Tropical Tidal Waves
Project Overview
GoAnimate becomes horror, as yandere thoughts corrupt every citizen of GoAnimate City. The Yandere Virus has risen from the depths of a dark lab. Its plan. To infect the citizens of GoAnimate City and turn them into Yanderes, making all of yandere civilization last forever. When the paradise alarm starts ringing. The Tropical Bar knows he needs one team of paradise beverages that can rise to this challenge. Time to call in the drinks of the tropical paradise. The Fruity Margaritas and the Margarita Crusaders. Join these walking talking drinks as they travel to GoAnimate City to cure the world from the sick and twisted Yandere Virus. Will this tropical paradise drink team prevail over the darkness of obsession and corruption? Find out in Tropical Tidal Waves. Get ready to feel the tropical vibes.
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Fresh, delightful, and feisty.
- White Woman
- english (british)
- female adult
Attention, Fruity Margaritas! This is an all call! GoAnimate City is under siege, and the Yandere Virus is infecting every citizen in its path! Rally up! It's time to save GoAnimate City!
Time to join in, my fellow tropical fruity beverages!
Man. I haven't trained for this my whole life. It looks like it's just us. I knew this day would come.
A tropical drink with a sweet tooth for justice.
- female young adult
- english (british)
- White Woman
Hey! Watch the strawberry! I'm a Fruity Margarita! Not a pawn in your game!
I'm brewing up Strawberry Bombs! And it's always a sweet BATCH!!
I know. I'm a little crazy but at least you can count on me. (Giggles)
He's brewing up a Strom of justice with precision and power.
- english (british)
- White Man
- male adult
Something wicked just spurred here... Everyone! Run! RUN!!!
Hope you're not gonna find out what happens next!
She's got moves sweeter than french dessert, and hits harder than a rock.
- female adult
- Black Woman
- English (French)
Bonjour, my... (Cold) enemies...
I'm literally going to BREAK YOUR SKULLS!! (Clinched teeth) Hopefully you'll understand!!
(Gasps) MOON BOMBS??? WHERE??? COME OUT AND FACE ME!!! (Pauses) Oh wait. It's you. (Laughs) Sorry if I scared you.
His apple punch is harder than stone.
- White Man
- male adult
- English (Western)
Yeehaw! Let's go, soldiers!
I'm kinda concerned. Are you okay, ma'am?
Hey! They're getting pushed out quite a bit! I don't think they can hold us off!
One bite of her watermelon blaster will send you flying to the sun.
- English (Jersey)
- female adult
- baby
- White Woman
Girl! Don't you talk creepy Infront of your family! Don't you- And you did it. Great, NOW YOU'RE INFECTED!!!
I'm empathetic. Am I not, darlings? (Giggles) (Cold, talking fast) By the way you're not funny!
Whisking away danger with melon waters.
- female adult
- Black Woman
Go on, dear. (Cold, angry) I. Won't. Miss...
Try communicating with people who are just like you! Then you would understand!
She's packing a tropical punch.
- female adult
- English (German)
- White Woman
I calculated exactly what we needed to do to stop you. In order to cure you from eliminated power, and free you from a virus that is going to kill you... I'M GOING TO TIE YOU UP, LIMB BY LIMB, AND CURE YOU AND YOUR FRIENDS ONE PERSON AT A TIME!
Hey! Woman! How dare you not think about feeling sorry for your family! You'll pay for this!
His keen intellect is better than madness.
- male young adult
- english (british)
- White Man
One bite of her power, and we'll never reach the tropical gates.
I see... So you want to go against us? Very well then. Let's see what you can do!
Words of power! Incantations of tidal crystals and tropical fruity vibrants! MAY THE BERRY BE MY SHIELD AND THE LEAF BE MY SWORD!
Her moves are beautiful, and her Mexican tropical kicks are savage.
- English (Spanish)
- female adult
- White Woman
Hola, Amiga. Remember the hanky panky? The birds and the bees? Well guess what, I'M NOT WASTING MY BREATH!
Bienvenida... To your defeat. (Chuckles) I guess the tables have turned, right, Amigo?
Oops! Miss me! Try to get me! Right here! (Fighting noises) Spanish Cocktail Splinter! (Laughs)
Demure and classy on the inside, savage on the outside.
- Black Woman
- english (british)
- female adult
Well well well... Look what we've got here... The male stalker saving the female stalker? (Laugh) Why am I not surprised?
(British laugh) Oh please! Show me what you've got!
Spare me your burning hatred for people you don't know! You kidnapped your girlfriend and turned her into a psychopath like you with the help of the virus that started this mess!
Her sweet mango fist is topped with tidal fire.
- Black Woman
- English (African)
- female adult
(Gasps) Yanderes! How dare you some into the door! Go away before I blast you with mango water!
A Fruity Margarita! Now go away right this instant, Mr and Mrs what's their names, before I turn you two into a tropical stew and sizzle you to my liking!
(Gasps) The Morrison Family has given themselves to the virus of evil! I cancel every spirit of obsession in this universe!
She's brewing up potions topped with tropical bursts and oceanic explosions.
