The Dragonet Prophecy - The Movie

The Dragonet Prophecy - The Movie

Project Overview

This is a movie adaptation of the book, Wings of Fire - The Dragonet Prophecy by Tui Sutherland. Written and Directed by Drake King, Produced by Joseph Warfel, a WarfelWorks Production. Currently, the project is at a stand still, as we have almost no one auditioning. If you would like to audition for a character, PLEASE DO! Here's an important link if you want to audition.

Clay has lived his whole life under the mountain. The MudWing dragonet knows that war is raging between the dragon tribes in the world outside — a war that he and four other dragonets are destined to end, according to the mysterious Prophecy they've been taught. The five "chosen" dragonets were stolen from their homes, while they were still in their eggs — and hidden away for years — to fulfill the Prophecy.

But not every dragonet wants a destiny. And when danger threatens one of their own, Clay and his friends may choose freedom over fate . . . leave the mountain . . . and set the dragon world on a course that no one could have predicted. 

NOTE: This project will not be able to give out salaries to actors/actress'. I apologize for the inconvenience.


Please audition! Thank you!

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  • Other places to send auditions

    Please also send auditions to D.C. King#0674 on Discord. Thank you!
  • Roles Cast / Closed (V1)

    Thank you all for 120+ auditions! I have been able to cast eight characters in total so far! There are still 18 characters left open/not-cast, so please keep auditioning! Closed Roles: -Clay -Tsunami -Glory -Starflight -Sunny -Peril -Queen Scarlet THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH! -D.C. King
  • All Roles are now Open

    With how slow the casting call has been, the team and I have decided to unlock the flood gates and open auditions for all characters. In doing so, we hope to speed up the casting process.
Voice Actor
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Role assigned to: Kasgab-

 A caring big brother who would do anything to protect his friends. Sweet, selfless, and brave.

  • [To TSUNAMI]: She’s gonna be a real jerk to you tomorrow training.

  • [Clays beginning Monologue]: I’m Clay. I’m supposed to be one of five dragonets destined to stop a war that’s been raging on for about 15 years. I know I have some sort of destiny, but sometimes, it doesn’t feel like it. According to Kestrel, when I hatched, I attacked the others before they hatched. Kestrel’s been holding a grudge for not being the same as I was as a hatchling. The big grump back there was Kestrel; She teaches us to fight. Ironically, she says we need to know how to fight, even though we’re here to stop the fighting.     {CLAY passes by DUNE}    That’s one of our Guardians, Dune. He teaches us things like how to hunt for animals and how to make a temporary hut; He teaches us survival skills. We don’t know much about him; he hasn’t really said much of anything about his past. {WEBS bumps into CLAY in a hurry, trying to get to DUNE}    And that’s the last guardian, Webs. He teaches History. He’s the best dragon under the mountain. Him, too, we don’t know much about. Actually, we don’t know much about any of the dragons down here. Besides my friends.

  • [To PERIL]: Why do you fight? You’re not in chains, I see. [Peril's Dialogue] Are you a guard?

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Role assigned to: TinyNite

The bossy big sister. Uptight, but caring towards her friends. Loyal, determined, and will stop at nothing. 

  • You okay, Clay? [CLAYS dialogue] Kestrel? Being mean? That’s never happened! How unexpected and unusual!

  • Okay. {She points at the dragonet she mentions for their part} Now, obviously, I’d be the best queen, but you can be Queen Oasis, Sunny. Clay, I guess you can be the scavenger, your “sword” is over there. I’ll be Burn, the strongest queen, Glory, you can be Blister, the smart one, and {Sarcastically} Oh No! I guess that leaves Starflight to be Blaze. Again!

  • [Poorely acting out Princess Burn] I, Princess Burn, shall be queen! I am the strongest and oldest princess! I should be queen!

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The middle sister. Snappy, Sarcastic, Judgmental, but does have a heart for her friends.

  • [To STARFLIGHT] I would rather you do that tonight, when we’re all trying to sleep.

  • [Poorly acting PRINCESS BLISTER] I, Princess Blister, am the smartest and most rightful leader! I should be queen!

  • Who would want Rainwings for an ally anyways? We’re too stupid to do anything and too lazy to fight.

