Stellar Sentinels
Project Overview
Stellar Sentinels is a brand new, original animatic series from Celtic Phoenix Productions!
When a major idol concert is attacked by a horde of monsters, five unlikely and misfit civilians are swept into a secret war between humanity and villainous foes from another world. Donning powerful suits of armor, the five must navigate the difficulty of fending off these fiends while balancing their own tumultuous lives.
Inspired by popular tokusatsu series like Super Sentai, Kamen Rider, and Power Rangers, Stellar Sentinels looks to explore mature themes and ideas not typically present in its predecessors, all while keeping their adventurous spirit and pulse-pounding action!
Role Requirements
Quality audio in WAV format that is easy to clean.
A discord profile and reliable communication.
Must be 18 years of age or older.
Certain roles will end up exploring difficult subjects (including, but not limited to: workplace abuse, drug use, sexual assault, medical malpractice).
Some roles will require fluency in Japanese
Audition Notes
Each role pays $3 USD per line (takes included, 3 maximum unless otherwise specified)
While special arrangements can be made, making payments through PayPal is the most convenient.
Auditioning for more than one character is encouraged, but you will most likely only be cast for one.
Audition lines are to be read in ABCABC order.
Auditions that require singing, please link to demos and/or samples. If links cannot be provided, send demos and/or samples to the messages here on CCC.
Please direct any comments, questions, heartaches or concerns to the comments of the audition page.
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The Center of the Japanese idol group ChuChu♡Mochi Girls. A confident and energetic girl who always puts her all into performing, and often demonstrates a bold, assertive streak when behind the scenes. Of the group, she speaks English the second-most fluently.
This role is primarily in Japanese, but features occasionally speaking in broken English. The provided translations for each line are not to be read as part of the audition.
RATE: $3/Line* (including takes, maximum 3 unless otherwise specified).
*Note: Does not pay per hour, as listed in the 'Payment Rate' section of this audition.
SINGING RATE: $80 for one song, between 2-3 minutes in length.
- japanese
- female young adult
- Resolute
- Medium Register
- japanese singing
"はーいみんなー、今日も精いっぱい頑張ろう!" | [Translation: "Okay everyone, let's go out there and do our best!"]
"Hello Santa Rosalía! We are ChuChu♡Mochi Girls!" | [Translation: "ハローサンタ・ロザリア!ウィーアー「ちゅちゅもちガールズ」!"]
歌っているサンプル音源を添付してください(できればJpopの曲調)| Attach Singing Demo or Sample (preferred JPop)

The loveable goof of the Japanese idol group ChuChu♡Mochi Girls. A blissfully empty-headed girl, adored for her bubbly, kindly demeanor. She rarely, if ever, has a bad thing to say about anyone, save for the rare tease she has for her fellow idols. Of the group, she speaks English the least fluently.
This role is primarily in Japanese, but features occasionally speaking in broken English. The provided translations for each line are not to be read as part of the audition.
RATE: $3/Line* (including takes, maximum 3 unless otherwise specified).
*Note: Does not pay per hour, as listed in the 'Payment Rate' section of this audition.
SINGING RATE: $80 for one song, between 2-3 minutes in length.
*注:本オーディションの注意事項に記載されているように、時給ではなく、セリフごとの報酬となっています。- japanese
- female young adult
- Bubbly
- Higher Register
- japanese singing
"ねぇ、どこか寄って食べていかない?お腹すいたー…" | [Translation: "You think we can stop and get something to eat? I'm starving..."]
"America very fun!" | [Translation: "アメリカ ファン!"]
歌っているサンプル音源を添付してください(できればJpopの曲調)| Attach Singing Demo or Sample (preferred JPop)

The 'cool girl' member of the Japanese idol group ChuChu♡Mochi Girls. Suave and relaxed, she typically gets along with everyone and often serves as a necessary middle-man for disagreements between more heated members of the idol group. Of the group, she speaks English the most fluently.
This role is primarily in Japanese, but features occasionally speaking in broken English. The provided translations for each line are not to be read as part of the audition.
RATE: $3/Line* (including takes, maximum 3 unless otherwise specified).
*Note: Does not pay per hour, as listed in the 'Payment Rate' section of this audition.
SINGING RATE: $80 for one song, between 2-3 minutes in length.
- japanese
- female young adult
- casual
- Tomboy
- japanese singing
"落ち着いて、絶対なんとかなるって!今まで練習してきたでしょ?いけるって。" | [Translation: "Relax, I'm sure we'll do fine! We've been practicing, haven't we? We got this."]
"Very exciting! We have been here for a week and it is very fun!" | [Translation: "ベリーエクサイティング!ウィーハヴビンヒアフォーアウィークアンドイットイズベリーファン!"]
歌っているサンプル音源を添付してください(できればJpopの曲調)| Attach Singing Demo or Sample (preferred JPop)