- White Woman
- female young adult
- english
My biggest one yet! Snow brew! Hiiiiiii-yaaaaa!
Does it REALLY corrupt every sweet treat the world has ever known, or are you just brainrot?
I- I- I- WHAT??? UGH!! You know what?? I need to call back up!
He's sweet on top, and fierce below.
- male adult
- Black Man
- english (british)
Oy! Blabber mouth! Can you shut up???
Okay! First your parents got infected and then you lock yourself in a survival bunker, and now here you are, screaming in the middle of the night!
I think you need to let it go, mate.
Cool, collected, and ready to pop a top.
- English (Russian)
- White Woman
- female teen
I'm always ready for a challenge! Am I right or am I wrong?
It's not okay to cry...? Ay! Cut the crack already! Of course it's okay to cry!
I'm alright.... (Cough) I'm a margarita. I know to take care of myself.
Sharp, sleek, and sassy.
- female adult
- english
- Black Woman
I know you didn't just go there! Uh-uh! No you did not!
I ain't gon' tell you again! Pull. The. Rope!!
Hey! Where do you butt think you're going, girl! Don't y'all think I'm done with you sour sand witch looking rear! Nnn-nnn!
One sip of her fruity fury will knock you out.
- female adult
- English (Chinese)
- White Woman
Have a taste of true discipline, you six-month sinner looking abomination!
Guess I have to teach you a lesson! You're grounded! (Fighting noises)
Art and music, coming at ya! Hahaha! Take THIS!!
She'll slice enemies up and turn them into sour patch bits.
- female young adult
- English (Jersey)
- White Woman
Oh! Guys! I'm just here for the odd terms! I've never thought about the virus tricking all of us into releasing the infected so THEY can get the power orb!
Let's not forget that the greatest power comes from working together!
I get it. I get it. Don't get too cocky.
Her honor and loyalty flow like the cherry blossoms of Japan.
- female adult
- White Woman
- English (Russian)
Here it is! A Hover-Bomb! On the left side, there's marshmallow! From the mallow marshes of Peru. On the middle, it's caramel, and it's salted! Like the bittersweet tears of a russian clown! And finally, on the right side, there's cherry! Cherry-picked from the cherry pickers in the imperial gardens of Japan! You don't stand a CHANCE!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAA!!
You must've really gotten onto my friend's skin. Normally, she's not close to rage and anger.
We're here to save the world from the evil virus!
Keeping the group in order with prejudice.
- female adult
- English (Scottish)
- Black Woman
Hold it right there, lad and lass. I'm a margarita.
So? So??? There's no way I'm turning down a battle!
Time for a popiscle bomb to a yandere's face! Have this, laddie and lassie!
Making Christmas eve more better than ever.
- female adult
- english (british)
- White Woman
Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas! Oh wait. It's not Christmas. (Nervous laughter)
Oh. Really? Well, it's to deck the halls of DEFEAT!
Hahahahaha! I guess you're just as holly jolly as ever!
Spreading protection with the power of hallow's eve.
- female adult
- english (british)
Hahahahaha! Trick or treat, or DIE!
Hours. Minutes. Seconds. And then NONE. Yet here I am. No blood. No violence. All tricks and treats. And here YOU are. All covered in the blood of your victims. (Scoffs) Pathetic.
I don't care if it's run out. I'm gonna give you a Halloween fright! Hahahahahaaaaaaaaa!
Giving thanks and saying grace.
- female adult
- White Woman
- english (british)
Have another one? Fine. You win. (Pout)
Alright, ma'am! Not if you wanna join your siblings first! GoAnimate City is about to have another thanksgiving battle with yours truly!
I said grace before and I'll do it again! Even when it's not thanksgiving!
Spreading love everywhere.
- female young adult
- english (british)
- White Woman
Love is in the air! But... So is the smoke...
I maybe a holiday margarita, but I never break any heart.
Let's go! Holiday time! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
Making Easter the finest holiday it's ever been.
- Black Woman
- female adult
- English (Indian)
It's Easter time, sir! Get ready for the fight of your life!
Looks like monkey's gf just got a a whole lot savage.
Alright, girls and boys! Here's we go!
Pinching people who are obsessive and not lucky.
- female adult
- Black Woman
- English (Scottish)
Hey, lads and lasses! Don't think you can go onto battle without me!
Hey! What do ya think of THIS???
Am I the only one who sees how dangerous this apocalypse gets?
She's bringing forth the new year's eve celebration.
- english
- female adult
- White Woman
How about some new year's eve fireworks, scumbags!!
Love and celebration intertwine with each other amongst the sun and moon. And you're not one of them!
Do you have hair in your ears?? Or maybe you just weren't listening...
His strike is red, white, and blue.
- male adult
- english
- White Man
The economy is thriving! I've got red white and blue rocket launchers!
Sadly, we're out of TIME!! Somebody wasted all of it flirting and making bad jokes. Your closing thoughts.
Soldiers! Don't retreat! Don't surrender!
Strong, independent, and beautiful.
- female adult
- Black Woman
- english (british)
Behold. A quantum suburb bathed in the golden light of friendship and romance. Come and see.
