Besides, it’s not my fault you were in the way of a god.

  • On the contrary. Your issue seems to coincide with an enigma on my end. Therefore… why don’t we make a bit of a bargain, mortal?


Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Morella LaRue
Role assigned to: vanillra

Good Morella is curious as well. She seems to be unaffected by mine effects to woo her, and has instead decided to chastise and scold mineself on my behavior and conduct! Rather unbecoming…

Vocal range: medium - low

Morella is rather intelligent, but can also be rather… cruel. She tends to find joy in the misery of others- and has little patience for when our protagonist annoys her. She also has bouts of frustration, where she can be rather shouty and infuriated, but otherwise, she is very composed. She also has a small soft side- but that hardly ever shows.

Morella’s tone should sound somewhat condescending- since she is prone to mock people (namely Galindan). Additionally, it should be smooth and collected- though that may break whenever she gets frustrated. Lastly, when she is enjoyed, she should sound somewhat cruel- since she primarily gains her laughs from others’ pain.

  • The printer can’t talk back to you. Do you usually embarrass yourself by talking to inanimate objects in public?

  • Well, Dabria is one of the smartest people in our class. It’s no wonder she’s ranked third. You should learn from her example. Now, if you don’t mind?

  • Oh my Fallacy… What?! I’m trying to study!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Ryan Scotts
Role assigned to: wintermelon

I must say, mine first encounter with Ryan was delightful-- until I realized Ryan was, in fact, a male. He seems to have a terrible grudge against mineself, and is doing his greatest to ruin mine life and reputation!

Vocal range: medium

Ryan is the definition of a bully. He is very rude, thinks he should be at the top (despite being almost at the bottom), and isn’t afraid to get physical if someone gets in his way, or even just mildly inconveniences him. He’s a loner; since he’s so mean, he doesn’t have any friends. This wears away at him over the course of the series- which is shown through him progressively getting more and more aggressive.

Ryan’s voice should be that a male’s- but have a level of femininity to it. He shouts a LOT, so being able to be loud, aggressive, and angry is a necessity for this character. At the same time, he is highly emotional. There are times where he can be mean, but he also can sound pretty intense when just talking normally. The calmest he gets is in some of his internal monologues, and when he’s trying to manipulate Diana.

  • My name is Ryan Scotts. I’m what you call “the best.” I’m the top at this academy, no matter what the numbers say. I doubt there’s anyone cooler than me in these halls. No one matches my ability, my intelligence, my looks, my- (his thoughts are interrupted)


  • I saw the way you looked at her. Get over yourself. You’re nothing but a FUCKING FREAK. You don’t have a chance with HER. Me, on the other hand? Well… let’s just say you’re outclassed. Stay away from her, Galindumbass. If you don’t? I’ll tell EVERYONE you like her. Besides... do you really think she’d like you back?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Bowen Lee
Role assigned to: pastydrake

...I cannot recall his name, precisely, but he is supposedly rather powerful- if a little overly enigmatic…

Vocal range: medium

Bowen is a total mama’s boy, and he has a big heart. He can be rather intense and excitable, and very passionate when he gets riled up. Granted, it doesn’t take much to rile him up. He desires friendship, but he also likes to be cool about it. He dreams of being popular and loved, though he struggles more than others for some reason.

He shouts a lot, but mostly because he’s almost always hyper. Even when he’s exhausted, he still manages to radiate some level of energy that radiates from him like a great big ball of light. Passion and enthusiasm should radiate in his every action.

  • … something about that woman just doesn’t feel right… like eating an old tamale. Something just feels so wrong in me whenever she’s around.

  • They just kept walking and saying nothing to each other. It was like those dreams where you’re being chased by something and it’s going at like 50000 miles an hour and you’re moving like a fucking snail, but I was the one doing the chasing.


Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Spark Drakeheart
cast offsite

Good Mister Drakeheart has always appeared to show his support for yours truly. I greatly appreciate his existence. Still...he appears to know more than many of us may believe…

Vocal range: medium - low

A man who has witnessed history long enough to know exactly how often it has repeated. Has little care for almost anything at all, really, but when he does grow concerned- he acts passionately. It’s likely due to all the caffeine coursing through his system. Easily can be considered relaxed and laid back, and is considerate and kind to those around him.

Try not to sound monotone, but try to refrain from too much emotion. Even when he is impassioned, he is more reserved with his emotes. He sounds gentle and kind, except for in moments of urgency- but even then, it only takes him a few moments to recompose himself.

  • (Chuckling as he takes a sip of his coffee) No need to apologize, my boy, please. Take your seat. I promise you missed nothing important.

  • Well no shit, kid. The question asked was why.

  • It’s because you’re different, Galindan. It’s because you’ve brought something incredible into his life, but in his own terms, you squander the gift you’ve been given. Io… if Io could tell you himself, he would, but… his parents…

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Aliza Drakeheart
Role assigned to: PiperJG

Miss Drakeheart appears more professional than her husband and strives for the best from us academically. However, she is also quite accepting and kind.