     I’m fine. [SUNNYS Dialogue]     Why bother? You heard that Morrowseer wasn’t going to hurt Tsunami. It was obviously a test. [CLAYS Dialogue] Yup. And I failed it the day I hatched as a Rainwing. [SUNNYS Dialogue] Aw, you’re sweet. {She yawns} I’m gonna take a nap. [SUNNYS Dialogue] Well, they all think I’m lazy anyways. Nothing I can do to change that. Today’s been interesting, and I need some sleep.  Wake me if anything exciting happens.  Oh, and make sure it’s actually exciting, not Sunny Exciting.

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Role assigned to: Medikuma

The little brother. Nerdy, loves to read and learn, and treats the other dragonets kindly, like siblings.

  • This isn’t proper studying. Maybe I should read a scroll to you all- [TSUNAMIS dialogue] {Sighs in disapproval and slumps down to listen to TSUNAMI} Just don’t make me do Blaze again.

  • [Acting out BLAZE] And I, Princess Blaze, am the youngest and would have the longest reign! I should be queen! [TSUNAMI'S dialogue] [Embarrassed] And am, by far, the prettiest.

  • [Clears his throat] “Burn is the oldest princess currently fighting in the war. Burn is allied with the Mudwings and the Skywings. In battle, Burn would easily defeat her sisters. If she wins, she’ll probably keep the war going just for fun. {Moves to another part of the scroll} Blister is the smartest of the sisters and the middle aged one. She is allied with the Seawings. She is the most likely to win. But she’s conniving. If she wins, she’ll most likely try to invade the other tribes. She was the one who mentioned fighting the war. Blaze is the youngest and the Sandwing favorite.

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Role assigned to: Soulia Sora

The little sister. Almost always optimistic and happy, could have a squeaky voice, like a young child.

  • [Desperate] Why are you doing this to Tsunami?! If anyone can fulfill the prophecy, it’s Tsunami!

  • [Acting out QUEEN OASIS poorly] I’m Queen Oasis, Blah Blah Blah, I’m all rich and powerful, and stuff, and Queen of the Sandwing! No one dares challenge me! [CLAY'S dialogue] EEP!

  • [To STARFLIGHT] Yeah, go ahead! You can have your fun now!

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Role assigned to: helioscentrick

 Not one of the five dragonets, and is raised believing it is okay to kill. Has nearly no sense of remorse, until she meets Clay. She is matter of fact and takes everything seriously.

  • [Laughs] Wow, I never expected that to be the first thing a Mudwing does when he sees food.

  •  Aren’t you going to eat it? [CLAYS dialogue] I don’t want you to die before we can fight. Y’know, in the arena?

  • So, the queen, Queen Scarlet, usually has a fight down there every day. I guess she wasn’t able to today because of you and your friends. It’s a fight to the death. You fight for Her Majesty’s entertainment. [CLAYS dialogue] Oh, moons no! I’m Peril, the Queens Champion.

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Queen Scarlet
Role assigned to: Desertseer

The villain. Think of any dictator in history but they succeeded in manipulating an entire nation into her grasp. Queen Scarlet is maniacal, sadistic, and has no compassion for anything. She takes pleasure from violence and cruelty, and can be melodramatic at times, as well as sarcastic.

  • [Pretends to be offended] How do you not know that? You know, you’re not a very good spy, Seawing. [TSUNAMI'S Dialogue] h, you’re not? Well, you are a Seawing in my territory, but you’re not a spy, so who could you be?

  • Dragonets of destiny, I know, very thrilling. [She sighs] You think everyone despises the war, and yes, some do. But personally, I love it. It keeps some dragons who would’ve challenged for my throne busy. And for an added bonus, I get plenty of combatants for my arena. It all works out for me in the end.

  • Now, some of you may remember during the trial for the fate of Kestrel last evening, Peril here declared the Champions Shield. I get to decide her next opponent. If she wins, her mother goes free, and if she doesn’t, then I guess I’ll have to find another champion. Now, I know what you think: Peril can’t lose! Look at her, she’s a monster! She’ll kill anything just by touching it! Well, not quite everything, as today, we have a dragon impervious to fire! Isn’t that… Thrilling?

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Kestrel is a short-tempered dragoness, hired to raise and protect the five most important and valuable dragonets on the continent. She has grow to hate them, calling them names and treating them like prisoners. She does have a light side, though. In meeting her long lost daughter (who she thought was dead), she begins having motherly feelings for Peril. But in most of the story, Kestrel is grumpy and hot-headed most of the time.