The self-proclaimed prettiest member of the Japanese idol group ChuChu♡Mochi Girls. An overwhelmingly confident girl who takes great pride in her appearance and works hard to maintain it for herself and her fans alike. Of the group, she speaks English the third-most fluently.
This role is primarily in Japanese, but features occasionally speaking in broken English. The provided translations for each line are not to be read as part of the audition.
RATE: $3/Line* (including takes, maximum 3 unless otherwise specified).
*Note: Does not pay per hour, as listed in the 'Payment Rate' section of this audition.
SINGING RATE: $80 for one song, between 2-3 minutes in length.
*注:本オーディションの注意事項に記載されているように、時給ではなく、セリフごとの報酬となっています。- japanese
- female young adult
- Medium Register
- Haughty
- japanese singing
"もうステージがすごく素敵だったわぁ、プリンセス気分だった!" | [Translation: "Oh the stage was simply gorgeous, it's as if we're princesses!"]
"I am the most beautiful girl in every street!" | [Translation: アイアムザモーストビューティフルガールインエブリーストリート!]
歌っているサンプル音源を添付してください(できればJpopの曲調)| Attach Singing Demo or Sample (preferred JPop)

The begrudging 'tsundere' member of the Japanese idol group ChuChu♡Mochi Girls. A determined but anxious girl, she's worked hard to achieve the levels of success she has, but often grows frustrated in falling short of her larger goals, leading to a brusque personality that rubs many people the wrong way. Of the group, she speaks English the second-least fluently.
This role is primarily in Japanese, but features occasionally speaking in broken English. The provided translations for each line are not to be read as part of the audition.
RATE: $3/Line* (including takes, maximum 3 unless otherwise specified).
*Note: Does not pay per hour, as listed in the 'Payment Rate' section of this audition.
SINGING RATE: $80 for one song, between 2-3 minutes in length.
- japanese
- female young adult
- Brusque
- Lower Register
- japanese singing
"そんなの嘘だって知ってるでしょ。私2倍頑張るんだから。誰にも抜かされないから。" | [Translation: "That's not true and you know it. I'll have to work twice as hard. I'm not going to let anyone surpass me."]
"Y-yes! Very fun!" | [Translation: イ、イェス!ヴェリーファン!]
歌っているサンプル音源を添付してください(できればJpopの曲調)| Attach Singing Demo or Sample (preferred JPop)

The adorable mascot of the Japanese idol group ChuChu♡Mochi Girls. An overly expressive rodent who makes a variety of cute squeaks and chirps to hype up a crowd before a concert or for advertisement campaigns.
RATE: $3/Line* (including takes, maximum 3 unless otherwise specified).
*Note: Does not pay per hour, as listed in the 'Payment Rate' section of this audition.
- creature
- Hamtaro
Chu-chu chu-chu-chu!

A junior producer for Japanese idol group ChuChu♡Mochi Girls. A reserved, anxious girl who is in charge of coordinating the members of the idol group. She is the most fluent person in English in the company, making her a vital asset, but also saddling her with much more work than many of her similarly positioned colleagues, leading to quite a bit of frustration. Despite this, towards friends, both professional and personal, she tries to be encouraging and kind.
This role is bilingual in Japanese and English. The provided translations for each line are not to be read as part of the audition.
RATE: $3/Line* (including takes, maximum 3 unless otherwise specified).
*Note: Does not pay per hour, as listed in the 'Payment Rate' section of this audition.
- english
- japanese
- female young adult
- wry
- tired
- professional
"君ならできるよ、信じてるから!自分のことを信じたらうまくいくから!" | [Translation: "You've got this, I know you do! Believe in yourself and you'll pull it off!"]
"Are you alright? Let me get you something for that. I know it's not much, but I think it'll help."
"助けて!誰か助けて!彼女、血が出てて、と、止まらないんです!" | [Translation: "Help! Help, please! She's bleeding, it... it won't stop!"]

