Undertale the Narrator's Musical: Re-casting (Asgore and Sans)
-FitzLemur for Asgore

Asgore has a bass-baritone voice, both determined to free his people while at the same time guilty about what he's had to do to get to this point. Despite it all, he can be kind and have a goofy side as well.
Human.... it was nice to meet you.... Goodbye.
Is someone there? Just a minute! I have almost finished watering these flowers. Dum de dum, de dum... (humming Memory). Here we are! Now, how can I.... oh.
Sing anything in-character.
Just realized how terrible quality this is. I saw this kinda late and didn't really have time to do any editing on it, also I was just using my phone's mic, so it doesn't sound very good, but if needs be I can do it again.

Oh man, phone quality aside (which actually didn't sound that bad to be honest!), dang you sang Evermore great! I adore that song! :) I definitely liked the first take of line 1 better than the second, the first definitely carried the emotional weight fitting to the situation. :) And you did great on both times of the second line, the first especially had the humming sound so cheerful and fatherly. :) Do you have a better mic than your phone now? You're definitely making the callbacks for Asgore I can tell you that, you've got the voice for it! Great job!
Oh thank you so much! I should have better quality from hereon out. I look forward to callbacks!