I can see your future. Yes. A future, where Friday Night Funkin characters you know and love turn into butterflies. The year is 2024. With a quaint Funkin midnight bathed in the silver light of the moon.
And so... Begins of the backdrop of terror!
Healing people's scars, and saving lives.
- White Man
- English (French)
- male adult
Where tropical wishes and beach dreams once triumphed, now obsession and malice reign.
No! You're mad! I will not give up my will to you!
Lightning fast, am I? (Chuckles) Well, let's GO!!
A Spanish beverage dancer with moves sweet as rose perfume.
- English (Spanish)
- female adult
- White Woman
Hola, boy and girl. Ready for the fight of your lives? (Laughs)
Pish posh, people! Everything will be okay.
GAH! (Growls) Why you... You'll pay for this!! Margarita tropical kick!
Her grace and poise bloom like the flowers.
- female adult
- White Woman
- english (british)
Get me something to stop that freak will you??
Hello, dears! I see you've got yourselves in a bit of a pickle
A one. And a two. A one two three four! Let's fight!
A sunny side up tropical beverage with definitional balance and joy.
- White Woman
- english (british)
- female young adult
Woah! Woah! Let's not jump into conclusions! It could just be a joke!
Behold! This will revolutionize the future of tropical paradises everywhere!
Awww, come on! Lighten up, pal!
Painting the world with the colours of fall.
- english (british)
- female adult
- Black Woman
Observe! The super tropical paradise geno reactor! Nothing can stop us now! (Magical laugh)
I think this place needs some good old cleaning. With a little bit of sugar, spice, and everything nice.
This time. Nothing can stop me.
Cool and icy, and ready to spread the ice and snow.
- english (british)
- female adult
- White Woman
Winter as it is, was ruined. Once. But now. Times change.
This will revolutionize the world for sure!
Your heart is as cold as the dark icy caves! I will not let anything or anyone get destroyed by the likes of you! So get ready for the fight of your life!
Grape, purple, and sweet on top.
- Black Woman
- female adult
- English (Russian)
I'd buy you some time. But... That's cute short too soon. Far too soon if you ask me.
What is wrong with you?? Can't you see that we almost got killed?!
You said that no one will ever hit you in that ugly mug of yours? Well, too bad!
Blue, cool, and calculated.
- female teen
- White Woman
- English (French)
Very well then. Let's see what we're going with.
The beginning of a new area??? What does that mean??
Who knows? When we're done saving the world, nothing will ever go downhill again!
Topped with colorful flavours of joy and love.
- female young adult
- White Woman
- english
Didn't even start to blink when you infected your sister?! You hippe?! Do you not value hope at all???
I have lots a rainbow bombs! Kaboom!!
Are you sure? According to this thing right here, the infected could be anywhere, in the vents, or left, or right, or even the middle, and that's why they're searching for us.
Cherry, bubbly, and always sane.
- english
- female teen
- White Woman
Hey!! How's it going, girlfriend?! Hmmm? Kay.
Oh nothing... Just a little bit of THIS!!
Charged with foam fury.
- female adult
- White Woman
- english (british)
Hey! Watch the foam! Don't want it to burn along your hair, do we, darling?
Don't do the same thing to anybody first, you witch! I already know what you did!
(Gasps) Sir! Madame! Are you two okay???
A cheerful and wonderful bundle of lemon liquid.
- Whitw Woman
- english
- female young adult
I'm sour against dark spirits and cold energy.
So there's absolutely no way the infected would go near us???
Channeling lime liquid and tropical beauty.
- White Woman
- female adult
- english (british)
Embracing powerful happiness all around the world! (Laugh)
I'm here for you, sis! That's what sisters do!
Our bravery is just more stronger than ever! That's all! Hahahahahahahaaa!
With her charming demurity merged with cola fury, she's serving up flare.
- Black Woman
- female adult
- english (british)
If any of you are out there, we need the GoAnimate Survival Squad!
Great! Now they've fallen to the virus! We're doomed! Ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunnnnn!!!
I'm sorry... But... If you don't understand then... I'll have to teach you a lesson!
Ready to brew up a Strom of justice and bravery.
- english (british)
- male adult
- Black Man
It's time... For the showdown to begin...
Not so enigmatic as you once were, huh? Alright! Bring it on!
I'd like to see what you've got! Once you're through, you won't have any people left to infect!
A bar with a knack for supporting his margarita friends.
- male adult
- Black Man
- english (british)
Heheh! You're all so silly! What would I be without you?
Yandere Virus spreading! All margaritas! Save GoAnimate City! Now!
The enemy is strong... But not strong enough.
A beautiful tree that stands in the sand.
- Black Woman
- english (british)
- female adult
Awwww, you all are just so cute!
Margaritas! Something bad is happening!
We need you to get there to save the city from the virus, or else GoAnimate itself might disappear! Forever!
Breaking dark seals like shells.
- male adult
- White Man
- english
I have a mind as sharp as coconut shells! So don't mind me! Hahahahahaha!
Let's see what the situation might be!
Oh god... No... It's... It's the Yandere Virus! And it's spreading across the city!