A senior producer of the Japanese idol group ChuChu♡Mochi Girls. A dry-witted and overbearing boss, his senior position allows him to behave in a casual way while demanding formality from his subordinates. Intelligent and calculating, he is admired for his sharp mind, but also derided by his subordinates for his callus treatment of them, especially the unlucky few who catch his attention for one reason or another.
This role is exclusively in Japanese. The provided translations for each line are not to be read as part of the audition.
RATE: $3/Line* (including takes, maximum 3 unless otherwise specified).
*Note: Does not pay per hour, as listed in the 'Payment Rate' section of this audition.
- japanese
- Male Middle-Aged
- Dry
- No-nonsense
"今日中にこのレポートを終わらせておけ。深夜まで時間がかかっても知らん、今日中だからな!" | [Translation: "I need the reports on my desk by the end of the day. I don't care if it takes you till midnight, I mean end of the day!"]
"確かにこのプロジェクトは大がかりなものだったが、僕とスタッフの皆さんのおかげで、いい結果を残せたことを誇りに思っている!" | [Translation: "Certainly this project was a major undertaking, but I and my staff were up to the task and I'm proud of the work we accomplished!"]
"信じられん、ひとつ問題が起こるだけで全部廃止させようとしあがって。日本では絶対にこんなことなかったぞ。" | [Translation: "Can't believe this, one thing goes wrong and they practically want to shut everything down. Never would have happened back in Japan."]

The 'youngest' of the Jette Quadruplets, Myriam is a soft-spoken and kind girl. Arguably the nerdiest of the four sisters, her quiet demeanor morphs into bouncy excitement when discussing her favorite media or favorite Japanese Idol Group.
RATE: $3/Line* (including takes, maximum 3 unless otherwise specified).
*Note: Does not pay per hour, as listed in the 'Payment Rate' section of this audition.
- english
- female young adult
- Excitable
- warm
- Laidback
"Well, wait, wouldn't it make sense to take the train instead? It'd be faster than driving."
"I mean, she has a point, but you have a point too. Hmmmm... I don't wanna choose!"
"Ooh, ooh! Look, they have key chains for all the girls! Oh! And themed plushies! Ahh, I only have enough for, like, two of them!"

The 'oldest' of the Jette Quadruplets, Viola is paradoxically the most relaxed and most uptight of the sisters. With a promising career in business, Viola is often one of the most efficient workers in her office, but off the clock, her mind is often lingering to what work she could be getting done at that very moment, making her come off as cold or brusque.
RATE: $3/Line* (including takes, maximum 3 unless otherwise specified).
*Note: Does not pay per hour, as listed in the 'Payment Rate' section of this audition.
- english
- female young adult
- Dry
- professional
- Dismissive
"Can you be quiet for a moment, I'm on an important call. And no, I can't reschedule."
"You? Being responsible? I've never heard of a disease that does that, but clearly you're sick."
"That was the last one! I need to get one of those or I'm sunk! What am I supposed to do now?!"

The 'second youngest' of the Jette Quadruplets, Monika has a playful spirit about her and is a born performer. With a specialty in dance and singing, she takes great pride in her abilities, but falls prey to her perfectionist mentality seeping out to those around her, often coming off as bossy, aggressive and rude if her boundaries are even scratched upon.
RATE: $3/Line* (including takes, maximum 3 unless otherwise specified).
*Note: Does not pay per hour, as listed in the 'Payment Rate' section of this audition.
Monika does not sing in episode 1, but will in future sections of the story. For any single future song, pay will be $80.
- english
- female young adult
- Mother Hen
- bossy
- direct
- vocals/singing
"Can you please just spend some time with your family for once? Everyone misses you."
"Naturally. I'll have you know I was a soloist for St. Elizabeth's Performing Arts School over in France!"
Attach Singing Demo or Sample

The 'second oldest' of the Jette Quadruplets, Céleste is a very successful college athlete who is entertaining the possibility of going pro after graduation. This leaves her schedule and mind focused heavily on achieving that goal. As a result, she's incredibly grateful to the people that give her advice for working through that burden, and for the scant but relaxing free time she gets with her sisters.
RATE: $3/Line* (including takes, maximum 3 unless otherwise specified).
*Note: Does not pay per hour, as listed in the 'Payment Rate' section of this audition.
- english
- female young adult
- appreciative
- Diplomatic
- Evasive
"Can it wait 5 minutes, I just need to finish this workout."
"I'm a big fan! Your leg stretch guide was a godsend!"
"What? No, it's too late to watch anything, I need to get to bed or I'll be late to class."

