Chimera [Original Animated Series] (COMEDY/SLICE OF LIFE/FANTASY DRAMA)
TheSingingCat915 for Ophelia Ventra
I don't know much about Miss Ophelia. However, she did attempt to comfort me in mine time of need. It is highly appreciated.
Vocal range: medium - low
A member of the Magical Education Council, who just so happens to be a double agent for a sinister organization. She is an incredibly amazing actress, and as such, has no problem portraying a bubbly and kind-hearted persona, when in reality she is a very deadly and very serious assassin. She is driven to accomplishing her objective no matter the cost.
It is necessary to be capable of being stoic and calculated, while simultaneously maintaining a very peppy outward character. A perfect distinction between her persona and her real personality is necessary.
Oh my goodness! So much potential! So much raw power! (turns back to Galindan) What were you saying, love?
Well… it’s no crime to have nothing. Remember that. (she winks)
(Serious- on the phone) Galindan Chimera, hm? I take it the objective… has changed. (pause) I will have to review his file… but I’ll ensure that the plan will not go awry. I never fail a mission.