  • [Frustrated] Forget about the prophecy, it’s never going to happen. One of the eggs are already broken, so there’s no point in caring about the other eggs. Let’s get this over with.

  • {Scoffs} How do you expect to save the world from an entire war if you can’t even save yourself from me? [Yelling] Pathetic! Where was that killer I saw when you were only a hatchling?! You’re weak! You’re- [Exclaims suddenly in surprise and pain]

  • Ha, no surprises with you; Webs snuck you out of her Seawing Majesties Royal Hatchery. Starflight was brought to us by Morrowseer, Dune found Sunny buried in the desert, right outside of the Scorpion Den. And before she died, one of the guardians, Asha, brought us your big, strong hero from the Diamond Spray Delta. [GLORY'S Dialogue] You? Webs managed to snatch you when we lost the Skywing. I didn’t ask him where he got you; I knew you were never important.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: nobleabsinthe

Dune is the second guardian hired to watch over the dragonets. He had been severely wounded in battle, making him useless in combat. He seems to be grumpy and a little bit of a jerk but has empathy for Sunny, as she is picked on by Kestrel for "Not looking normal." Having his leg and wings gone, he understands Sunny, and creates a fatherly bond with her, dying protecting her

  • [Grumpy] We’re going to have a visitor. Act normal and don’t try anything stupid.

  • [Urgent] KESTREL! STOP IT! [KESTRELS Dialogue] Kestrel, calm down for moons sake! This isn’t going to help find them!

  • [Calm and father-like] [SUNNY'S Lines] The desert? Again? [SUNNY'S Lines] [Sighs in defeat] Okay, okay. But I expect you to stay in here for the night, okay?

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Webs is the third dragon hired to look after the dragonets after being exiled from the Kingdom of the Sea. He is the kindest guardian, caring for Glory the most. His life before was torn apart because of the war, as most of his family was killed in battle. This adds a determination in him to stop the war. Simply, Webs is a caring guardian and parent figure to the dragonets.

  • [Dread] Wh- Where’s Hvitur? [KESTREL'S Line] But… What about the egg? It was the last one.

  • [Determined] What else do you suggest, Kestrel? Fulfil the prophecy without a fifth dragonet? I’ll be there by nightfall. They won’t even know. [DUNE'S Line] I don’t want to do this either. But I’ve lost enough, and I want this war to end. And I will do everything I can do to make that happen.

  • Why would he be coming now? There’s still two more years until they leave. [Dialogue] We had to get Glory in place for the Skywing. I can’t argue with him about it being a different tribe, but we have five now.

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Princess Burn

One of the three princess' who started the war. Princess Burn is "extremely brutal and violent and uses pure force to win her battles, cutting down opponents with sheer size and strength, no matter what the losses are." She should have a blunt voice, sound violent almost all the time.

  • {Chuckles menacingly} Nice try, ice dragon, but you won’t be freezing us. [To BURN'S SOLDIERS] Don’t worry; It’ll take him a while to regain his Ice Breath. Secure him.

  • [About the Dragonets]Why keep them alive? {SCARLET'S Dialogue] We have to stop the prophecy from coming true. We need to kill them now.

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Morrowseer is one of the main antagonists in the Wings of Fire series, being the mastermind behind the prophecy, the dragonets, the Nightwing Tribe; everything. He should have a deep, booming, threatening voice.

  • [Disgusted] What. Is. That?

  • The Nightwing Dragonet is ours. [SCARLET'S Dialogue] {He speaks deep enough to be a growl} You do not want to anger the Nightwings.

  • Yes, I know. That’s why I am telling you. In order for our plan to carry out, we need to get rid of some dragons that could potentially interfere with our... progress.

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Osprey is an elderly Skywing and close friend of Peril. There is not much more to say, as he was killed around the middle of the movie. All his dialogue in in a court scene, so try and make his lines as announcing as you can.

  • There is, actually, a lot of the story that you missed, Vermilion. If I may, Your Majesty?

  • Kestrel was part of the breeding program. When she did have an egg, it didn’t hatch normally; It hatched two dragonets. A female of too much fire, and a male with none.

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Cattail is Clays mother. But she isn't what Clay thought she would be, as instead of being motherly compassionate about her oldest son, she doesn't care and openly admits it. Basically, she's a jerk.

  • [Uninterested] Who are you and what do you want?

  • Oh, that egg. I didn’t lose it. [CLAYS Dialogue] I sold you to the Talons of Peace.

