Chimera [Original Animated Series] (COMEDY/SLICE OF LIFE/FANTASY DRAMA)
MadelineTheVA for Morella LaRue
Good Morella is curious as well. She seems to be unaffected by mine effects to woo her, and has instead decided to chastise and scold mineself on my behavior and conduct! Rather unbecoming…
Vocal range: medium - low
Morella is rather intelligent, but can also be rather… cruel. She tends to find joy in the misery of others- and has little patience for when our protagonist annoys her. She also has bouts of frustration, where she can be rather shouty and infuriated, but otherwise, she is very composed. She also has a small soft side- but that hardly ever shows.
Morella’s tone should sound somewhat condescending- since she is prone to mock people (namely Galindan). Additionally, it should be smooth and collected- though that may break whenever she gets frustrated. Lastly, when she is enjoyed, she should sound somewhat cruel- since she primarily gains her laughs from others’ pain.
The printer can’t talk back to you. Do you usually embarrass yourself by talking to inanimate objects in public?
Well, Dabria is one of the smartest people in our class. It’s no wonder she’s ranked third. You should learn from her example. Now, if you don’t mind?
Oh my Fallacy… What?! I’m trying to study!
Hello- assistant director here! I love the voice you gave to the character, but I would have appreciated a bit more emotion. Otherwise, you spoke with perfect clarity and totally portrayed the character perfectly. Good job!