Undertale the Narrator's Musical: Re-casting (Asgore and Sans)
raethr for Asgore

Asgore has a bass-baritone voice, both determined to free his people while at the same time guilty about what he's had to do to get to this point. Despite it all, he can be kind and have a goofy side as well.
Human.... it was nice to meet you.... Goodbye.
Is someone there? Just a minute! I have almost finished watering these flowers. Dum de dum, de dum... (humming Memory). Here we are! Now, how can I.... oh.
Sing anything in-character.

Please let me know if I need to redo the audition and add an introduction. I am just now realizing that it was something that was called for. Thank you.

Don't worry, an intro isn't necessary. :) I liked your third take on the first line best, and you did good on all your takes of the 2nd line. :) Nice job singing Bergentrukung as well! I noticed "again" had the same two notes rather than the 2nd going a bit lower, that note's hard to get. Other than that, nice job! The "my breath is all gone" part was my favorite. Nice job, and thanks for auditioning!

Thank you for your feedback. I was singing Bergentruckung from memory, so I must have missed that lowered step on "again". Although, I believe that I am usually able to hit that note. If your are interested in seeing more of my range, I am more than happy to send you other pieces of work I have done.

Congrats!! Can wait to hear you in the musical!