  • I didn’t even know your father. The tribe has breeding nights about once a month. Nothing more. Your father doesn’t care. [CLAYS Dialogue] Yes, you’re correct. I’m sorry, but we don’t have room in our troop for strangers who claim to come from my clutch of eggs.

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Reed is the oldest of Clays siblings, still not older then him. He is the big brother of the group and, much like Clay, is very protective and compassionate over is family.

  • Who are you? We heard you talking about Cattails blood egg.

  • Did you hatch from Cattails blood egg? Are you our missing sib? [Dialogue] [Brotherly compassion] You’re our brother. You should’ve been with us the whole time.

  • A Bigwings is the firstborn dragonet in a clutch of eggs. Mudwing nests are very safe, you know? Usually, the dragonets hatch alone. The first dragonet hatched helps the other dragonets hatch by cracking open their eggs.

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Umber is the youngest of Clays real siblings. He should sound very young, between Kindergarten and Third Grade. Excitable and can sound squeaky in youth and size.

  • [Childlike Innocence] I’m Umber, just like the color!

  • [Childlike Excitement] I knew it! I told you guys he looked familiar! I knew it, I knew it, I knew it!

  • The Bigwings’ job is to protect the other sibs. There are some Bigwings who are really mean and bossy, like Swamp over there, but Reed is great! He feeds us, takes care of us, loves us, protects us- [Sad] Oh,sorry...

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: sweet_rosemary_tea

One of Clays siblings. Shy.

  • [Shyly] Hi, I’m Pheasant.

  • Yeah, look at the size of him! He’s huge!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Rookie actor

Hvitur was a dragon working to try and help fulfill the prophecy by stealing one of the eggs needed, but is caught and killed on his way to his destination by Princess Burn, along with the unhatched dragonet. He should sound young, almost teen.

  • {Panicky} Don’t touch that!!  Yes, I’m one of them! I’m a Talon. So what? All we want is peace. The only way is to follow the prophecy. The prophecy says that five dragonets will end the war. The prophecy says-

  • {Fearful, desperate} You wouldn’t! That’s an egg, you wouldn't hurt an egg-!

  • {Crying softly, almost inaudible} You’re a monster. In ten years, your reign will end; You will die, and peace will return to Pyrrhia.

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A minor character. Horizon was a prisoner in Queen Scarlet's Arena. He was a subject to Perils Firescales, being used to introduce her power to the audience. Not an important role, but must be cast nonetheless.

  • {screams in pain}

  • {panting}

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Marsh is one of Clays siblings. Extrovert.

  • Marsh, how do you do?

  • Not only is he our brother. He should’ve been our Bigwings!

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Fjord is Clays first opponent in Scarlet's Arena. Fjord should have one, but is killed by a mysterious acid that everyone believes came from Clay, but really didn't. A minor role but important character in his brief appearance.

  • {Confused} What on earth are you doing?

  • Are you trying to get us both killed? Shut up and stay still.

  • {Frustrated} What is wrong with you! Why don’t you fight with Mudwing Tactics! I was trained in Mudwing Tactics!

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Nightmare Dragon

This character has a fairly brief appearance, coming only in one of Clays Nightmares. He is a horrifying being, and should sound like it too.

  • [Demonic] So pathetic, useless. You can’t even read minds!

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Prince Vermilion has a fairly brief appearance, but is important for the plot progression. He should sound young and authoritative.

  • [Announcing] It is a quite simple but unforgivable action. You gave Kestrel an order, she disobeyed and fled the kingdom to escape her execution.

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Gill was one of the prisoners in Scarlet's Arena. After refusing to fight, the queen punished him, taking away nearly all his water and diving him insane. Gill isn't even a dragon anymore, but is important nonetheless.

  • [Snarling, Growling]

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Mudwing Instructor

This character is a minor character with some important information. He is the last thing between Clay and his mother, giving the dragonets the information they need to reunite the two. He should should sound about 40 yrs old.

  • Keep practicing. This will be quick. -- Look, I’m sorry, you two. Even if you’ve lost your troop, we don’t take unsibs.

  • Oh, you must be talking about Asha’s sister, Cattail. Yeah, Cattail had a blood red egg about five, six years back. But I can assure you, it was not stolen.

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cast offsite

  • {Introducing}[Dull] Sora.

  • You were supposed to be our Bigwings. Now you’re here. You can protect us, right?


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