Chimera [Original Animated Series] (COMEDY/SLICE OF LIFE/FANTASY DRAMA)
MeghanMcConnellVA for Thyme
Miss Thyme does not appear to enjoy mine company very much...I'm not certain what I've done to cause her general dislike of me.
Vocal range: medium - low
Stoic, diligent, and has a rather commanding authority. She’s kind of like a war general- minus all the shouting. Concerned for the safety of Dabria- since it is her lifelong duty to protect the child. She can sound tired from time to time and is rather logical and blunt.
She sounds harsh and is very straight to the point. She can be rather tired or can carry an element of compassion to her voice. She can adapt to most situations accordingly but is rather professional at almost all times.
Your speech is exhaustive. You would breathe more efficiently if you used fewer words. Observe: Leave, boy.
Are you quite alright, child?
Child, it’s already 8:15. You were supposed to leave 15 minutes ago.
Hello, assistant director here! Would you mind giving an audition for Aliza? I'd like to hear your take of her character. Thank you for taking the time to audition! Your Thyme is wonderful.