Undertale the Narrator's Musical: Re-casting (Asgore and Sans)

Project Overview
This casting call is up to find new actors to voice Asgore and Sans in Undertale: the Narrator's Musical. For information about the main project, please go here: https://www.castingcall.club/projects/undertale-the-narrator-s-musical, and here's a playlist of the songs we currently have out so far: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K276nkB293A&list=PL7EJdEvsxEAFdLrmOeskcrG_6WYE1-sb-
Now, some rules and guidelines!
1. . You can sing acapella or with a backing track. A sample of at least 10 seconds would be sufficient, though feel free to go longer. Just make sure your singing is a good show of your skill at both singing and staying in character!
2. Please have a good-quality mic! We want this to sound as professional as possible. There's only so much noise removal and pitch correction can do.
3. This project will be long-term, so make sure you're willing to stay committed to it!
4. Have a Discord! All of us on the team hang out there, so you'd need that to get connected with us.
5. Don't be shy about re-auditioning if you feel you can do better.
6. Have fun with it!
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Thanks so much to everyone who auditioned, and after a lot of thought (probably too much on my end, ha ha) the roles have been cast! Raethr as Asgore and Slapper1 as Sans! It was really had to pick to be honest, and there was some stuff competition. So thank you all so much for auditioning!
Okay, now that I finally got to listen to (and give feedback on) everyone's auditions, time to see who made callbacks! Those in the callback lineup are... For Asgore: raethr -FitzLemur DBGreece RacksRaccoon For Sans: slapper1 Nick_Salad Also there's a couple people off-site who are in callbacks as well. I'll send everyone who made callbacks the stuff needed for that promptly! And even if you didn't make the callbacks, I appreciate every single one of you so much for auditioning! Even if you don't get cast in something it's an accomplishment to put yourself out there in auditioning, so I commend you all for that! I'll put up another update once we have those roles cast!

Asgore has a bass-baritone voice, both determined to free his people while at the same time guilty about what he's had to do to get to this point. Despite it all, he can be kind and have a goofy side as well.
Human.... it was nice to meet you.... Goodbye.
Is someone there? Just a minute! I have almost finished watering these flowers. Dum de dum, de dum... (humming Memory). Here we are! Now, how can I.... oh.
Sing anything in-character.

Sans has a more laid-back voice in comparison to his brother. He can be a bit of a jokester but also can be serious when the time calls for it, as he's aware of the different timelines existing. Baritone or tenor voice works.
Sorry bro. I tried to borrow more instruments to help, but, well... I couldn't afford any organ donors.
If you refuse to fight… Asgore will take your soul and destroy humanity. But if you kill Asgore and go home… Monsters will remain trapped underground. What will you do?
Sing anything in-character.
Public Submissions