General details:
Scarlet and the Extracelestials is an animated web series that combines 2d and 3d animation. The series centers around the magical girl Scarlet and her older brother Viridian as they fight against the evil witch of the lost colony known as Earth.
All role applicants must be at least 14 years of age. If the project does well it may become long-term. All roles will be credited.
You can submit auditions and discuss with us in our Discord server! Here's the link, you can copy and paste it into your browser.
The series will debut on YouTube on the channel Indigo Morpho Productions.
Plot summary:Siblings Stella and Aster of the Infrared Kingdom get sent to Earth on a mission to recover a missing piece of the Scarlet Stones, a pair of magical artifacts passed down to Stella. When using their earrings, they can transform into the superheroes Scarlet and Viridian. With the help of their human friends Matt and Beulah, and their robotic companion Larity, the two siblings hope to defeat the evil magician Miss Fortune and the emperor String Master and recover the missing piece of the Scarlet stones before the Ultraviolet Empire can find them.
Contact InfoVoice actors:
All voice actors should send me their voice line auditions either through this website or through Discord (@Kristaphen). We'll have back-and-forth conversation about the role. I'll let you know if you've been accepted in the next few months. ALL voice files will be sent unedited, besides noise reduction if necessary. They will also be sent in the WAV file type.
Other project roles:Refer to the voice actor section for my contact info. Talk to me about how much time you can spend on the project. Artists should be able to draw in Scarlet's art style. 3D artists will be provided blender files for reference.