Chimera [Original Animated Series] (COMEDY/SLICE OF LIFE/FANTASY DRAMA)
Leo Kopp for Diana Hope
Diana, my beloved, the girl of mine dreams! How I long to embrace her, to be hers and for her to be mine. She is… perfection.
Vocal range: high - medium
Diana loves everything about bettering herself. Even at the top, she strides to improve at all times. She befriends almost everyone she meets- and can act rather civil, even when she doesn’t think very highly of someone. She believes credit belongs where credit is due, and as a result, can sometimes struggle to control her anger. She is super athletic and confident- and kind of a tomboy.
Voicing Diana entails possessing the ability to sound a bit tough, while simultaneously maintaining a friendly air to her voice. When she speaks gently- it’s almost like a different attitude comes upon her, since she is likely completely calm at that time.
Hey, Ryan. Even though your personality consists of a raging dumpster fire and zombie kittens, that was a great match out there.
Hey, Dab. Did you do the Magical History homework? I was kind of confused on a couple of questions, and was hoping I could take a picture of yours?
Don’t lie to me, Gali. I know something was up. I could… well, I could smell it. Something about you wasn’t… right.
Hey, thanks for auditioning! I notice that your gain goes in and out sometimes quality, although you had lots of nice moments of diction and emotion. Keep up the good work :D