Vocal range: medium - low

Stricter than her husband, but still very much concerned with the state of others around her. While her husband seemingly cares little, she is adamant about ensuring the success of her students. She is also rather calm and reserved.

Avoid monotony with your tone, but do not become overly emotive. There are times when you must sound authoritative, while also maintaining a compassionate attitude.

  • (Politely clears throat) Galindan Chimera? Would you please tell me an element from our Magic Circle?

  • Io Salvatore! Language, please! (turns back to Galindan with a smile) Now, that is your power, Galindan. I said, element. Please pay attention next time, alright?


Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Ellipsis Override
Role assigned to: Saoirse Connolly

Ah, the lovely Ellipsis. Unfortunately for me, however, she appears to be taken. I often see her with peculiar.

Vocal range: high - medium

Rather shy, naive, innocent, prone to backing down from arguments, and very sweet.

She often stutters- so make sure you are capable of doing so naturally. She’s a bit more on the quiet side, but rather emotive. Soft-spoken.

  • Well, it's pretty interesting, I- (gets interrupted)

  • I-I’m sorry...I h-have a boyfriend…

  • Come on, Hyu, be nice.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: MeghanMcConnellVA

Miss Thyme does not appear to enjoy mine company very much...I'm not certain what I've done to cause her general dislike of me.

Vocal range: medium - low

Stoic, diligent, and has a rather commanding authority. She’s kind of like a war general- minus all the shouting. Concerned for the safety of Dabria- since it is her lifelong duty to protect the child. She can sound tired from time to time and is rather logical and blunt.

She sounds harsh and is very straight to the point. She can be rather tired or can carry an element of compassion to her voice. She can adapt to most situations accordingly but is rather professional at almost all times.

  • Your speech is exhaustive. You would breathe more efficiently if you used fewer words. Observe: Leave, boy.

  • Are you quite alright, child?

  • Child, it’s already 8:15. You were supposed to leave 15 minutes ago.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Ophelia Ventra
Role assigned to: MadiSings

I don't know much about Miss Ophelia. However, she did attempt to comfort me in mine time of need. It is highly appreciated.

Vocal range: medium - low

A member of the Magical Education Council, who just so happens to be a double agent for a sinister organization. She is an incredibly amazing actress, and as such, has no problem portraying a bubbly and kind-hearted persona, when in reality she is a very deadly and very serious assassin. She is driven to accomplishing her objective no matter the cost.

It is necessary to be capable of being stoic and calculated, while simultaneously maintaining a very peppy outward character. A perfect distinction between her persona and her real personality is necessary.

  • Oh my goodness! So much potential! So much raw power! (turns back to Galindan) What were you saying, love?

  •  Well… it’s no crime to have nothing. Remember that. (she winks)

  • (Serious- on the phone) Galindan Chimera, hm? I take it the objective… has changed. (pause) I will have to review his file… but I’ll ensure that the plan will not go awry. I never fail a mission.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Koen Chimera
Role assigned to: kvoice

My old I miss him...

Vocal range: medium - low

A rather charismatic and skilled man. He was trained in the art of dueling and used this ability to fight in many battles in the name of heroism. Due to specific circumstances, the man ended up being left with a young Galindan to raise. Finally, and unexpectedly- he had found what he believed to be his life’s purpose- to pass his wisdom on to this boy, and teach him everything he needed to know to ensure he could survive in the world.

Koen is gentle, yet powerful all the same. He’s the type of man to carry an immense level of strength in his voice but acts courteous regardless. A true gentleman.

  • Galindan… this world is cold, and it is too large to warm all of its denizens… it cannot always be prepared to dote on you. In those times… heed my words carefully… get back up… you must be prepared to remind it… You. Are. The Sun.

  •  That's not a good thing, Galindan. You're only going to hurt more people when your time comes...

  • (chuckling) How could I leave my star pupil alone all day?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Wendy Curry (Employee)
Role assigned to: pushu

Wendy works at a popular fast-food chain called "Wanda's" (not to be mistaken for your earthly "Wendy's"), a place I often frequent due to Dab's appreciation of their frosties and their "Twitter" page.

Voice range: medium - low

Wendy is a gothic college student working a minimum wage job, who has almost no patience or care for anything. Especially Galindan.

Sounds dead inside- but once she gets annoyed, she can be rather mean. She is constantly done with everything, and that should show in her voice.

  • Sir...this is a Wanda's.

  • Look, kid, I never asked for your life story. I don’t give a rats ass what you may have had to deal with. Do you want to make your meal a combo or not?

  • So you’re saying a strange woman suddenly appeared in your room while you were having a crisis about the fact that you were too lazy to take a test seriously and rightfully failed?


Public Submissions

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