A.D.K. Egall
mid-20s • voice ăçțøř • 🌍🇺🇸
adkreallydk @ gmail.com
Welcome to my humble CCC profile. I've been voice acting on and off since 2012. I've decided to get back into it once again and to start all over from scratch while I'm at it. It's been pretty exciting!
I record at home in a treated sound isolation booth with a Blue Baby Bottle condenser mic hooked up to an Audient ID4 MKII audio interface.
Specific authenticity considerations, like ethnicity and so forth, can be disclosed privately upon request, but rest assured that when it comes to authentic casting, I will never audition for a role that I do not feel qualified for.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: I do not wish to be involved in projects that use generative A.I. in any part of the production process whatsoever. Look elsewhere if this applies to you.
Designated 2016 California Arts Scholar.
Instructed in voice, improv, musical theater, and other theatrical disciplines.
I'm good with either unpaid or paid projects at this time. For discussions over pricing, I refer to the rate guides of the Voice Acting Club (VAC) and the Global Voice Acting Academy (GVAA) depending on the project. I'm very flexible and open to negotiations.
Original projects, though I can take on fan projects on a case-by-case basis. Please be upfront and honest with me about the nature of your project, ie., whether it's original vs. fan, workload, category/medium, self-direction vs. live-direction, etc.