Chimera [Original Animated Series] (COMEDY/SLICE OF LIFE/FANTASY DRAMA)
Molly_p for Deborah "Dabria" Beth Ariyanno
Deborah, known more as "Dabria" throughout mine narrative, is mine roommate, and a fellow student.
Vocal range: high - medium
Dabria is the living embodiment of a high spirit. She almost always has an optimistic outlook on every situation and finds a way to make even the worst moments somehow into jokes. She has no problem staring into the face of danger to protect her friends. She can easily be described as outgoing, courageous, unexpectedly intelligent, and friendly. However, she doesn’t believe herself to be all that great- despite being ranked third in the freshman class.
When voicing Dabria, it is worth noting that her character almost always sounds bubbly and energetic. Even when trying to break bad news, she still manages to emit some level of positivity. High energy is a necessity for this character.
OH NO, I FORGOT YOU DON'T KNOW HOW TO USE A PHONE! WE'RE GONNA DIE-oh nevermind, I’ll just call them.
Umm… okay, but to be honest, she’s kinda out of your league, isn’t she Galindan? She’s the top student here, athletic, beautiful, and you’re… well… you’re pretty chill I guess, but you’re also ranked last out of everyone here. I guess it doesn’t help that you weren’t exactly accepted like any of the others.
Y-Your medicine?! You mean that weird grape juice stuff you drink every morning?! How could you forge- (she pauses and remembers this morning) Oh no… it’s all MY fault you forgot to take it this morning! And now you’re gonna die!