A grizzled, tired man who has witnessed the death of several friends at the hands of monsters. Alone in a secret war against them, he has become jaded, quick to dismiss 'frivolous things' if they fail to relate to his one-man crusade. This doesn't make him unreasonable, however, as he often has enough presence of mind to think through his approach to any given situation for the best results.
RATE: $3/Line* (including takes, maximum 3 unless otherwise specified).
*Note: Does not pay per hour, as listed in the 'Payment Rate' section of this audition.
- english
- male adult
- Jaded
- Merciless
- Bitingly Sarcastic
"Great, let me know when you become an expert on extradimensional phenomena, then maybe I'll take your opinion seriously."
"You don't understand, you're all in danger! We have to get everyone out of here now!"
"Be at this long enough and you stop carring about the little things. Gotta think big picture or shit'll hit the fan before you realize it."

A popular fitness influencer who, along with several other influencers, worked closely with the ChuChu♡Mochi Girls as part of a major advertising campaign. He is typically very chipper, often trying to find the best in any given situation or some form of encouragement for those around him, and barring that is good at grinning and bearing tough circumstances. The few times this positive attitude drops, he goes cold and curt, powering through the pain as quickly as possible.
RATE: $3/Line* (including takes, maximum 3 unless otherwise specified).
*Note: Does not pay per hour, as listed in the 'Payment Rate' section of this audition.
- english
- male young adult
- warm
- Sensitive
- supportive
"A lot of videos online make stretches out to be the be-all-end-all of an exercise, but is that really the case? Well, it depends."
"You okay? Here, let me help you up, that looked like a nasty spill."
"Don't. Just don't. Drop it."

An unscrupulous lawyer and burgeoning entertainment agent with eyes on expanding his reach in the industry. He's currently the working agent and attorney for Aodhán Caird, as well as one of the people who arranged for Aodhán collaboration with the ChuChu♡Mochi Girls.
RATE: $3/Line* (including takes, maximum 3 unless otherwise specified).
*Note: Does not pay per hour, as listed in the 'Payment Rate' section of this audition.
- english
- American (New York/Boston/Northeast Coast)
- male adult
- Steve Buscemi
"Take a step back. No, wait, too far back, come a little forwa-, no no, too close again. Yeah, no, I want you at a distance where I can hear you but I can't smell your breath."
"You wanna stand here and die? Feel free! I, however, am not! So you enjoy the pearly gates!"
"Your Honor, if I may. Pursuant to California Industrial Code 713, my client was in his full right to reappropraite the materials."

A creature of mysterious origin, reminiscent of the minotaur of myth and legend. His deep, guttural voice gives commands to the many kobolds that accompany him.
The character in this role may or may not speak in discernable speech, but the auditions will use clear English for uniformity.
RATE: $3/Line* (including takes, maximum 3 unless otherwise specified).
*Note: Does not pay per hour, as listed in the 'Payment Rate' section of this audition.
- english
- monster
- Commanding
- Violent
- screaming
"Take them, do as you please, claim the trophies you will!"
"Puny creature, your flesh yields!"
Roaring Sample

Weaselly, cowardly monsters that rule by numbers and force. Their chatter is often illegible, speaking in high-pitched chirps and chittering.
The characters in this role may or may not speak in discernable speech, but the auditions will use clear English for uniformity.
RATE: $3/Line* (including takes, maximum 3 unless otherwise specified).
*Note: Does not pay per hour, as listed in the 'Payment Rate' section of this audition.
- english
- gremlin
- Chittering
- Craggly
- screaming
"Food! Where? Here? Smell, smells good! Give, take!"
"Yes, yes, very kind! Obey, obey! No master but master!"
"Humans! Kill, rip! Die, die, die!" [Manic Laughter]
Public Submissions